
World Destroyer

The other two were equally weird. 

One looked like a crossbreed between a mantis and a human, with spiky green hair and circular, bug-like green eyes. 

Craziest of all, his arms were a pair of grim scythes that curved inward, and even rivaled Liam's Black Blade in terms of sharpness! 

That alone made the mantis quite dangerous. 

Then, Liam scanned the last one of the three. 

This was the strongest one of them all.

And it was…

A glob!

A literal glob of translucent, viscous black-red slime with a single eyeball in the center of its 'face'. 

And yet, Liam still felt a strange, mysterious feeling around the thing.

Its eyeball flicked left and right, swimming through its liquidy mass to scan other participants. 

'It could be a pill or inscription to keep their real identity hidden,' Liam realized.

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