
The Door Memories    

Through the rain, you could hear them… through the thunder, their steps overtook… while the song they sang… Was carried by the winds into our ears… like gentle whispers… whispers that welcome the living to see their dead relatives again! It was a happy song… except for one! 


{Aw! Wah!} screamed Lanthios, while in his mind cursing whoever was playing that awful music! 


But while his screams woke Cynthia from her slumber, Abercrombie reached into his pocket and removed a jar filled with human eyes! However, as he carefully removed its lid, a whiff of dark magic escaped the jar in the shape of a little skull! And while painfully placing a new pair of fresh eyes into his burning sockets. The blood oozed in between the crevices, but during the process, Abercrombie suddenly screamed again! While tearing out his newfound eyes! And while those eyeballs rolled onto the wooden floor turning it into dust! He then vomits out a mouth of blood! And with it, bathing another pair of eyes! And while they bathed in his blood, he chanted his dark magic! 


As the eyes glowed a purple hue, the man cursed the light with every fiber of his being, when he abruptly heard the song of the dead creep in through his window! 


[who couldn't wait…could you master! I just got started!] said Abercrombie exhausted 


Meanwhile, back to the Nightwatch 


[Madum Ebonlocke! The undead is coming! And with them, all their horrors and in number uncountable! Commander Dodds demands we set up our defenses!] yelled Cutford 


[Cutford! Though I thank you for the update…we have another problem we need to short out first! Before we can even think about setting up any meaningful defense!] replied Althea Ebonlocke 


[Mam! What do you need me to do!] replied Cutford 


[We need to get the people under control! That ugly song has caused a lot of the citizens to go crazy! They are screaming that they could see the ghosts of their past relatives!] replied Ebonlocke 


30 minutes later 


As alarms rang and the people of the town ran back and forth to set up their walls, Cynthia stared from her window view while trying to placate the baby. But while she only saw a sea of zombies heading their way worry, Abercrombie saw his worst nightmare come true! For in that sea of zombies that were chasing the man named Dodds, he noticed his wife, Eliza! And knew he needed to act quickly! 


But while he saw his wife, lady Sarah Ladimore saw her father! And to her horror, he was dressed in golden-plated armor that he wore in his final moments… with a sword blessed by shadow! 


[Is that really you father… is that really you Mor'ladim!] screamed Sarah as she looked in that horde of dead. 


As Lord Ello Ebonlocke gazed at that golden armor, memories of a life past came to his mind, of a man who bravery fought in many wars! A man who was there to watch the death of Uther the Lightbringer! And the fall of the great nation of Lordaeron, to the plague of undeath! Then to come home… to the sight of tombstones that he believed contained the bodies of his family. 


A man lost in grief... Who believed he had lost everything… lost himself to madness! And with madness came the slaughter of the innocent! Which is the greatest act of betrayal to the light! To his creed of the silver hand that now disbanded into nothing! It was at that moment, that the man named Mor'ladim truly felt he was stripped of everything! 


And while those emotions reached a point, the man stared at the beloved sword that had been with him for as long as he could remember! Its simmer light shined like a mirror, reflecting the light within the man. And as he stared at the blood tips, the oozing of blood that now stained its flawless metal, the man questioned to himself the point in living… for he no longer had a nation to fight for… a family to protect… or a creed unblemished! And while he kneeled there in the rain and dark, alone surrounded by bodies, in front of the tombstones of his family, the man pointed his sword at himself! 


But all that was in the past, now the once great man, is nothing more than a monster! A man who more than anyone, deserved his right to a peaceful rest. And as those thoughts ran through his mind, Ello turned to look at Sarah! The last living descendent of the great Ladimore bloodline… For she is the daughter that escaped death! A daughter whom the man known as Mor'ladim thought dead. 


As she locked eyes with her father behind that barricade with her fellow Nightwatchers, a scream could be heard coming from the other end of the small town! When they all turned to see what the cause was, they were met with a man with a sword through his gut! Carried on the hilt of an unknown soldier! 


An undead who is taller than the rest of the ghouls that followed after its lead! While it adorns itself in thick silver plate across its bony exterior, with a sword so long it could skew horses! Seeing the undead break in through the back, while the front will fall the second that horde so much as touches it, Dodds made the only choice he could… He left the front to his leader while he bravely chose to hold the unknown soldier in the back! 


As steel met with bone, as did flesh peeled away from moving dead, A man sat in his throne of bones, while laughing as he watched through an orb cursed with dark magic. The innocents get pulled out from their shattered windows or their broken doors. All while a bloody fountain pours out its fresh water. The few cattle that hide huddled in their barns as flesh-starved ghouls ate at them. While granaries sat there in polluted fresh waters! 


As the watchers dwindled, they could hear their livestock screams as they were ripped apart, all while they stood fighting in a ground filled with broken granaries! As Lanthios watched a scene of horror comparable to zombie moves he once knew, he thought and prayed to a god of light, for help as a mindless zombie burst through their room door! 


As the zombie charged, Cynthia scuffed in her tired flesh. And with the 'ez' of killing a goblin, she quickly dispatched the undead with a knife to the head! Seeing the undead before his tiny feet, Lanthios crawled to the window to see a sight that scared him… for the humans were losing! And as those undead in untold numbers breached the walls as if reaching to the heavens in the pitch of the night. All while thunder gave its chorus that matched the moaning of the dead into a beautiful ballet. The brave men and women screamed to hold the lines while pleading to the mages to burn the dead in the rain. While those who died rose up again to fight their fellow friends. 


Lanthios who watched all this unfold, could do nothing… for though he was powerful, he was in truth powerless. Though his mind may be that of a man, his body was that of a child, what could he do but shed silent tears of golden glow? For town, he leveled much in when he played the game. To see the NPC he knew, dying for an event he knew nothing about. 


But as those golden tears, that resemble his memories hit the wooden floor, caused them to send out a ripple of light! A ripple that buffed and blessed all the humans in the fight! As Cynthia watched the lone child cry in understanding, a shiver went down her spine! For how could a child of this age even have the slightest concept of what is happening outside? Even much less to emphasize with any one party! But now wasn't the time to worry about it! Now was the time to escape! No matter the cost. 


Quickly scooping up the child, she ran to the exit with rest or stop! She ignored the adventure of fighting in their rooms, or in the lobby! She ignored the cries for help or those who wept for their fallen! All the while an old man chased her back! And as that old man was but an arm-length away from the child, the object of his master desire! He suddenly stopped frozen in his tracks! For in front of him was his wife… With a knife through her heart… his heart! The very heart he pulled from his chest to give her new life! And as that blade blessed by light, turned Eliza into slow dust, the pair ran off to find a way out! While Abercombie stayed behind to hold his wife at his chest… As she lay there disappearing, she gently touched his face with her left hand. 


[No! Eliza! Please don't leave me again! I... I don't have another heart to give! I…] said Abercombie lovely as Eliza turned to ash. 


[NO! NO! I... I can still save you! I brought you back once I can do it again!] continued Abercombie. 


But as he would come to realize later through his master's words, that it was impossible! For the first time, he raised her, took much of her soul's strength… And now there was little to work with… So little that she may not even cross over to the shadowlands in a complete form. For all his selfishness, he may have doomed her soul to destruction! 


While Lost in his sorrows, Abercombie completely lost his mind in the true sense! And ever since that day… people swear that can still hear an old mad crackling in the forest… 


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