
New Hire

Getting on the train Nick ran his hand through his hair, he was looking at his other phone and saw that a message had come through from Kendo, some guy had come searching for Andrew. Smiling he put his phone away and pulled out his other one, sending a message to his mum saying that he would be home late tonight. An excuse about going out with friends.

Thinking about friends Nick couldn't help but smile, he really did like the new group that he was a part of. While Tamaki didn't talk to him much the two still got along in comfortable silence. The similarities of affecting their bodies with their quirks helped them have something to talk about when they did exchange words.

Training after class had also been fun, he had helped Mezo and Eijiro quite a bit, well at least guide them in the right direction. He hadn't gained much from it, no, but it had been fun. He needed to have a bit more fun sometimes.


Soon he was on the right train, making his way down to Osaka, he didn't stop by Anut Cass like he normally did, instead just making straight for a back path behind a factory to one hide his bag underground and to change his appearance. As he walked down the path he didn't see anyone around him. Dropping the bag it hit the floor and sunk like water before the floor once more solidified into the path that it always was. The bag disappeared as his appearance shifted to that of Andrew.

Walking out the other side of the path as normal with this spot no one was around, soon he was at the Masquerade and heading in through the back door. Making his way through the waiting rooms for the fight he saw that there were a few new faces gathered around, ignoring them though he looked out and into the ring to see that. Lip Buster and Emiko were fighting, Emiko was new and hadn't gotten a name yet. And Lip Buster was way too in character for the fight… although everyone that got hit in the head a few too many times was eccentric in some ways.

Making his way past the room and into the back of the stands he walked around looking through the crowds of faces wondering where Yomi was… Kendo might have taken him to their sparing area. He should head there.

Just as he was about to turn around and head out he heard an all too familiar voice. "Andrew! If it is not a pleasure to meet you again then what is it?" A feminine voice spoke up, cutting through the loud cheers of the crowd.

"Have you thought on my offer then dear? I promise you I will treat you very well." Her voice gained a low hum as she said that. Turning around Andrew stood face to face with a woman known as the Marionette. He didn't know her real name, nor did he want to.

"Marionette. Once again no, as tempting as it was…" Andrew spoke as he tilted his head. "I have found an offer I wanted to accept. So I am now employed, you can stop making offers now."

Hearing this her face gained a small scowl, her iris growing as she said, "Oh? Who is employing you then? Hm?" Her voice holding venom. Agitation was clearly laced through her tone.

She had a very powerful quirk, she could make however she touched follow her commands if their mental will was weak enough or they let her command them. Puppets, she made puppets. She was an odd personality from what he knew, staying in the shadows and out of sight, never getting involved. She enjoyed riches and fine wines. And liked 'employing' those that interested her.

Sadly, she had laid her sights on Andrew ever since he was more open about his presence. She was well known. She had a lot of strong puppets and quite a few of the notable members of the Masquerade knew about her. She was known for catching her prey with wicked means. Enslaving those that did not come willingly. She had tried with Andrew as well until he threatened to cut her hands off if she touched him again.

He knew that she wasn't going to stop here though, she wanted Andrew to 'work' for her and she was used to getting her way even if it took time. She had tried to find his family, but he didn't have any in this form. She had sent quite a few guys after him to figure out where he went but most of them ended up with very broken bodies and dumped in a bin somewhere until she gave up that approach.

He knew, that if she found his new employer. She would try to kill him. Because she was petty and spiteful like that. It was a way for the doctor to gain some notoriety, however.

"He goes by the doctor… that is all I know. I have places to be, so if you would. I will take my leave." Turning he walked away as she whispered something into one of her guard's ears. Smiling to himself he was looking forward to how this was going to play out. It certainly would be interesting, to say the least.


It wasn't long before Andrew found Yomi, the man had been brought by Kendo to a waiting room and then just left there. He was sitting on a bench, back to the wall facing the door. He was shaking a bit as well, it must have been intimidating being in a place like this, after all the man was quirkless and defenceless in a place full of fighters and thugs.

Walking he shut the door as he grabbed a bench and pulled it over. His maroon-purple hair was slightly sweaty from the heat down here and his thin and muscular body was quite a bit taller than the doctors.

Grabbing a chair he pulled it across the floor and spun it around before sitting down in it, in the middle of the room. Back to the door facing Yomi.

"Heard someone was looking for Andrew?" Andrew said as he put his elbows on his knees and leaned forward, looking over the features of Yomi once more. The man had shaved and was wearing clean clothes. He had washed his hair and tidied up. He was wearing nicer jeans and a loose black top. Seemed the man had used some of the money to make sure he looked presentable.

"Yeah. Someone who was hiring me asked me to find him here and give me his response." Yomi replied cautiously. He was clearly concerned and worried but it wasn't that noticeable. He was doing a decent job of looking relaxed.

"Well I'm Andrew, the doctor told me that someone called Yomi would be coming through sometime today or tomorrow. I guess your him huh?" His voice was casual as he leaned back into the seat and started to pick the dirt out from under his nails.

"Yeah, I'm Yomi. I accept." The man said as he sat there. Fiddling with his fingers clearly not knowing what to do next. Or if there was something that was going to happen. He had steel in his voice as if he had said it before his mind could tell him not to. "I just have one question though. Why is he healing villains?"

"How the fuck should I know? I'm just his right hand. I only know what he tells me and that isn't much, to be honest. As for what his goals are I don't know them either. But he made me an offer I couldn't refuse, not something I am going to share with you. So I'm going to help him now." Andrew replied. Continuing he said, "From what I can guess he simply wants to start being a part of the underworld for whatever reason. He doesn't have any issues with healing villains because well he probably is one himself."

Honestly, Nick didn't care much about healing villains. Villians for hurt from fighting Heroes yes, but most injuries were when they fought each other. Since Heroes had there don't cause major harm unless you have to, he wouldn't be healing many villains that fought with heroes because if they got away it would just be light shit that wouldn't really stop them anyway. But if they didn't get away, well they would go to jail. So no healing is needed.

He wouldn't stop villains from getting hurt, and he didn't think that it would do much but make some villains more reckless than before. Which might result in more getting caught. He didn't think that many innocents would be harmed by his actions. After all, he wouldn't be making any more or stopping any from getting caught, just getting the ones that got away back out onto the field a bit quicker.

He had his hesitations yes, but honestly? He didn't care that much. He would be doing his part as a Hero as well, so he would hopefully be balancing it out. He wanted control enough that he was willing to do things that were not right. He was willing to do it. So it would.

And if All for One came for him? He might be able to beat him, at least getaway. He wasn't that scared of that scared man anymore. He didn't need to be. If he was in his prime it would be a different story, and since he was going to be captured by the time the business really started to grow then he didn't see an issue.

Being pulled from his thoughts by Yomi who finally spoke up he listened to what the man was saying. "Okay… I guess it's not that bad. He can guarantee my safety, right? When talking to villains?"

Nodding his head Andrew said, "Yep, and even if you do die he can just bring you back as long as he gets his hands on your corpse. You have nothing to worry about, I have quite the name around here and if people hear that The Rappa and I will hunt them down if they lay their hands on you? It will make people think before they act."

"Also, from what I know about people, they don't want to get in the bad books of someone that gets them connected to a doctor. The first few months will be rough yeah, Kendo will hang around you for most of them. Once the business opens? A few more employees will be joining you. You're a lucky guy getting this job, I'm not going to say it is not dangerous. But it certainly could be worse." Andrew finished as he stood up.

"Well I'll let the doctor know that you accept, and I'll send you back home with your new friend. He's a bit eccentric but there is no need to be scared of him. I trust him. You will learn to as well, he is a good guy and very eager for a fight though so any rowdy customers should be promptly handled." Nodding his head as he opened the door he said, "You can find your own way home yeah? Kendo will meet you at the clinic."

Not even waiting for the muffled, "Yeah I should be fine." That Yomi replied with, the man's face was deep in thought once more. Going to the training room Andrew found Kendo wailing at a bag as he leaned against the wall letting the man finish.

Finishing the set he was doing Kendo backed away panting as he said. "Hey Andrew, so you employed me without telling me first huh?" His voice was amused although somewhat miffed.

"Don't worry you want to work for this guy, he can beat me in a fight easily. So that means he can kick your ass too. If you want to keep sparing you better come along. Honestly, I won't be coming here much more now. So I would be more than happy if you came along with me." Andrew said as he walked forward.

Sighing Kendo just rubbed the back of his head. "If he can beat you I at least want to fight him once. What is his quirk anyway?"

"Dunno really, he can turn himself into like a smoke or something? That can effect others' bodies way more than I can. Like I can restore stamina and heal minor injuries. This guy can rebuild a body from nothing. He is… scary to be honest." Andrew said, trying to play the doctor up.

"Yeah? Wow… A quirk that can heal any injury huh? That is… amazing." Tilting his head he said. "So when am I meeting this doctor of yours?"

"Tonight, go to this clinic," Andrew said as he handed over a piece of paper. "The doctor will be there. The new guy too. I think that this is the start of something big. The doctor told me to find some people that he is interested in and hire them so, I won't be because of that." Making his way to the door as he finished saying that.

"What no spar?" Kendo complained from behind him.

"Save your energy for tonight, man, you will need it. I'll see you around Big Guy." Andrew responded with a wave as he walked out. He needed to get home and do some prep. Hopefully, the information he had asked for had come through.


Shorter chapter today sorry. I have been fairly busy. Thanks for all the support and advice that I have been given! Sorry that I haven't gotten back to many comments recently I shall try to find some time to do that soon.

Reviews and comments are always welcome! Let me know what you think of the direction that this book is going. I personally want to go in this direction, but advice is always more than welcome.

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