
7. Two hearts.

  "Ms Howly!" She greeted the woman in a warm embrace. "Been a while" She said breaking free.

"My darling" She patted her cheeks like a baby. "You've really become more beautiful" She brushed her blonder hair out of her face.

"Thanks Mom" She smiled really hard. It was more like a daughter and mother encounter with Rissa's Mom.

"I'm truly glad to see you" She finally said letting go of her but still eyeing her in admiration.

"I might be sleeping over though" She said back with smiles.

"Oh--thats nice" She brighten up. "I'm making something nice for dinner too" She added.

"Hello?" Rissa chipped in. "Have you forgotten your daughter?" She waved her hand in her face.

The others laughed.

"Go Missy, I saw you quite well but I also missed my other daughter here" She said with amusement.

"That's fine then" She walked away with funny smiles. "Let's go get changed you" She gave Lola a quick glance.

Lola followed suit sharing little whispers with Rose and the two chuckled. Rose adored Lola just as much as she loved her daughter, the only difference was that she wasn't her blood.

  "Whao!" Lola stared around the room.

Rissa watched her and took a quick look at her room and wondered what was actually whao'ing her exactly. Nothing really changed in the room, the last time she had been in her house was about three months ago.

"What's the whao exactly?" She asked with folded arms. "You are crazy!" She fell on the bed.

"Girl! Nothing changed!" She looked at her.

"Exactly" She said with a nod.

"You are so boring!" She scoffed.

"Oh" She shook her head. "Why didn't you tell my mom the real reason you are sleeping over?" She gave her a mischievous look and she looked like she was struggling to hold herself from laughing out .

"What's that supposed to mean? " She eyed her.

"That you can't deal with the bangs " She finally bursted out laughing, not loud but it was hard.

Lola watched her with a smile too but she was also trying to be annoyed. "I hate myself for telling you things" She looked away.

"It's-- ju--st b-angs" She said in-between laughs.

She rolled her eye around. "The bangs are really loud and it's not even the only thing, Laure is so loud too and her dume boyfriend doesn't even help matters" She also started laughing. "I couldn't sleep" She fell on the bed too.

Laure was Lola's older sister, she was about six years older than she was and they lived together. Laure was once engaged but the guy died in a plane crash, he was a pilot. It really shattered Laure and everything that had to do with her mindset, she started doing things differently and went from one man to another just for sex . She didn't let it last long before hopping to another man because she was scared of getting too involved of which she might loose the man, she didn't blame her sister but it was really becoming disturbing and frustrating. What could she do?

"Hmm" They both were finally getting themselves back together.

"Why are our lives just messed up?" Rissa said lying on the bed staring at the ceiling.

"I don't know" Lola kept her gaze on the white ceiling too.

"I guess we would never know" She added.

"What are you going to do about Luke's confession?" She gave her a quick glance.

Rissa thought for a while and she realized that she didn't even know that.

"He said your words made him realize that though" It was her time to glance at her.

"I didn't say much though" She held a smile of confidence. "Just facts" She sounded causal.

"I don't know, Lola" She sounded confused. "Can't I get Lawrence's personality in Luke?" She didn't even know if that was supposed to be a question.

"Is that what you want?"

"It looks like it" She knew that one.

"That's just you being greedy " She stated. Lola was always blunt without blinking. "They know what they want but you don't" She fully adjusted to look at her. "It makes it difficult to help you, make a choice so you don't loose both" She stared at her for a reaction.

"That can happen?" She felt startled as she turned to also look at her. "They both claim to love me".

"Men will be men, if they don't get their feelings reciprocated. They back off even though they're truly in love, they aren't dume" She emphasized. "Only women love like a fool, not men" She added.

"Oh my!" She was really confused now, what could she possibly do about all these now.

    Rose was setting the table when both women approached her.

"I'll help you Mom" Lola collected the plates and arranged them.

"I'll go get the food then" She went away to the kitchen.

"So you are being a good child now" Rissa whispered towards her.

She scoffed. "I'm actually one" She eyed her.

After the whole arrangement, they got seated. Rissa was putting on a pyjamas while Lola was putting on one of Rissa's sweat shirts and a boxers, yes, you heard right. Rissa owned a boxers which was meant for men, to her, they were quite more comfortable than those ladies bump shorts and Lola also found them comfortable and free too, she might get one for herself too.

"Apple pie!" Lola gasped as she stared at the beautiful pie. "My favourite"

Rose smiled. "I know, you were really lucky. That's for dessert" She opened the other food pot, it had potato pudding garnished with asparagus and bacon.

Rissa did the serving and Rose said a quick prayer before they all started eating.

"So tell me.." Rose began scooping into her pudding. "Does your friend have a boyfriend?" She was talking to Lola.

She almost choked. "Huhn?" Rissa and Lola exchanged glances.

"Mom?" She called out trying to swallow.

"She acts like she does and maybe she doesn't want me to know about it" She shrugged.

"Oh-no, Mom" Lola smiled. "You would be one of first people to know if she ever has one, I won't even let her keep it away from you" She assured her confidently.

"I trust you " She smiled back. "But does she have an admirer or something?" She asked again.

"Okay, enough. Please mom" She gave her a pleading face. "Can we eat pls?" She persuaded.

"She does!" Lola suddenly said and they both turned to her. "She actually does but they are two" She added again knowing fully well that Rissa would kill her for this.

"Oh really?" She furrowed her brows at Rissa. "Please tell me about them" She turned to Lola.

"I don't know much, Mom" She stopped at that.  "That's all I know" She filled her mouth to avoid talking.

"I see" Rose nodded like she was processing it. "You know, not long ago, she came home late and drunk with our Pastor, like why? She hasn't given an explanation" She gave Rissa an accusing face.

Lola was holding herself from laughing right now, she knew about that. Rissa had explained it to her.

"I actually did, Mom" She returned the look.

"No, you didn't" She said back.

"He's a man. That's what I said" She shrugged her shoulders. "Isn't that enough explanation?"

"Don't do anything funny with him, Rissa. If you aren't serious about him, don't toy around". Rose sounded stern.

Was her mom more worried about Luke than she was about her own daughter, what a joke!!

"Are you worried about him?" She was blank.

"I'm worried about the congregation" She answered immediately. "And you, thread right" She added.

With that, Rose didn't say any other thing and the dining table was quiet. The meal was a delicious one, it was better to keep mute and not say anything.

  Luke was heading to the manager's office, he had sent his secretary to call him which was surprising. He was wondering what had happened or if he had done anything that he shouldn't have, well, only one way to find out.

"Mr Maddins" He adjusted himself on his seat. "Please sit" He offered.

Luke sat down and held up an anxious smile. "You wanted to see me sir?" He asked.

"Oh-yeah" He began, curling his arms together. "It's about your work" He paused.

Luke looked nervous. "My work? Is there anything I must have done?" He was baffled.

"Not technically but yeah" A smile followed suit and that made Luke relax a bit. "Brazel Art Firm, have you heard of it before?" He inquired.

Luke was quiet for a while because he seemed to want to be certain if he had heard it before. "No" He shook his head. "It's not even familiar too" He assured him.

"They are an international art firm and one of their team was at the gallery about a week ago, it seems that without you knowing it, he bought your work which took the company in awe. They are interested in signing you as one of their agents.." He stopped.

Luke face held no expression. "Like a real company wants to hire me?" His face lit up, he was dazzled.

He nodded with a smile. "Yeap-a real one " He said along. "This is how it works, it's a contract thing which you would find out for yourself of how long you would be with them, it's all on you. They have an art training center where newly hired artiste are trained for about six months. After the training, your work will be put up for local and international purchase, you get bigger work and if your work gets the right recognition, fame comes in because Brazel  is quite popular. It's all on you " He explained thoroughly.

"My God!" He laughed. "Really! How do I get started, nothing to think through " He was so excited.

"I have the card of your supposed manager and guardian " He looked down to pull open the table drawer and took out the black and white card. "Here" He handed it over to him.

"Thanks sir" He stared at the well detailed business ID.

"It's in Italy " He announced.

Luke looked at him blankly. "Italy?"

"Yeah- Brazel is in Italy, Milan to be precise " He answered.

"The six month training is in Italy?" He asked again. "Not here"

"Oh-no" He shook his head. "You thought it was?"

Luke didn't say anything as he only held the card and seemed lost now.

"They even advise their artistes to live in Italy after the training with everything fully on them, but if you choose to come back here. No problem, you will travel a lot though for physical presence." He said shrugging off his shoulders.

He rubbed his forehead and thousands ran through his head. "I guess I might have to think this through" He only said.

"Of course" He gave him an encouraging smile. "It's a life changing decision, you can choose to turn down the career offer or you can continue with us here. Your choice" He said resting his back on the chair.

He was a Pastor and there was Rissa but then this, this is one career he loved and this was a dream come true at thirty. Only God could possibly come through for him now.

"They do plan to open a branch here at Dallas but the decision isn't yet made" He chipped in.

Luke only got up. "Thank you sir" He gave a slight bow. "I owe you one" He was truly grateful.

"I wish you the best, Mr Maddins and I hope you make the right choice that you don't have to look back regretting anything " He advised.

Luke nodded and walked out of the little office.

Stepping out of the building, the weather was warm and people seemed to be going about their business, he looked over at the hospital and just then he saw an ambulance rush in, bringing out a teenager on the stretcher but she was covered in blood, it was horrific to see. This was why he hated anything that had to do with hospital, who could have thought he would fall in love with a doctor. They transferred the kid to another stretcher and rushed her in and then the ambulance zoomed off again to God knows where. Their job has to the toughest of the whole thing.

He said a quick prayer for the teenage kid and just then his phone beeped, it was a text from Rissa, I'm at your house : ( been waiting for so long.

Rissa played her hands around her wheel, glancing at the windscreen every ten second, it's been about ten minutes she had sent the text. Rissa was playing with the thoughts of officially dating Luke, could she actually bend to his ways of going about it? That was a question that she had no answer and then she had been giving Lawrence the distance hoping he would move on but he was not giving in and she actually enjoyed his company but things only made sense with Luke.

kkkk .. there was beats of knock on the window, Luke held a warm smile looking as breathtaking as ever.

Rissa smiled returning the warmness the smile held, she got out and locked the door. "Hi" She planted a kiss on his tender lips.

"Hi Marissa" He only kissed her cheek. "Did you wait for long?" He asked worriedly

"Not entirely" She shook.

"Your text said you did" He took her hand and led her into the house. "With a sad character" He said with a chuckle.

"I was probably getting bored" She laughed as she fell on the sofa. "Are you hungry?"

"I'm sure you are" He said with a known smile heading to the kitchen. "What do you want?" He asked over the counter.

"What do you have?" She asked back watching him, something about his mood seemed off and dull. He was genuinely avoiding eye contacts, which she hated. She loved to keep contacts with the eyes, though with Luke it could be difficult but once she was comfortable, it works well.

"How about pasta?" He asked again holding the pasta pack.

She got up and went over to the kitchen too because she could not handle his mood, it was draining the whole atmosphere. "Are you okay, Luke?" She asked holding his face.

"Huhn?" He tried to look confused but he actually knew what she was talking about. "What do you mean? I'm fine" He hoped he sounded convincing.

"Can you at least lie well? You aren't even good at it probably because you're a Pastor" She said trying to tease off the weirdness. "Did something happen?" She asked caressing his face as she  was genuinely concerned for him.

Luke looked through her eyes and he wasn't sure if she would be pleased with the fact that she might not see him for six months or the fact that he was not fine with dropping his pastoral work.

"I'm fine--just that I might have seen a blood scene and it really shook me" He lied, the scene shook him but he got over it immediately after the short prayer.

"Where?" She seemed surprised.

"Your hospital, it's like an emergency came up and it was serious which I saw" He put out and he hoped that sounded convincing enough.

"Oh-" She smiled. "I see that everyday, it must have really shaken you because you look like you lost someone" She pulled him into her embrace. "It's fine" She whispered.

He wished things were really fine or maybe it would be but he would just have to think them through properly, he smooched his mouth on her hair as he felt her press against his chest.

TIP: Always read with a cup of coffee and in a quiet place. Thanks.

Things has taken another turn for Luke, if you were him. What would you do? Take or leave the offer?

Have you seen a blood shot scene before? I have, you?

Your reviews really matters to me a lot🙏🏼 shout out to y'all. Please comment, vote and like. Thanks.

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