
Do You Like Knowing?  

An unexpected and very unwelcome knock came at my bedroom door just as I was about to get myself out of bed.


It had been a week… I kid you not… an entire week in bed with all the guys, and I think I might have gotten seven hours of sleep total. And when they were done, and I was so satisfied that my entire body was nothing more than a puddle in the middle of the mattress, they decided it was time to get back to work.


Don't get me wrong, I was and still am very grateful for that. Otherwise, I don't think I would ever be able to move. Every one of my muscles was screaming at me when I tried to so much as breathe, and I wouldn't be too shocked if my back ended up being broken.


Fuck I needed to do that again…


And sign up for yoga.


I'll do the yoga first before I try that again. Maybe some added flexibility wouldn't hurt.


I must have been talking out loud because the next thing I knew, Stephanie was in my room, laughing at me. "Before you do the yoga, try adding soundproofing insulation to your castle," she said, unable to hold back her laughter. "And I do mean all rooms of this place, not just your bedroom."


My brain must have been still turned off because all I could do was look at her blankly as I tried to figure out what she was saying. I couldn't have been that loud… right?!?


"I gave you the weekend off," I muttered, clearly remembering that exact conversation.


"You did," she agreed with a nod, her clipboard, tablet, pen gripped firmly in her hand. "Which means that when Monday came around, I assumed that I was no longer off."


Clearing her throat, I was shocked as a light blush settled on her cheeks. "When I first entered, I was… concerned… about the sounds you were making, so I decided to come upstairs to make sure everything was fine. Then—" she cleared her throat again. "When I arrived at your door and knocked… Sasha came out… without his shirt on. I really didn't need to see that."


 I let out a low growl, unable to hold back the sound as we both looked at each other wide-eyed. "Yeah, I apparently don't want you seeing that either. Let's pretend that the last week hasn't happened, and I'll get your recommendations on some renovators."


"They arrive next Monday," Stephanie announced, knowing me better than I ever wanted her to now. "Please…"


Holding up my hand, I waved her away. "I need to find a studio first."


"I have a list of them, all within 30 minutes of the house," she assured me, turning her tablet around to show me the list of yoga studios.


Letting out a low chuckle, I dismissed her. I needed a shower, and to forget that whole conversation even happened.




"It has been suggested that we don't advertise veterinary services within the hospital," continued Stephanie as she looked down at her notes. We had moved the conversation into my office, where I was not only dressed more appropriately for this discussion, but I didn't have to look Stephanie in the face.


"That makes sense," I grunted. "If we are also expecting humans to use it once in a while, it might look weird that you can get your animal checked over at the same time as yourself."


Stephanie hummed as she made a note on her tablet before making another note on her clipboard. "Not to mention all the health violations that we would be subjected to. As a 'human' hospital, we will still have to go through the same State Health inspections as any other place."


"Do we have someone in that department that we can use?" I asked, cocking my head to the side. There were some things that monsters were a lot more lenient over than humans…like more than just service animals walking through the halls.


"There are two already in the State Health Department," murmured Stephanie, her fingers dancing over the tablet as she brought up the information. "But I don't think we can trust them enough to use."


"Really?" While my first reaction was surprise, the more I thought about it, the less surprised I was. "Let me guess… vampires?"


"Yeah. They have been known to take blood as payment for overlooking things. They won't be employed for long."


Letting out a long sigh, I rubbed my forehead. "Okay, we'll worry about that later. The hospital won't be ready to open for another year, at least. Let's not borrow troubles so soon."


"Perfect. Now, onto the next order of business. Did you want to discuss Gypsies using humans and demons for their own gain, demons now out in the world, Jack 2.0, or the paperwork to have your mates legally transferred to your house?" asked Stephanie, a smile on her face.


"Angels," I sighed, closing my eyes. "I need you to look into the angels and figure out what they are doing. They seem to be the ones circling us, waiting for a time to attack."


"Angels?" asked Stephanie. I opened my eyes to see her staring down at me like I was crazy. A normal look for her, but still… "You know that angels are nothing more than a myth, right?"


"You know that 90% of the people who enter this house are nothing more than a myth, right?" interrupted Viktor as he strolled into my office. "Just because the majority of people don't believe in them doesn't mean that they don't exist. It just means that they have a really good PR team."


Stephanie blinked at me a few times before excusing herself. Scurrying out of the room, she quickly closed the door behind her.


Staring at my mate in front of me, I couldn't help but see the teeth marks I had made on his neck. My bonding mark wasn't any fancy design like what I had decorating me; it was simply my teeth, a mark forever scared into their skins.


And with Viktor, I had made them so high up that even his shirt's collar couldn't cover it.


"Such a smug little pui mic," purred Viktor when he saw where I was looking. "Do you like knowing that I belong to you?"


"What can I say?" I mused, leaning forward so that my upper body was practically resting on my desk. "More than I like knowing that you belong to me, I like everyone else knowing it, too. Now, there will be no questions as to whether the great Viktor Van Helsing, The Head of House Van Helsing, C.E.O Viktor Singer of Knights Securities to the humans, is taken."


"Ah, pui mic," smiled Viktor. "I was yours the moment you walked into my office all those months ago."

Confessions of an Author....(Me)

So, yesterday's chapter was a bit shorter... (by like 30 words).. oops.

Today's chapter will more than make up for that.

Today I read one of the best books that I have ever read since the first time I read Pretty Little Monsters or Mindfuck. Which is why this chapter is more than a few hours behind schedule since I couldn't put it down.

It was called Beneficial Misfortune by Sara Hind (Modern, CEO, RH, No MM) It literally had me hooked since the dedication, I kid you not. (In Kindle)

Anyway, sorry for the late release! Enjoy!!



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