

"Remind me again why I have to do this?" Tristan asked Malia who stood in front of the wardrobe searching for clothes to wear in just her panties and bra.

"Because, Tristan, it's quite normal for high school students to attend parties every once in a while, according to Allison." Malia quoted. 

Tristan rolled his eyes and asked. "And how does that correlate with me going to a party?" 

Hearing this, Malia sighed and turned around with her hands on her waist. "Come on, Tristan. We both know I couldn't care less about some high school party or how high school students move on with their lives in general. But this is the first time since forever that I'm hanging out with someone who is not from our pack, and not you." Her face gained a soft look and a wistful smile stretched her lips. 

"She's the first friend either of us have made and… and I think she's fun, in her own boring way." She further added. 

When all was said about her character and violent tendencies, all that was left to remember was that she was just a 16 years old girl who's only lived less than 12 years of her life due to being trapped as a coyote for over five years due to an accident that she had no control over. 

The strong exterior and the bluntness was a way for her to protect herself with the only way she knew of. She was not as girlish as other girls were which was something she had a natural dislike towards and putting on masks was not something she could do, so the version of Malia you got to know was the same version everyone got, even Satomi, even Tristan. 

The only difference was that he knew her better than anyone ever would, after all he had been there with her the longest. 

She walked forward and sat at the edge of the bed and took his hand in hers. "And it's not just for me." She intertwined her fingers with his. "I want us to enjoy high school as best we can. We'll only live through it once after all."

"I am enjoying it though." Tristan said. "It's just the second day, I'll gradually ease into it."

"Mhm hmm." And then her eyes gained something that was rarely ever there; concern. "I've seen the way you look at them, Trist, mostly Allison. I know how hard you're struggling not to mistakenly kill someone, so I can't actually fault you for keeping distance."

Tristan let out a morbid chuckle. "It's not as hard as it seems, and I've gotten pretty good at it after all this time."

"Then show me." She softly said. 

At her words, Tristan's eyes went from brown to an azure blue and the veins around his eyes grew darker until the sockets became a dark shadow with a pair of blue irises. 

Seeing his transformation, she drew him close and placed his hands around her waist while her hands went over his neck as she rested her head on his shoulders. "Go ahead. You can never hurt me… you're not strong enough to~" She nuzzled deeper and tightened the grip of her hands around his head, bringing his fangs closer to her exposed neck, where she could already feel his hot breath. 



A Prius pulled up to the front of a house that was situated in a nicely structured neighborhood. 

"Are you sure this is where she lives?" Tristan asked for clarifications since the place looked quite loaded. 

"I guess selling guns must be some good money if they can afford this while moving around all the time." Malia commented as she looked at the house. "Maybe we could be some kind of weapons dealer when we get older."

Tristan hummed in agreement before checking his watch. "I'm more of a medieval weapon guy but I think we can pull it off. *Sigh* Let's just get this over with." He opened the door and stepped out of the car before walking to the front door with Malia in tow. 

*Ding dong*

Tristan wore a simple fading green hoodie with the white shirt he wore underneath tucking out below the waist hem and over the chest area while pairing it up with a pair of black trousers. Malia on the other hand wore a beige jacket over a white crop-top and jean pants. 

"Coming!" They heard the voice of a woman scream out from inside and waited a few seconds for it to be opened by an elderly woman with short red hair and a raised brow. "Hello. How can I help you?" She asked with a soft smile on her face. 

"She didn't tell you?" Tristan asked only to see her confusion rising. "Allison. We came to pick her up for a party at a classmates'."

Hearing that, her face lit up in realization as she regarded the two students, presumably friends of Allison, with a welcome. "Oh, sorry about that. I'm Allison's mother but you can just call me Mrs. Argent. She mentioned a party but didn't say anything about anyone coming to pick her up."

Tristan's face didn't show any emotion at Allison's blunder but he nevertheless responded to her mother. "I see. I'm Tristan by the way, and this is…"


She nodded at both of them and ushered them in. "Well come on in. I think she's still getting ready so you can wait for her in the living room." 

"Oh we don't want to impose –" 

"Nonsense. You can tell me all about yourselves in the meantime." She waved off their concern and opened the door wider with a soft smile on her face. 

Though he didn't say anything, Tristan was sure as hell that had he been the only one here, she wouldn't have let him in the house but would have grilled him at the door. They both went in and had to take a step back to appreciate the interior which had a mix between luxury and homely. 

'Definitely rich.' They both thought. 

"Do you guys want anything? Drinks?"

"No, thank you. Water will be fine." Malia answered, which sent the woman to the fridge to grab a can and some glass. 

Malia nodded as Allison's mother went out of sight. "Yup. They're definitely doing something shady."

Tristan didn't affirm or deny it but instead asked why she thought so. 

"Just a feeling." Malia shrugged. "Maybe they sell weapons on the black market too. Street gangs, or something similar. I don't know but it just looks too… clean." She stated. 

Before Tristan could answer, Mrs. Argent reappeared with two glasses of water and set it before them before taking the opposite chair. 

She stared at them with the same Faint smile on her lips and only began her questioning after they've taken the first sip. "So tell me, how did both of you meet my daughter?" She asked a genuine question in pure curiosity as Allison never made mention about the friends she made. 

Malia was the one who answered her so that Tristan wouldn't have to talk too much. "We met on the first day. We just started Beacon Hills like her, so being new students and all."

Hearing that, Mrs. Argent nodded her head in perfect understanding before asking her next question. "What about the two of you? Have long have both of you known each other?" The reason she asked this was because of the way they both arrived together and were sitting so close to each other. 

"Tristan and I have known each other for a few years." Malia said and Mrs. Argent immediately got the gist of everything and was about to lay off the question for the night until Malia continued. "He's my boyfriend."

Mrs. Argent was surprised for a bit but nodded in perfect understanding and even smiled in approval. It wasn't everyday you see a pair of couples, even one so young, be in a relationship for a few years and the way Malia said it clued her in that they might have been friends before they started dating. "Oh I see. Please take care of Allison for me." 

"Absolutely." Malia nodded in assurance which made Mrs. Argent look favorably upon the girl more. 

"Mom!" Allison called out from the stairs. 

"Dear, your friends are waiting for you!" Her mom informed her and left the two of them alone to attend to her own stuff as Allison rushed down. 

Allison came down wearing a white blouse under a black blazer with Jean pants and smiled at both of them. 

"Why didn't you call to say you were already here?" She asked as she made her way towards them with an exasperated expression on her face. 

They both shrugged Instead of answering her and she dropped it for a more important one. "Hope my mom didn't ask you too many questions?"

"Allison!" Her mom's voice called out with a chiding tone to it indicating that she heard what her daughter said. 

"She did. She asked four questions." Malia said which stumped Allison for a moment only for her to be alarmed and embarrassed as she knew that her mom likely heard what the dense girl with no sense for tact said. 

"Please… let's just go." She knew it was a bad choice letting them meet her parents this early on but it was out of her power. 


[The McCall's House] 

Scott McCall is the very definition of a normal high school teenage boy. Born the only son of a divorced single mom whose job was an overworked nurse at the Beacon Hills Memorial Hospital, and an abusive drunk of a father who worked for the feds. Scott McCall was the very definition of a challenged normal high school teenage boy. 

Scott laid on his bed while his mind continued sifting through all the possibilities that, though far fetched, his best friend Stiles gave him. He had been quite angry at Stiles way more than he should when Stiles had confronted him and suggested that he didn't play the game come Saturday. 

He had every right to react the way he did because he had just made first line and Stiles had the gall to say that he could very well kill somebody and the only way to prevent that was to not play the game. Even merely thinking about it now still made him angry. 

"Oh my God! What's happening to me?" Scott whimpered with his right hand over his face. 

Thinking back now that his mind wasn't being clouded by upping Jackson and punching Stiles across the face, he realized that everything started after that wolf bit him two nights ago. 

He had been brimming with energy all day that lacrosse didn't even take that much out of him after practice, which it should considering he was asthmatic. 

He let out a depressed chuckle at that thought. "Well not anymore." His asthma had miraculously disappeared ever since that night and not only that, his senses had also improved. 

He could smell everything inside his class and he could even pinpoint where each smell was coming from if he focused. Lydia's expensive perfume, Stiles' deodorant and mint mojito in his pockets, the new girls, Allison's lavender and the scent of leaves from Malia. It was only from the boy named Tristan that he was having trouble picking up a smell on. 

His hearing had also improved that he could even hear hushed conversations in the hallway despite being in class and even the other class' teacher teaching. 

Not to mention waking up in an animal's cave in the middle of the freaking woods this morning. You couldn't just chalk something like that up to regular sleepwalking. 

No matter how he looked at it, this was in no way normal. Was he going to die? 

Was Stiles right? Was he really some werewolf? Could he kill someone? If he played on Saturday, would he lose control and rip out someone's neck?... Coach? Jackson? Danny? Stiles?... His mum? 

"No no no! It's not my fault!" He could cry. He was just a normal teenage boy who dreamed of making first line before all this started happening. It was that goddamned wolf's fault. Why did it have to bite him? Besides, it wasn't his idea to go to the woods that night, it was Stiles. 

Was it Stiles' fault? It had to be someone's fault and that someone had to be held responsible. 

Unknowingly his normal brown eyes glowed a bright gold and his ears started creeping out. 

"Scott!" He didn't hear the voice of someone calling him as his mind and thoughts became clouded. 





Read up to 20 chapters ahead on my patreøn


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