
Minor Threat

The Sanguine Strings didn't go through the spider's chitin.

It wasn't even a particularly hardened section of its body, either. 

But Liam had expected as much. 

He wanted to see how rigid and powerful the spider's armor really was.

And now he had his answer.

But that wasn't the terrifying part.

Just as Liam used Shadow Blink once more, the Red Fang's entire body creaked towards that direction… before he actually teleported there!

It was the equivalent of someone guessing what you were going to say, before you thought of saying it.

The spider could use its spider-sense to find out where Liam's shadows were heading. 

And its reaction time was unnaturally fast. 

Liam felt the hairs on his skin rise.

Challenging a Rank 5 creature was… a little cocky of him.

It was clear who the predator and the prey was.

There was no more ambiguity left.

But Liam didn't relent. 

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