
Trick 153: You can wish for anything! Except... well everything!

Ace and Hela were standing in front of Death, who leaned on her throne, crossing her tempting legs, saying gently "Congratulations." Ace swallowed and coughed, looking away, muttering "It's like she does it on purpose, what the hell…"

Hela ignored him and said "I want to return to Hel." Death nodded and replied "I agreed to that already. You can also return to life as well." Hela crossed her arms and replied "Asgard is destroyed, there's no point anymore. I don't care too much."

Death said "It wasn't a suggestion." before turning to Ace, saying softly "As for you…" her eyes shimmered gently, her lips shining, her skin as fair as snow…

Ace was a bit distracted, he slapped himself and smiled "Yeah?" Death ignored his strangeness, continuing "As I've stated, you have a choice. You can become a God of Death, rule over a Realm just under Mephisto, and receive a part of my essence."

Nobody reacted strongly and Ace was confused, asking "A part of your essence??" before blurting out "You're seducing me??" Lucifer nearly tripped to the ground and Death stared at him blankly.

Hela cleared her throat and smiled slightly as Mephisto just sneered in disgust.

Yao explained "A part of Death's essence is a portion of the Laws of Death. You would become a very strong God of Death, however you would cease to grow in power indefinitely. It would also replace your source of power with pure death energy."

Ace blinked and said "Oh! What's the other option?" The Death Gods looked at Ace as Death went on, "You can become a Death God as you are, own your own Realm in the same standing with Hela, Lucifer, and the others, as well as return to life, along with one wish."

Ace was stunned and asked "Wish? Anything?" Death looked at him blankly and Hela elbowed him, saying "Do you want to get erased?!" Ace rubbed his arm and said speechlessly "I didn't even say anything! Plus, I'm married, okay?!"

Hela rolled her eyes and said "So you thought of it!" while crossing her arms, Ace was stunned and replied "Of course! Who wouldn't? Anyway, I choose this option. By the way, can I return whenever I want?"

Death nodded and Yao rolled her eyes, smiling slightly.

Ace crossed his arms and hummed to himself, unsure of what to wish for. He sat on the ground and thought about it, asking "Can I exempt people from death?" Mephisto jumped up in shock as everyone stared at him in shock.

Death looked at him and said "If you wish for this, you can only exempt 5 people." Ace pouted "What am I the God of Death for if I can't do it when I want to? What a scam!" before sighing and asking "What about Spirits of Vengeance, how many of those can I have?"

Death looked at him and held out three perfect slender fingers, Ace asked "No wish?" and she shook her head slowly. Ace narrowed his eyes and asked "What can I not do already…"

Yao explained "You can't exempt people from Death, you can't allow your subordinates to enter the world of the living, you aren't immortal, you can get taken down by another Death God for your place, you can't bring people back from the dead…"

Ace heard a lot of 'can't' but they were pretty general, he was starting to wonder if there was anything you COULD do… As expected this wish was a scam but-

Yao looked at the glint in his eyes and smiled in amusement, "You can't ask for more wishes either." Ace clicked his tongue and looked away, before a lightbulb went off and he asked "Can my Spirits of Vengeance leave the Realm?"

Death looked at him and asked "What?" Ace explained "If I make someone a Ghost Rider, right, and that person just so happens to be a ghost in my own realm, does that therefore allow them to go back to the world of the living."

Death was silent for a few seconds before asking "Is that your wish?" Ace was stunned and retorted "No! I was asking! If I make one of my subordinates a Ghost Rider, where is he gonna hunt for sinners? In my own realm full of them? Am I gonna play tag with the souls in my realm? Unreal! Ghost Riders should be able to leave the realm!"

Death gave a rare explanation "A Ghost Rider is normally a still living person. Therefore they would only be in the Living World without coming to the Realm of the Dead. They only send the Souls of Sinners to the Splinter Realms, they don't deliver them."

Ace frowned and said "Then if all my subordinates are ghost riders it shouldn't be a problem. They can leave and come back, stay however long they want, right? That way they can go and come back, more souls for the collective Realm of Death."

Death raised a finger and found it hard to refute, she did quite like having souls enter her domain. Although she didn't quite like anything, except a certain red suited immortal individual…

Ace clapped and said "Good! Glad we sorted that out." before Death could refuse and he frowned now, "Wish, wish, wish… Oh I don't know… I wish I could travel the Multiverse."

Death paused and everyone looked at Ace as though he was a fool. Yao cleared her throat and said "The Mistress can't grant this wish." Ace was stunned and jumped up, saying "We're gonna be here forever! I don't know what to wish for! I choose to postpone my wish until I think of one, can I do that at least?"

Yao rubbed her forehead and sighed, "Yes…" Ace nodded and walked out, saying "God damn! Can't do anything around here! Oh~ God of Death please bring back my dead husband! Sorry missy! I'm actually a fake God of Death!~ Wow this sucks!"

The hall was silent as Lucifer held his mouth, looking at Death, who was indifferent, however her finger was twitching ever so slightly…

Ace cried out in pain and fell over before getting back up as the people in the hall heard faintly "Stupid rocks! God this place sucks! Even the rocks are out to get you! Can't do anything about that, Mr. Rock. Sorry, this God of Death will watch where he's going next time! Promise! What? Bring back your rock wife? Sorry, I c-AHH!"

Before pain came again…

Hela said "I wish for that to be 100 times more painful!" Death seemed to smirk a little, unnoticeably as she flicked her finger, Ace's screams got louder, "OW FUCK!" Death said with a gentle tone and a blank face, "You may now choose a wish or have your essence increased, Hela."

Hela blinked and giggled "1000 times! He acted cool in front of me too many times! The bastard!" Death curled her lips just a bit, asking "What was that? Speak clearly." as Ace screamed louder.

Hela chuckled and asked "Can you bring Asgard back?" Death shook her head and Hela pursed her lips, saying "I will also wait." before walking outside, humming to herself as she watched Ace roll around on the ground in pain, smiling happily.

A few weeks later

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