

Relying on Jin Jiuchi's keen sense of smell, the trio of SJG managed to track down two more supply boxes – both green. From within, they obtained a package of sliced raisin bread, a few chocolate energy bars and two bottles of mineral water, which they divided amongst themselves. 

And of course, Jin Jiuchi claimed the biggest portion for himself.

They chose a nondescript area to settle down, simply to catch a brief respite after their harrowing ordeal in the red zone. 

Leaning against the tree trunk, Gu Luoxin counted with his fingers, "The duration of this Cycle is fourteen hours. The first hour has already passed, so there's still thirteen hours left…" he released a frustrated groan. "Thirteen hours to go, and we don't even know when the red zone will be coming! We'll have to maintain our vigilance at all times, won't we? Oh God, why can't time go faster?!" he yanked on his hair in frustration. 

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