

A/N: Patreeon is now 20 chapters ahead for TEEN WOLF: BLOODBORN



Huff huff.

He didn't know how much time had passed as the only thing he knew was day and night and not the number of hours they embodied. 

He ignored the shouts from the angry drivers, not that he knew why they were shouting when all he did was cross the road like every other person before him. 

He was at ease in the night, something he had found out recently, and he also was highly afraid of it, or rather it didn't appeal to him like everything else. It was something primal, almost instinctual, but his danger sense was so low that he couldn't tell the difference until it was very apparent to him. 

The moment he found himself in the forest, his rising heartbeat calmed down, the meaning of this action eluding him.

He felt more safe here than he felt at 'Simone's' house. He felt more… free. 

He didn't know how long he had wandered but it must have been very long as he started feeling pangs in his stomach. It got so bad that his pace became very slow and he started clutching his stomach. 

"Hrrnng! Rargggh!" He tried to stop it by expressing himself but it did nothing except bringing him down to his knees as more pain wrecked his body. 




He didn't know the relationship between the three but he knew that he had to make everything that was currently happening to him stop. 

He rolled and rolled, beat his stomach with his fists and cried out at the loudest he could but all it did was make the pain more fierce. 

He tried pushing himself forward one step at a time, hoping that where he didn't know he was going would be able to stop the pain. 

Only being able to focus on the pain he was feeling, his legs got caught in some vines and feeling the last bit of strength he had leaving his body, he fell down the slope path he was walking on and started tumbling down. 

All he could do was unintelligibly cry out in pain as his little body hit the trees and stones on his descending fall. 


And landed on a body of water. 

Feeling the state of something familiar, he reflexively swallowed and a tiny bit of his pains were assuaged. Understanding that he could finally fight the pain, he started gulping large amounts of water and felt the pain greatly subside until he started choking on it. 

After being greatly comforted with his fill, he stood up from the stream he had fallen in and continued his walk. 

Though he felt light aches in his stomach, it wasn't anything he couldn't disregard. He stopped and looked up to the source of the light that was illuminating his way and found the white circle that floated above the clouds. He was so entranced with it that he didn't immediately notice when something started crawling his way. 


He slowly turned around, not at all aware of the danger he was in, and saw the little animal in front of him with luminescent blue eyes. Not knowing what it was and also due to his curiosity, he started making his way towards the furry animal which resulted in a more intense growl. 

He stood in front of the animal and wholeheartedly ignored its hunched position and low growls and reached out his hands. 

The animal, only an instinct away from chomping on the incoming hand, felt all its hair stand on its tail as the boy's hand made contact with its head. 

The boy seemingly not knowing the dangers he'd escaped started rubbing the little animal's head. 

It was something different from all what he had seen. The thing before him was very different from the other people he had seen as it was the first sighting of an animal he'd experienced ever since he woke up. 

His hand ran through the hair on instincts alone for a while before he abruptly stopped. 

The hunger. 

It was coming back. 

He looked around in a bid to find the flowing water he had seen before but he couldn't. The animal seeing the boy suddenly becoming restless and looking around aimlessly suddenly separated itself from the boy and brought up its guard. 

Not knowing the state of the furry animal he was petting a few moments ago, the boy continued looking around before restarting his walk since he already knew that he couldn't afford to stay in one place when that pain came. 

He left the animal alone and continued his walk into the forest in search of nothing he knew. 

The animal, seeing as the child was finally gone, started following the trails he left. 

And so the two continued the night like that with the boy looking for sustenance while the animal followed behind. 


It was a miracle he had managed to survive for the past few days, not just due to the luck he had with food but also shelter. 

He had toured most the night on that day looking for water but since he couldn't find another stream of water having lost his way, he had settled for eating grass. Happy that it had placated his hunger for as little as it did. 

Luckily for him, he had found another water flow and drank from it but was quite reluctant to leave his fountain since he had come to know the importance of the flowing clear liquid.

He also found some sweet things to eat by the riverbank among the grass he had picked so he was very…? 

He didn't know what he felt but he had felt good at that moment. 

He had been beside himself before the memory of the animal came back to him which caused him to make a frantic turn in order to find it only to calm down when he saw it by the trees in the distance. 

Not knowing how to call it, or even if he wanted to call it, the two, boy and animal, continued staring at each other for an indefinite amount of time before the animal started walking forward on its own accord towards the boy. 

Seeing his company finally taking the decision to come closer, the boy calmed down and sat by the riverbank until it joined him, both staring at the now partial moon while listening to the sound of the running water. 

They continued like that until one of them got bored and signaled to the other to follow, which they did. It was weird if someone else had seen this but their communication was all centered on the belief that the other could understand what they were trying to say without having to speak a word. 

The boy continued on following his newly found companion since even he wasn't sure where his body needed to go at this point so he was glad to be able to grasp onto something that could dictate his movement. 

He followed the little animal until she brought him to a cave, somewhere that although not warm enough, was still better than having to sleep outside under the night sky no matter how much he would have loved to try something like that. 

He would have laughed if he knew how to or if he knew what it was so he didn't and took everything happening to him as natural. Even the animal that was supposed to have ripped him to shreds the moment he laid a finger on its body and still invited it to its cove was a bit stumped but it didn't do anything… not even when the boy grabbed it around its neck and drew it close to him in a bid for warmth. 

And so the first night of the boy and its animal companion passed. 


He was quick to learn the importance of food from his companion as a few hunger pangs were enough for him to grow accustomed to and dislike the experience while also knowing how to remedy it. 

The only problem he had was with his companion. 

Sure they understood each other in some levels but communication was still key to cooperation. Most of the time, they would spend minutes to an hour just looking at each other, most likely wondering when the other was going to figure out what they wanted until his companion would growl and walk away, only coming back later with blood stains around its mouth. 

Even though their communication was bad, it didn't stop the boy from knowing when he had to sustain himself and tracing his way back to the riverbank for some sweetened meal. 

Unfortunately, he was soon to realize that not all sweet things were good, especially when taken over a sustained period of time. 

It was three days before the ache came, bringing with it a torrential wave of pain that assaulted the boy until he woke up in the middle of the night. 

His companion had been quite stressed, whining, growling and prowling around as he turned around in discomfort while clutching his sides. 

It was only the licks it gave and the hugs he sought that had managed to sooth him until the morning but that night had remained a hard one for the duo who couldn't say a word to each other. 

The next morning, his animal friend was found bringing in little dead animals with its bloodied mouth and dropping it before the boy while it waited for him to wake up. Seeing as the boy was not waking up, it went out again to hunt for more food, the one it liked anyway, and brought them back before proceeding to lick the boy's face as it laid beside him. 

Whether it was the stench of blood or the wet tongue that continuously lapped his face, the boy had no other choice than to stir awake in the face of the two assaults. 

Seeing as its new friend was awake, it nuzzled him a few times before standing up and bringing him the dues of the successful hunt it had carried out early in the morn and laid it in front of him before prodding him to partake. 

Getting the clue immediately, and also because he was famished and not wanting to ever feel the pain of hunger, he crawled over and held one before taking a bite out of the dead animal. 


He immediately spat it out which did not seem to amuse his concerned companion if the growl it gave was any indication. 

Hearing his friend's growl, he scrunched his face and took another strong bite out of the meat but his entire body shook in disgust and he was forced to spit it out again. 


This was the strongest impression he had ever gotten from anything and it was basically telling him that what he was doing wasn't good, alas the concept still eluded him so the only thing he felt was the sour taste and the slight shiver he got every time he took a bite. 

He shrunk back in fear, a rather instinctual and primal reaction when something outside of your scope of expectations happens, as his companion started letting out heavy growls and barking. 

He looked at the meal in front of him and picked another one, hoping it would taste different from the second one but all his hopes were dashed. This time however, the same bite that he could take he kept in his mouth and looked at his furry companion who had stopped growling and had both of its eyes on him, wondering what he would do next. 

Seeing as he had its full attention, he closed his eyes and swallowed the tiny piece of meat into his stomach and if he could read his companion, he would have seen contentment flashing through its eyes… only for it to be dashed as he spat it out. 

The next thing he felt was his arm being bitten quite harshly which resulted in a cry of pain escaping his mouth. 


On that same day, the duo had their first fight with the furry companion winning while the boy had bite marks and bruises all over his body. 

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