7 dismounted his horse and looked at 4, who remained stationary. 7 shook his head and turned to Leo and Mira. He quickly scanned the surroundings and gauged the power levels of the two.
The minute he did a wave of confusion hit him. The two people in front of him were kids, and neither of them seemed to emit any aura. 4 dismounted the horse as well after noticing this same observation.
Leo remained calm and stood steady in front of Mira who was too scared to move back. He was curious to see if the two in front of him would treat him as a boy without any aura, or an Aura Knight hiding his power.
7 and 4 both took out weapons from their dimensional rings, revealing their intentions to kill him. The former was carrying a sword while the latter had a pair of daggers.
"Did the leader say anything about how strong the girl's companion is?" 7 asked 4.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: