"Jungkookie, get dressed and cover these." I ordered watching Jungkook sleepily get up and waddle over to his closet, "Do you feel weird about it?" He asked softly pulling some underwear up his legs.
"I feel like we were both acting out of lust and desire and wasn't thinking straight, especially you who have been deprived for months." I explained not quite the truth, but close enough to it. "Mm..." He hummed in agreement putting on a black turtle neck, "So what now?..." He asked after he was dressed in some light blue ripped jeans as well.
"Now comes the hard part..." I answered softly then before he could look back at me he fell into my arms after I knocked him out with some Chloroform, "I'm so sorry Jungkookie.... but I can't see you like this anymore." I spoke softly laying him down on the ground and on my lap, as if on queue Yeonjun and Kai came inside and started to pick him up to take him to the helicopter.
After last night, what I saw was the result of Jungkook's panic attacks, I refuse to do this for any longer. I don't care if he hates me or if Jimin hates me, Jungkook's safety is more important to me. I know it's not my decision to make but I'm too afraid for his health to stay in my own lane right now.
I am aware that I literally had sex with him last night and have been having sex with Jimin since I met him, but seriously, Jungkook is going to die if I don't do this.
I put him on the helicopter and flew back to land, Jimin immediately bombarded me with hugs and kisses and started crying when he saw me and didnt notice Jungkook's unconscious body behind me.
"Hyungie why would you just leave?! I was so worried how are you?! Are you hurt?! Ow! The baby's kicking do you want to feel?!" Just like always his moods changed faster then I could snap my fingers, of I nodded enthusiastically with a smile not having said a word yet.
He very gently took my hand and placed right over his beautiful baby bump, immediately I flinched when I felt something press against my hand but I tried to keep my composure and not embarrass myself. I could really feel it kicking, "It must hurt so much.... having something literally kick you from inside." I said softly putting my other hand over his stomach as well.
And again he started crying, he hasn't even cleaned his previous tears!
"What's wron-" I tried to ask but he just hugged me tightly, "No one's ever been concerned about me like that! I have a child in my belly and you're worried it might hurt me *sob* you're so caring hyung!" THATS WHY YOURE CRYING?!!
"Oh, baby, of course I'm worried about you." I said gently rubbing his back, I started to hear something moving in the helicopter that just died down and quickly assumed it was jungkook and tried to get jimin inside.
"Come on Jimin, go inside and get the others in the living room, I need to talk to them about something." He nodded cutely then waddled over to the door, of course I stared at his ass while he walked.
After seeing him close the door I turned around and brassed myself for the incoming fight and panic attack, "Jungkookie, wake up." I said gently shaking his body that already waking up slowly, he looked at me weakly then asked where he was.
"You're in a helicopter, back in Hawaii, Jimin and the others are inside." "N-no what did you do hyung?! Take me back I'm begging you! Jimin can't know I'm alive it'll destroy him!" He defended quickly trying to get up but he was still a little bit drowsy and fell back down.
"Emotionally! If he finds out it'll destroy him emotionally but if he doesn't it'll destroy YOU physically!" I protested and dragged him out of the helicopter, he kept begging and begging me to stop but it was too late. I'm pretty sure at least somebody already saw him through the windows.
Jimin's perspective:
Yoongi hyung wanted me to get everybody in the living room, does he have a surprise for us?🥰
I got everybody in the living room telling them Yoongi wanted us to talk about something, I just sat down on the couch when I needed to go pee so I got up and left, I heard Yoongi's voice asking where I went and Taehyung answered, "He went to go pee."
"Let's wait then, he'll need to be here for this." Aww that's so sweet! He's waiting for me, I quickly peed and basically run out and hugged him. "So what's the surprise hyung?" I asked flashing my cutest smile at him, he looked mesmerized for a second then had a sad look on his face, "What's wrong?..." I asked and he guided me to the couch, "You should sit down for this."
"What I'm about to tell you will no doubt ruin the friendship that we have created between the... four of us," Hyung started and seemed distressed when he said 'four'. Ruin the friendship? What did he do??
"I know, that nothing i say can ever make up for a lie this big. I put all of you through a hell that I've been through myself and know how painful it is yet I still did it. I cant promise that I did it out of pure intentions because, like any sane human I fell hard for Jiminie. And having him out of the picture was easier, but somewhere in my twisted mind I did only want to help I promise! I don't ask for your forgiveness and will accept anything you have to throw at me, just please don't hate me forever. Believe it or not I do still love you guys." WHAT THE FUCK DID HYUNGIE DO?!!
"Come in." He said, all of us diverted our attention to the door, my attention didn't last very long after I saw him. The living dead, walking through the door, everything went black, I couldn't see, or move. All I could hear was screaming of different sorts.
Taehyung screaming, "Jiminie wake up!"
Hoseok screaming, "How could you do this to us we're you're best friends!"
Yoongi screaming, "I'm so sorry!"
"It was better for everybody I'm just a burden!" Who is that?.... it can't be him.... he's dead.... I watched him die with my own eyes. Or did i?....
The next thing I know I'm shaken awake by Taehyungie, I look around and don't see him, somebody got a hold of my head and is keeping it from falling down onto the cushion. Taehyung is crying and Hoseok is holding my hand while I saw Yoongi hyung crying in a corner.
"What happened? Was it just a dream?..." I mumbled feeling someone softly messaging my head and stroking my hair back which I guessed was namjoonie but I can't see his face, "Y-you fainted i-i thought.... a dream?" Taehyung was crying hysterically at first but then had a confused look on his face, proving that it was just a dream....
I can't decide whether I'm happy or sad, of course I'd love for Jungkookie to be alive again but what about Yoongi hyung? And Namjoonie? They would've been lying straight to our faces for months now. And for what? Why would they hide him?? It doesnt make sense.
"I dreamt that.... something weird happened." I decided not burden them with my strange dreams that was most likely caused by my pregnancy brain and hormones.
"It wasn't a dream, hyung...."
My whole body froze when I heard his voice, the voice I've been longing for a very long time, the voice that I nearly forgot. It's just as adorable as ever, it's still just as beautiful...
"Hyung please look at me..." He begged, it's not him if I don't acknowledge him he's not there! Please just go away I've made peace with your death I don't want to accept that my hyung lied to me... I don't want to accept you've been hiding from you're own goddamn child!!
"It's him, Jiminie.... it really is." Taehyungie said softly helping me sit up but I still won't look at him, he's at the side of the couch touching my arm, I don't say anything and just cry silently. I don't accept it, I don't accept you.
"Please Jiminssi!" He cried out, it's just a ghost no one else can see you in still dreaming! I saw at the corner of my eye that somebody is moving my way so I closed my eyes.
"If I don't acknowledge it it isn't there if I don't acknowledge it it isnt real if I don't acknowledge it it isn't there if I don't acknowledge it it isn't real." I kept mumbling to myself until I felt two strong and familiar hands gripping each of my arms, I mumbled my chant faster still refusing to open my eyes. I mumbled it at least twenty times with no regard of time until I heard a soft sob, from the only person I've ever loved so much.
I opened my eyes, I couldn't help it I needed to see, and I saw it. I saw the love of my life sitting on his knees with glossy eyes and wet cheeks, doe eyes, beautiful soft lips and puffy cheeks.
I did what any sane person would do and I kissed him, he flinched a bit but kept kissing me until he got yanked away by Yoongi hyung.
"You don't get to just disappear without any explanation and take him away from me the minute you walk back into his life! I was the one holding him while he cried! I was the one taking him to the ultrasounds! I was the one helping him name the fucking baby that YOU didn't want anything to do with it's not fair!" Yoongi yelled angrily while Jungkook cried helplessly being shaken, "Hyung my chest hurts...." I heard him mumble, but Yoongi was only grabbing his shirt why would his chest hurt from that?
"I dont care, I DONT FUCKING CARE! YOU LEFT HIM TO SUFFER ALONE AND NOW THIS?!!" Yoongi turned his attention towards me, "HE DOESNT EVEN CARE H-h-e.... he cares so much about you...." Yoongi seemed to realize what he had been saying and changed his mind completely suddenly falling into his knees.
"Why am I like this?... I'm sorry Jungkookie, I'm so sorry." He hugged Jungkook tightly who was crying like a baby, I don't remember him being such a cry baby but it's cute.