
Episode 3 Brave Quentin

Nicolas sat with Norman in the dining room, eating fried rice and chicken with a lot of whiskey on the table.

Norman: Can we talk about the other reason why you're here?

Nicolas: Hey.. yeah, yeah about that. Have you heard about the birth of the Mongrel Vampire?

Norman: Who haven't heard about that, that rumor has spread a long way then you can ever imagine. A child born as a half wolf, half vampire and a side witch. Isn't that impossible? All those powers in one body. That sounds kind of a joke to me.

Nicolas: Yeah, but, alas, it isn't.

Norman: It that the reason why you're here, hey come on man, you travelled this far just to tell me this.

Nicolas: I journey this far to tell you that child is mine.

Norman: What? (He choked on his drink.)

Nicolas: Yeah, the werewolf part. (Norman became sluggish to speak.) Yeah, it's true.

Norman: How is that even possible?

Nicolas: Trust me, I don't know. It just happened.

Wendy: I see you guys are really enjoying yourself? (Nicolas turned to look at Wendy who was standing at one corner of the room.)

Nicolas: Hey... Wendy, you're awake?

Wendy: Why else would I be standing right here.

Nicolas: That's exactly the Wendy I remember.

Wendy: What are you doing here?

Nicolas: What else, paying a visit to you and your father, just like old times.

Wendy: Tsk.. or you're just here because you need his help and then you disappeared again. (Nicolas smiled and sipped whiskey from his cup.)

Norman: Enough! Where were you yesterday?

Wendy: (Giggled.) When did my private life became yours to worry about?

Norman: I just asked you a question.

Wendy: Well, I was with a guy.

Norman: A guy that drugged you and almost sold you to human traffickers. God knows what else he even did to you.

Wendy: Well, I'm right here, standing in front of you sound and healthy and not with the traffickers.

Norman: Because I bought you, you fool. (Nicolas pour whiskey into his cup and gulped it in one go. The conversation was getting intense.)

Wendy: Don't you have new terms for calling me, you've been calling me that since I was a child. Foolish, stupid, brat, crazy, moron... A lot of them you know.

Norman: Are you so tired of me calling you those names that you need new ones? I'm sorry but there is no new name for a fool than a fool. If a fool don't longer what to be called a fool, that fool need to stop being a fool. (Tears dropped down Wendy's eyes.)

Nicolas: Hey, man, that's enough. Wendy your father loves you. You guys just need to find a way to understand each other.

Wendy: Look who is talking, love my butt. (She ran away irritated.)

Nicolas: You need to stop talking that way to your daughter, she is growing, don't make her omit you out of her life. If she does that, trust me, you're going to regret it big time.

Norman: What are your plans concerning your half werewolf child and your wife?

Nicolas: She is not my wife.

Norman: Ohh.. I didn't see that coming. So why do you care so much about the child then?

Nicolas: Cause I love her mother.

Norman: Ooh.. all this make sense now.


Valeria woke up half naked on bed with a sigh, it has been long she slept with a rest of mind . Her vision was blur at first but gradually became clear. Her gaze darted around for a while until it landed on her child's bed. She stood up hastily and reach for the door, she came to a abrupt halt when she heard the voice of Marcus talking to her child. Valeria lean on the door and strained her ears to hear him clearly. Outside the house Marcus carry Valeria's child in his arms patting her tenderly.

Marcus: You look just like your mother, your eyes just like her emerald bewitching green eyes when we first met. Your smiles... Exactly like hers. I can feel your energy. You'll become a very powerful woman when you grow up. Let's just say you got that strength from me. I wish I could hold you this way for eternity but that's not possible. You've been destined a very great fate. The only one to end the mongrel vampires. The mongrel vampires are my family even if they are cruel and emotionless to other creatures. I just pray the day won't come when you've to go through me to get my family. If that day come I'm sorry but I'm going to have to protect them from you. (Valeria barge in.)

Valeria: There you are. (Marcus turned to her direction.) I was looking for her, I thought something bad happened. (Marcus stared at her with sexual desires. Valeria observed him.) Why are you staring at me that way, is anything wrong? (He smiled amorously. Valeria had never see him smile that way before so she was a little bit surprised.) Why did you smile at me that way?

Marcus: Last night you were nervous to have sex with me with the light on so you turned it off.

Valeria: Why are suddenly bring that up?

Marcus: I'm just a little bit amused to see you standing in front of me wearing only that. (Val looked down at her self, she was wearing only pant and bra, the most hilarious part about it was that she wasn't even wearing them properly.. She looked up hurriedly with wide eyes.)

Valeria: I can't believe I was so worried about my child that I didn't even realize I was wearing only this. (She quickly turned to the door and opened it.)

Marcus: Val. (She froze as she heard him call her name in the most romantic way she have ever heard it.) You look more beautiful when you're naked. (Her gaze darted back to him with a smile.)

Valeria: Thanks, but I still need to put on some clothes.

Marcus: Yeah, sure.


Margot phone vibrated of messages. She opened her eyes and sat on the bed besides a friend. She picked her phone and checked the message. It was a credit alert from Byron. Her phone rang the caller was Byron, she hesitated to pick the call for a while. But finally picked it.

Byron: I sent the money let me know when you receive it, okay? (His voice echoed over the phone. Margot immediately switched off her phone.)

Bessie: For how long will you keep punishing your brother.

Margot: For as long as it take.

Bessie: Come on babe, he already sent you your father remaining hospital bill. What else do you want?

Margot: I just find it hard forgiving him no matter how much I think about it.

Bessie: You're wrong babe, I know you, you have already forgiven him a long time ago, but you're angry at yourself for forgiving him that easily.

Margot: You know nothing about me.

Bessie: Then why did you cry out last night calling out his name.

Margot: I thought you were sleeping, how did you know about that.

Bessie: I wasn't sleeping, I only pretended to fall asleep to give you some privacy, so you won't have to keep those burden in you forever, sometimes one need to cry out their pain to reduce the weight of hurt in them. (Margot bursted into tears.)

Margot: I don't want him to leave, I don't want him gone. I know i said a lot of hurtful words to him but I meant none of them.

Bessie: It's not too late, I'm sure he still around somewhere, you can stop him before he disappeared finally.

Margot: He said he is leaving today. I'm sure he is gone by now.

Bessie: Think positively babe. Pick up your phone and call him, tell him not to take a step wherever he is, that you are coming to get him.

Margot: No, I can't. (She cried.)

Bessie: Yes, you can. (Bessie took Margot phone and switched it on, she dial Byron number.) Take a deep breath babe, he is going to pick in a sec. (Byron voice was on the phone. Margot quickly dab her tears away and take a deep breath.)

Byron: Hello, Margot, how are you doing?

Bessie: Wait a minute, let me give the phone to her. (She gave the phone to Margot.)

Margot: Hello... It's me

Byron: I'm surprised you called? Is there a problem? Is Fergus disturbing you? Tell me, I will come there right now and teach him a lesson.

Margot: No not that.

Byron: Then what?

Margot: I know I told you to stay out from my life, so I know i don't have any right telling you to come back into it. I don't mind being selfish saying this but right now I need you. I need my elder brother. I need you Byron, please come back, please. (She cried out.)

Byron: Look out your window.

Margot: Why are you asking me to do that? (Bessie stood up and peeped outside the window, she was amused.) What's it?

Bessie: I think you brother is right here.

Margot: Are you joking with me?

Bessie: You should see for yourself. (Margot hurried to the window and saw Byron outside on the other side of the road waving his hand endlessly to her in the crowd with excitement.)

Margot: You said you were going to leave?

Byron: I was going to leave, but I don't think so anymore. (Margot rushed out of the house, crossed the road without looking both ways first, she threw herself at Byron. He hugged her tightly.)

Margot: Thank you for not leaving.

Byron: I couldn't bear to leave without seeing your face one more time. (He patted her hair.)


Valeria sat on her bed breastfeeding her child. Marcus sat on a wooden chair opposite her.

Marcus: How do you feel having a child? (He braked the awkward silence between them.)

Valeria: It wasn't like I wanted this, but she is great.

Marcus: Have you thought of a name yet?

Valeria: No, I haven't. Why do you ask.

Marcus: Nothing, just wanted to know what kind of name you are going to call her.

Valeria: You speak like as if you've a particular name in mind.

Marcus: I don't, you should ask the child's father.

Valeria: Are you saying you are not her father too. The child is half vampire, which means that part of her belong to you just like her werewolf side belongs to Nicolas her witch side also belongs to me. The three of us are this child parent.

Marcus: How are you managing your new self? Do you resent me for turning you into a bloodsucker.

Valeria: No, I don't resent you Marcus. If you haven't done what you have to do, me and the child won't be alive anyway.

Marcus: Brave... you can call her brave.

Valeria: That sounds awkward...

Marcus: Then forget about it.

Valeria: No, I think I like it. Brave, it kinda sound simple but, have a very strong meaning.

Marcus: I was only suggesting, you can change it if you want..

Valeria: Brave Quentin, It's sounds perfect, right?

Marcus: Yeah. Quentin.. (He emphasized on the name.) that's sounds very familiar to me.

Valeria: It's the name of the greatest witch in my family lineage.

Marcus: Wow...

Valeria: Marcus?

Marcus: Yes.

Valeria: A lot of people are after this child so I need you to make a promise to me. You must protect her at all means.

Marcus: I'll do my best.

Valeria: Thanks. (She lay Brave on the bed and walked to open a wooden box hanged on the wall, she brought out three black bracelet from the box.) I asked Clarissa to make this for me just incase you come around.

Marcus: What's that for?

Valeria: It's a bracelet that will bind Brave, you and I together. (Marcus sat upright with a sigh as she handed one of the bracelet to him.) Wear that always. (Marcus held the bangle in his hand with a long stare at it. Valeria wore the bracelet on Brave left hand.) It's will only work when we all are putting it on. (She put on her own too.) What are you waiting for? Put it on. (Marcus hesitantly wore it on his left wrist. (Immediately the bracelets began to gleam of white light on everyone wrist.) White is the sign of peace, when it gleam red it the sign of danger, and when the colour change to black, it mean either one of us is not wearing it.

Marcus: You must have spend a lot of time making this.

Valeria: I told you it wasn't my doing. I asked Clarissa to make it for me.

Marcus: So how did you manage to bind us together without using blood.

Valeria: Well, I know a lot of antediluvian spells, I just asked Clarissa to carry out one for me, which almost took her life. (An interminable fierce banging on the door. Valeria scudded her gaze to the door surprised.) No one has ever bang on my door since I moved in here.

Marcus: Maybe some uninvited guests. Don't worry, I'll take care of it. (Marcus walked to the door and pressed down the wooden handle. Clarissa charged into the house, gasping for air. Valeria was amused, she quickly froze at what she was doing.)

Valeria: Clarissa?? (Clarissa stared at Marcus with wild-eyed. Marcus sighed softly.)


Light fades

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