
The Imperial Storehouse  

The picture of yesteryears started to unravel like a mystery novel, spotlighting Colgate and Hao Vee within the majestic expanse of the Imperial Storehouse. They wore a blend of curiosity and suspicion on their mugs as if they were a couple of knights playing a tense game of chess.

Planted in the core of the Imperial City was the Imperial Storehouse, which was a wonder to behold. This colossal edifice spanned miles, decorated with lavish golden and silver embellishments. Its walls were etched with elaborate designs, each an artist's rendition of the city's sprawling history. The Storehouse held a crucial responsibility: it was the custodian of priceless relics, rare artefacts, and ancient weapons. Its significance was immeasurable as it represented the power and wealth of the empire, as well as the rich cultural heritage passed down through generations.

"Quite the place, isn't it?" Colgate broke the silence while sweeping his gaze over the grandeur of the Imperial Storehouse.

"It's more than I imagined," Replied Hao calmly, expanding his Vibe Sense to ascertain his surroundings. "There are so many fascinating items on display."

"Sure is. These sparkling treasures are only the surface of the Imperial Storehouse, set to woo potential curators to bargain with us."

"Bargain, in what way?" Hao was curious to learn more about this grand structure and its operations, however, their conversation was interrupted by the arrival of Diana, a woman whose curiosity was piqued by his mysterious allure.

"Who's the new bloke?" She asked Colgate while looking Hao up and down. Internally, she thought his swagger was neat, aside from one thing.

"He's the Blade Engineer I told you about, here to fix a relic," Colgate explained, introducing Hao to Diana. "Hao, meet Diana. She's one of us, an Imperial Hound."

Diana extended her hand towards Hao, who shook it firmly. "Nice to meet you, Hao."

"Likewise," Responded Hao succinctly.

Letting her curiosity get the better of her, Diana asked, pointing to his face, "What's with the wrap?"

"I'm blind," Hao replied simply, leaving Diana and Colgate momentarily stunned.

"Blind? And you're here to fix a priceless relic?" Diana's surprise was evident. "Is this a joke, sir?" She glanced at Colgate seeking confirmation.

"I thought his blindfold was the trending fashion nowadays." Colgate then directed his suspecting mouth towards Hao, "Are you messing with us, kid?"

"No, I am not. I don't have any eyes. That's why I wear this." Hao chose not to go into specifics. The revelation of his blindness actually increased Colgate and Diana's trust in him because they reasoned that he wouldn't be able to covet the priceless items within the Storehouse since he couldn't see them.

As they walked through the vast halls, Colgate began to regale Hao with the history of the Imperial Storehouse. "This place has been around for centuries. It's seen empires rise and fall, wars won and lost. It's more than just a storehouse, it's a testament to our history."

Hao listened attentively while using his fingers to lightly trace the intricate carvings on the walls. Albeit having no eyes, he seemed to understand the grandeur of the place, his touch coupled with his unique senses were revealing what regular persons could not see.

Diana was looking back and forth at Hao as if she wanted to say something, moments later, the words finally left her lips, "So, how does a bloke like you end up in a gig like this? Blade Engineering isn't exactly a walk in the park, especially for someone who can't see."

Hao shrugged nonchalantly, "I've always had a knack for it, I suppose. Being blind doesn't mean I can't feel the essence of a blade, its structure, its balance. It's more about feeling than seeing, really."

Colgate entered the conversation, saying, "That's quite impressive, mate. Not everyone can say they've got a natural talent for something as complex as Blade Engineering."

Continuing their trek through the vast halls of the Imperial Storehouse, the trio finally arrived at the storage room. "It's this way," Diana announced, leading Hao to a table where the relic lay.

The sword was a sight to behold, even in its damaged state. Its hilt was adorned with mesmerizing designs, and even though the blade was chipped and scratched, it still held an aura of majesty. It wasn't an X-Class weapon, but it was still a rare and valuable artefact, one that had unfortunately been damaged during transport by a careless rookie.

Hao reached out and gently brushed his fingers over the blade. Even though he couldn't see it in the traditional sense, he could feel its history, its power, its potential. "It's a beautiful piece," he said softly. "It's a shame it got damaged."

Hearing this, Diana said, "But that's why you're here, isn't it? To bring this beauty back to its former glory."

"Indeed. And I promise you, this sword will be as good as new when I'm done with it." Hao spoke confidently. Inspecting it further, he added, "The damage is quite extensive. It's going to take some time and a fair bit of Blade Tokens to restore it."

Colgate and Diana exchanged a glance before speaking up, "How long are we talking about?"

Hao paused for a moment, considering his answer. "Given the relic's age and the need for delicate handling, I'd say about a fortnight. As for the cost..." He named a figure that made Colgate whistle lowly.

"That's a hefty sum, but if Master Lin Shao recommended you, then it's worth every token," Colgate remarked with no hint of hesitation in his voice. The Imperial Storehouse had the necessary funds to cover all the expenses.

Hao smiled at the mention of Master Lin Shao, a revered and accomplished individual in the realm of Blade Engineering. His unparalleled skills and vast knowledge had earned him the prestigious position of Chief Blade Engineer, making him responsible for overseeing the maintenance and preservation of the countless relics and artefacts housed within the Imperial Storehouse. It was his recommendation that ultimately led Hao to the Storehouse and set the stage for the events that would follow.

Cracking his fingers, Hao uttered excitedly, "Ok, let's get it." Without delaying further, he withdrew the necessary items from his toolkit and started working on the damaged relic.

Colgate and Diana watched in awe from a reliable distance. They observed his hands moving with such care that was mesmerising, his expert touch was slowly bringing the relic back to life.

"He's incredible," Diana's eyes were wide with admiration.

Colgate added, "His hands... they move with such deftness. It's like he can see the inner structure of the blade, even though he can't."

Hao simply smiled at their words while keeping his focus on his task. "It's all about feeling the blade and understanding its core. Seeing isn't always necessary."

"If you say so. You're the blind Blade Engineer here." Diana shrugged while walking away. "I'm going for a drink of water, Colgate. Want any?"

"Yes, bring a bottle for me. I'm feeling a bit parched." Colgate remained to observe Hao's skill as he waited for his partner to return.

During the course of his work, Hao shared bits and pieces of his life with Colgate and Diana. "I've been blind since birth. But that didn't stop me from pursuing my passion for Blade Engineering."

His words left Colgate and Diana in silent admiration. Here was a man who had turned his disability into his strength, who had risen above his circumstances to become a highly skilled Blade Engineer. His unique abilities had caught the attention of Master Lin Shao, who took him under his wing and mentored him in the art of Blade Engineering.

As time prolonged, Colgate and Diana found themselves spending more time with Hao. They would watch him work, listen to his stories, and slowly, they grew increasingly fond of him. They admired the dedication, kindness, and unrelenting passion he displayed for his craft. Hao, in turn, enjoyed their company and began to trust them as well.

"Never thought I'd say this, but I'm glad we met you, Hao," Colgate admitted one day while carrying a genuine smile on his usually strict face.

"I second that." Added Diana cheerfully.

Hao returned their smiles, "The feeling is mutual."

After what felt like an eternity of painstaking work and unwavering attention to detail, Hao finally completed the restoration of the damaged relic. He took a step back, his fingers lingering on the blade for a moment longer before he finally let go.

Colgate and Diana watched as Hao unveiled the restored sword. It was a sight to behold, its beauty and power fully restored. The blade shone under the soft light, its edges sharp and flawless. It looked as though it had never been harmed.

"Wow, Hao! You've done a smashing job!" Exclaimed Colgate.

"Not bad at all. You live up to your occupation and at such a young age." Diana's gaze was fixed on the restored relic.

Hao cracked a slight smile. "It was a challenge, but I'm glad I could restore it to its former glory."

Once the relic was safely returned to its rightful place in the Imperial Storehouse, Hao's job was complete. Colgate and Diana, believing Hao's blindness to be an assurance of his loyalty, asked him to stay and work with them at the Storehouse.

"We could use someone like you, Vee. Your talent and unique abilities could be an invaluable asset to our scrubber team." Said Diana sincerely.

Hao considered their offer for a while before saying, "I'll think about it." His words left Colgate and Diana hopeful.

However, they were unaware that Hao had other plans. Unbeknownst to them, the short period he spent in the Imperial Storehouse had given him access to crucial information, which he would later use to his advantage. But for now, he would play along, biding his time until the moment was right. After all, he was a Blade Engineer, and patience was one of his virtues.

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