
Basil's Notes

The first sketch Florian pulls from the papers holds the name 'Rennier'. She pages through the disorganized notes in the notebook to look for the information corresponding to the person named Rennier.

Rennier, a shadow guard to the first prince with no known stories of his origin. Due to his questionable origin most deemed him to be a commoner or of lower class, he was unofficially promoted to the title of baron under the name 'Ian Kellis' thanks to his faithful service to the first prince. He began working for the first prince as a child and was chosen through strict selection amongst the shadow guards.

'Looks like the shadow guards aren't under the knights but rather working under direct descendants of the imperial family.'

It is estimated that Rennier is a few years younger than the first prince but no one knows his true age. He served Nicodemus faithfully while he was still the crown prince and continued to work for him after the coronation of the second prince. He acts as eyes and ears, relaying information regarding all the happenings around the empire. He is known to frequent an information guild by the name of Legacy and no further information is provided.

'I can't tell much from the drawing seeing half of his face is covered. Still...what a surprise! Basil really outdid himself this time with such nice research.' For Florian the bar is truly set low when it comes to things with Basil.

Shifting to the portrait beneath and looking at the newly surfaced sketch, a name reading 'Kramoris Drewitt' heads it. This sketch is worse than the previous one, it shows an ambiguous figure in a cloak. No distinctive features or the like, just a generic cloaked silhouette. Kramoris Drewitt, a famous name in most circles as the founder of the second largest merchants guild on the continent. Although a different man sits as the figurehead to represent the guild since Kramoris chose not to reveal his identity and rather coordinated things from the background.

'If that's the case I wonder how Basil found out about this.'

It's a point of curiosity to see just how Basil obtained information like this, although, it's also a fact that the temple could interfere with many different places. Basil probably abused his relation to the temple for such a thing.

What made Kramoris famous as the greatest merchant is his ability to obtain anything. No matter how rare, legendary or even illegal the object in question might have been. He did draw the line and refused the trading of humans, actively working to weed out those who even wanted him involved in unpleasant things. There is no information to be provided about his whereabouts, not even a livable address due to his wandering nature. His name is thought to be an alias since nothing can be found regarding his surname, origin or birth.

'How am I supposed to find someone like this? False name? No whereabouts? I don't even have a face for his fake name.'

Only two people in, their impressions are unique. Florian still couldn't understand why Basil thought she is suited for the task, or what he is thinking in having her find all of these people. It is never without doubt, but the Sage always had reason; no matter how petty. Usually his reasons would never be known until the situation passed.

The next page showed the heading BOUNTY before she saw the sketch. She looked at the individual on the page, a deadly beauty is the only way Florian could describe her. Striking, elegant and unsettling at the same time. Florian's ability to sense danger is never wrong, and that sixth sense served her while learning how to survive. She continued to read the poster – Wanted: Dead. Reward to be given upon proof of death. Name: Laila Belladonna. With her first impression the surname 'Belladonna' seemed very fitting. Florian's past experiences with belladonna came thanks to learning healing in the temple. A long, arduous course of studying all the healing and poison herbs. Extending into the niche of using poisonous herbs to make medicines and tinctures. Niche for the reason those most disciples and even priests did not trust themselves enough to take responsibility if the medicine made from poison failed.

Laila, a famous assassin that has never been caught despite the countless amounts of bounties and warrants out for her. The reach of people looking for her spans throughout the entirety of the empire and everyone had never even caught a mere sliver of her trace. She is notorious for the only trace being left behind is the bodies of her targets. Victims didn't suit the name of the deceased considering their crimes were revealed after death. The kinds of crimes that made stomachs turn and thankful those individuals were no longer around to commit anymore atrocities.

A famous story made the rounds to tell of a single gold pin that once fell from her clothing. This pin is the only proof they had that Laila Belladonna even existed and it turned the empire on its head. A small insignia of a spider resting on a golden carving of a dahlia flower drew the direct link to the house of Dahlia.

On the surface the house of Dahlia belonged to a poor widow, who, through hard work, took on her deceased husband's title of Marquis. Underground it is known as a home to produce assassins and in obscure texts, the house Dahlia maintained this reputation for nearly two hundred years.

The vast knowledge and mastery on how to kill, the various methods and means all to result in a perfect death were too broad to actually link it to Dahlia. Everything ranging from accidents, poisoning, gruesome deaths resulting in missing organs and limbs, and faked suicides were all commonly taught methods. There is a saying 'The only guarantee once you're targeted is knowing your life is forfeit.'

Florian turned pale at the idea of meeting such a person, the information read like a horrific piece of fiction. If everything were true, how would Basil come to learn of it? It's not something that would just be bragged about openly.

She did know better than to judge people based on their pasts.

She shoved the bounty poster under the stack and decided to move onto the next one. It is not a sketch but rather a well painted portrait. Florian clicked as to what it is, the annoying Winston boy from the temple had an artist visit him in the past to paint a similar portrait. Amongst the nobles it's a marriage portrait. There is no name written on the portrait aside from the artist's name and the date when it had been painted. The notebook had a noted relevance to the painted piece.

Rhetta Edevane, the second daughter and third child of a ducal house. The Edevane family is known to produce generation after generation of exemplary knights. They bore the responsibility of protecting the borderlands from the Irentsi empire. In addition to their considerably large mansion in the capital, they also possessed a colossal fort near the border.

Rhetta passed the knights exam at the age of fourteen, becoming one of the youngest knights to pass with such high achievement. Furthermore she went on to become the youngest imperial strategist in history at the age of sixteen.

Gossip circulated within the capitals' social circles that this course of action on Rhetta's behalf had her unofficially disowned from her family. The reason being, her cancellation of an arranged marriage to another ducal family in the empire. The emperor had never allowed any ducal houses to marry one another as their combined power could very well rival his. Yet there was extensive discourse for this sole exception.

The nobles showed resistance and dissatisfaction to her being appointed the position of strategist. The shallow argument revolved around her age, inexperience and gender. Without the iron shield that is the Edevane family name to solidify her justification made the situation harder especially when considering her family was behind some of the opposition.

Through sheer will and hard work she proved herself worthy of the title beyond a shadow of doubt and the emperor approved it directly. Her unique abilities in guiding and organizing strategies of armies stemmed from being able to gauge an individual's skills and abilities.

Florian turned the page, it's the end of legitimate information and the page solely contained a doodle that Basil left behind. A badly drawn doodle that she assumed was himself flashing a thumbs up along with the words:

"The pen is mightier than the sword, Rhetta will still stab you with a pen." - Basil

She spared another glimpse of the painted portrait and read the date. 'She must have been twelve or thirteen when this was painted.'

The papers piled up with more unusually talented people and a fair mix of those you'd never think would be seen together.

Finally onto the fifth person, the sketch showed a very unique man with a mask on his face, and the second sketch of him being one without his mask.

'Tayoshi is an uncommon name... I wonder if he's from another continent?'

Tayoshi is considered as a mysterious man known for his stoic nature and his peculiar habit of always keeping his face covered.

He is a mercenary as well as the head of the information guild Legacy. While not confirmed he is known to have a personal connection to Rennier. The speculation of which has many thinking that Legacy supports, and is colluding with the first prince.

This is always denied as they claim absolute neutrality and the value of information to be above all, no matter its source. Additionally no birth record or further information available.

'Let's see, the next one up on the head-hunting list is Khio...Khio Ditka?'

Khio Ditka, first and only daughter of the fallen viscount house, became a knight alongside her two older brothers. Passed the knight exam both written and practical with unusually high scores which attracted the direct attention of the knight commander.

Florian sighed in relief, 'So far it seems she's the most normal one.'

Khio currently holds the position of captain of the Beast Knight's division. A unique position that was created specially with her in mind, after having proved her taming abilities.

'B-Beast division you say...?' Florian faltered thinking back to only a moment earlier when she complimented Khio for being the only normal one.

The beast division only contained fifteen human knights, each paired with an animal companion. Though the actual number of 'members' of the beast division were much higher when taking all the creatures into account. It makes up for a very strong portion of the empire's military strength.

She worked tirelessly to catch a mythical grade beast dubbed the untouchable fox. Khio caught, tamed and presented this fox to the emperor himself. Her plan worked as she was noticed for her talents.

The new position had been created and she was to use the full extent of her abilities for the empire's honor. In doing so she had alleviated some of the strain and prejudice towards her family. People still tested Khio, insisting on constant shows of her abilities. In droves she tamed wild, domestic and even mythical creatures.

It's known that Khio openly shows hostility towards nobility who protested against her receiving her position due to her family being a fallen noble house. Although it's never been brought up in an official capacity; they made it obvious it had also been unpleasant for a woman being promoted to captain.

"Well if my life was dictated by a bunch of ostentatious assholes, I'd be just as angry...I was in the temple...same thing." Florian murmured

There is another note left by Basil; 'P.S Can be tamed with food.' - Basil

Florian looked at the note, trying to figure out who it implied would be tamed by food, 'Is he talking about beasts or...?' she thought.

A tired sigh fell from Florian "After leaving the temple I didn't think I would be reading this much again...Day after day all of that scripture-"

Finally she settled on the final page. Behellagh Birdwhistle, the name read and surely spoke like a mouthful. He is the second son, though twins, of the Birdwhistle family who have a total of four children. Known to frequent gambling houses, taverns and red light districts. No notable features or skills to list. Lives life off of the family money and has had three engagements broken off.

'Poor guy'

Good at lying, spinning stories for entertainment and forming social connections.

P.S Included here in case you need a scapegoat.

P.P.S Do not judge people on the unfortunate stories that surround them. - Basil

"This flippant man! Goes from making Mr. Birdwhistle a scapegoat to telling me not to judge him on the stories."

Florian closes the notebook and packs the papers back into her satchel, the wagon slowly draws to a halt and steadies in front of the Hayle village entrance, the gate is opened and they proceed slowly through the village.

The introduction of Basil's ridiculous mission and having to find all of the people on his long list proves a bit of a challenge. It's the first introduction of the rest of our main cast. Thank you for reading! If you enjoy the story don't forget to add it to your library and give it a thumbs up.

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