
A Fight Against The Invader From The Lycanne Tribe

My name is Severus Lycanne, the second-in-command in Division Four of the Lycanne Army.

I was sent here on behalf of our leader, and he told me to get rid of the 'threat' before everything spirals out of control. Of course, I couldn't really go against their wishes. As the second-in-command, I should be setting an example to my subordinates as one of the strongest werewolves in the Lycanne Tribe.

While I didn't have any say in the matter, I knew that going through this was risky. After all, I don't have any prior knowledge regarding the enemy. If I were to assume everything based on how one of our high-ranking soldiers got defeated by him, then I should conclude that he's stronger than me.

However, it's not like I have that much of a choice. Disobedience to the higher-up's order would result in treason. As such, the only thing I could do was get through this and hope that I don't die.

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