
White-and-Blue Door

"Half the Empire?!" Laemno blurted out in surprise. 

"That's right. From Rufistilla to Noctemaria, their territory spans the entire eastern part of the nation," The Wayfarer said. 

"In that case, how are the powers balanced in the Sethian Ennead? Unless the Court of Shadows and the Blood Consortium are constantly at odds, I don't see why they don't control the Empire yet." 

"You have the simplistic perspective of an outsider," The Wayfarer explained. "The Nobilitas care only about their respective domains. If Sethia is in danger, they will act and provide as much aid as necessary. Otherwise, they're perfectly happy to remain cloistered in their castles."

"In fact, if there is one faction rumored to control Sethia in the shadows, it would be the Percipience Intercessors." 

"The Veiled Matriarch's order," Laemno muttered. "Oddly enough, it doesn't sound that far-fetched." 

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