
Culling, part 2

In moments, the only thing left from the massive golden dragon was a puddle of drying blood on the ground.

The Void felt less hungry, but not less hungry.

He turned to the people present and sneered.

"There are only a few of you here who have earned even a modicum of my trust. The rest will have to do it now! First, for the troubles you brought me, surrender your treasuries. Vizier Safwaan al-Maroun will be responsible for gathering them."

A golden-skinned ejderha man stood up straighter, then gave the Void a deep bow. "Yes, Your Royal Majesty!"

The captured dragons and ejderha didn't dare to raise their eyes. With reluctance, they gave their agreements one after another.

Except for one red dragon, smaller than the others but twice as fiery in temper. She struggled against her bindings.

"Our treasuries? Never! You ask for too much! What, do you think you can bully us just because you are stronger? We will never take this!"

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