

Myrna sat in her usual space at camp—next to Niko. But unlike the norm, when his presence could give her strength even when his mind was worlds away, Myrna felt terribly alone.

Alone, weak, and worthless. The doubts that she thought to have buried ages ago raised their ugly heads once more.

It was a surprise to see Cael moving from his silent conversation with Ginevra and approaching her.

"Don't listen to Astnar, Myrna," Cael said with an encouraging smile. His next words were carried by magic, audible only to Myrna herself. "Astnar is an ass and doesn't know what he's talking about. You will do great, I'm sure. I shared my power with you, after all! It simply can't fail."

Myrna smiled back, although she couldn't help the tenseness in her expression. She agreed with the first part of Cael's words, at least.

"Thank you, Cael," she said earnestly. "For your faith in me. I won't fail you, I swear!"

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