

Dillon materialized in a flurry of black and red smoky substance, the ephemeral wisps coalescing and taking on the form of a wasp. With a swift buzz of his wings, he zipped through the goblin village, his keen senses honed on locating Tanii. Jay's memories provided a vivid image of the young girl—white-haired with emerald eyes—that guided Dillon's search.

The wasp darted through the village, navigating between buildings and bustling thoroughfares until he reached Lenora's dwelling. Without hesitation, Dillon slipped through an open window and into one of the rooms, where Lenora's siblings lay fast asleep.

Realizing his mistake, Dillon made a swift exit and continued his search, guided by an unwavering determination to deliver Jay's message to Tanii and Siena. He moved with purpose, his iridescent wings shimmering in the ambient light of the moonlit night.

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