

Tristan's breath was ragged as he ran through the woods having already escaped the Hunters and was trying to get to Malia as fast as he could.

His vision blurred and he almost crashed into a tree but he pulled himself to the side at the last moment. 

It wasn't that he was out of breath or that the wounds were heavily impeding him. Well they were but that wasn't that either. 

His blood felt like they were on fire. 

Ever since he first tasted the Alpha's blood, his body has been super hyper and excited. He didn't know why but the blood of that Alpha lowered almost all his inhibitions that he almost flipped a switch. It was more intoxicating than anything he had ever drunk. 

Huff huff. 

He leaned against the tree as he felt something building up in his body but had nowhere to go. It felt as if a belch was stuck in his throat and refusing to come out no matter how much he gagged or gasped. It was very uncomfortable. 

He needed something cold to dilute the heat in his body and he knew just what he needed. Blood. 

He pulled himself off the tree and forced his body to run towards where the scent of blood was the strongest. He could also sniff out Brett and the others' scent which made him sigh in relief as that meant she was safe and in their family's care. 

He fought off the nausea as much as he could, only allowing himself to fall over when he had reassessed Malia's condition. 

He ran for a while before he arrived at his house where he could feel all of them inside. 

He rushed inside and saw Malia being attended to by Lori and Tierney while Brett and Jiang held her down to prevent her from lashing out in pain. 

He wobbled forward without nobody stopping him until he got to where Malia was laid and sat beside her. 

The tantalizing smell of blood overrode his senses but he banished such urges since he knew he couldn't feed on her when she was like this. 

He held her hand with one hand while his other hand touched her chest, above her heart, listening to her purse and knowing if her blood flow was erratic.

His body collapsed in relief as he knew she was going to be fine. The Alpha most likely threw her around rather than outright going for the kill. 

"Don't worry, you'll be fine." He whispered as he saw her eyes struggling to stay awake but his words caused them to slowly close as the fatigue finally took over. 

"Woah man, easy there." Tierney held him from falling with worry etched on her face as she saw his wounds that looked black as if poisoned. "We need to get you treated, asap. Those don't look good, you need Satomi." She urged him but he shook his head. 

"Blood. I need blood." He said with labored breaths, looking more pale than he usually did. 

"Here." Brett rolled his sleeves without hesitation and presented his arm in front Tristan for him to bite. "Drink up."

No longer holding himself, he bit into Brett's arm, causing Brett to grunt, and sucked as much as he could and needed to quench the fire in his body. 

As soon as his head cleared up a bit, he removed his fangs from Brett's arm and winced as the blackened scabbed injuries started bleeding again, signifying the healing process. 

They all waited for him to get his bearings before their questioning started. 

"How the hell does your first game turn into fighting an Alpha?" Lori almost screamed out her head in worry if not for Malia sleeping nearby. 

"If you ask me, who am I going to ask?" 

"What does the Alpha want with her anyway?" Brett asked. 

"It wasn't her, it's Allison. Seriously, that girl is trouble." Tristan sighed as he took off his ripped gear and cursed that he was going to get an earful from his nagging coach. Maybe joining wasn't such a good idea after all. 

"Well, that complicates things further." They all sighed. 

The atmosphere turned somber as they realized what they were dealing with. "What are we going to do? After telling Satomi." Jiang asked as the silence became unbearable. 

"I don't know, but… I think I want to kill an Alpha." Tristan casually said after thinking over it for a bit. 

"Yeah, right. It's probably the blood high talking." Brett said, not even entertaining the thought that Tristan was serious about what he said… because he did.

"Well, I'm tired. I'm going to sleep."

"Wait! What about Malia?" Lori's shout stopped him from crashing where he sat. 

"What of Malia?" His head currently wasn't in the right place so everything seems light to him. 

"Well, the Argents might call to check on her since she was with their daughter when the attack happened and it would be suspicious if she just walked away completely fine from it." Lori's words caused all of them to ponder on what they could come up with until Tierney smacked her fist against her palms. 

"We'll just take her to the hospital for a check up after she's healed up. Because it'll sound weird if we just took her home after an animal attack. That way at least it'll look normal." She proposed. If Allison wasn't with her then they wouldn't have to do this but since she was there and her parents were also aware meant that they'll at least be worried about her. 


Malia was admitted at the late hours of dawn after her injuries were all healed up, the ones inflicted by the Alpha. 

Satomi had hurried over as soon as she heard the news with the rest of the pack. To say she was worried and angry would be a gross understatement. She was livid. 

Absolutely no one messed with her children. She had to reign in her murderous thoughts when she saw Tristan calmly sitting by Malia's side reading a school textbook while she ate some fruits. 

They talked for a while where she ascertained all the information she could get and also checked Malia's body thoroughly to make sure they didn't miss anything and only after then did she leave. 

She couldn't risk being recognized by the Hunters and besides she had to meet a few people in regards to this new Alpha. 

"You didn't go to school today?" Malia asked after seeing the clock tick by over an hour past the school opening time. 

"And why do you think so?" Tristan asked with a snort. 

"Okay, Mr. Grumpy. Heard from Allison yet?" She asked. 

Tristan put down his book for a moment in favor of looking at his phone before resuming his read. "They left me over a dozen calls and messages. I spoke to them half an hour ago and I think they want to visit." His discomfort as he said that was visible for all to see. 

"Yeah, that's gonna suck major. I don't think I've ever smelt such abject despair from anyone as much as I did from her yesterday." Malia's voice turned somber as she recalled the fear Allison was practically oozing that even affected her. 

"That's normal. Since she wasn't introduced to the Hunting part of her family she has no way to access a situation like that. But I think that's going to change soon."

"Why do you say so?"

"Because her becoming a Hunter at this point, especially after what happened last night, is inevitable." Tristan said as he dropped his book in frustration. This was completely out of whatever he expected. Malia just happened to be at the wrong place at the wrong time but thankfully none of them were hurt. 

"There're here. I'll go bring them in… and at least try to play the part." He left the room and easily located the pair of daughter and father who were anxiously looking around for their room number. "Hey." He called out. 

"Tristan!" Allison ran and hugged him as soon as she saw him, holding him with a trembling yet tight grip as if she was scared of letting go. 

"I'm fine." He said softly and patted her back in reassurance before she let him go. He could tell just how distraught the young girl was with the puffy and red eyes and the out of rhythm heartbeat. She was barely hanging on as is. 

Tristan greeted Chris before leading the two of them towards Malia's room which immediately caused Allison to break down in tears of relief and shame as she saw her best friend. 

They both hugged each other while the two men stood off to the side and let the girls have their space. 

"How are you holding up?" Chris asked. 

"Fine, I guess. At least she's okay." Tristan truthfully replied. 

"What of your parents? Do they know?" Chris asked in concern. It weighed heavily on him at the misfortune that would have befallen the girl had it not been for Derek's timely arrival. 

"Yea. They were pretty shaken up but FaceTiming with Malia did assuage their worries somewhat." 

Chris nodded and they both stood at the side until the girls were done with their conversation which was cut short because the nurse said Malia needed to rest, which would have been true had she not been fully healed already. 

"Do you want me to take you home?" Chris offered as Tristan walked them to the entrance of the hospital. 

"No, I'm fine." He refused. "I'll wait till she wakes up. Doctors said it's only small fractures, shock and maybe a few days of sleepless nights. Nothing I can't handle."

Chris said nothing and just went to his car which left Tristan with Allison. 

"You have something to say to me?" He asked. 

Allison looked at him for a moment before speaking what was on her mind. "I'm so sorry. If it wasn't for me then Malia wouldn't have been hurt." She apologized but Tristan shook his head at her. 

"It's no one's fault. It's just a stupid hand of bad luck. You don't have to worry Allison, because if you do then Malia would worry, which will in turn make me worry. I'm just glad you're safe."

She hugged him again as his kind words truly comforted her. 

"Thank you." She said with an innocent smile that Tristan thought was too bright. "I have to go now. Call me when Malia gets discharged." She shouted at him before entering her dad's car. 

"Sure thing." He waved them off and remained in motion until they were out of sight before his eyes narrowed. 

He smelt something very familiar. It was a weird mix between blood and rage, something he'd only felt from one wolf he knew. 

The Alpha. 

He was in this hospital. That much Tristan was sure of. 





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