

Clara and Jay were contemplating on What to name the cuckoo wasp Jay was able to create using Élan Vital. They both pondered walking around, as the wasp just looked at them tilting its head left and right.It was as if the wasp also wanted to help in naming itself.

"Dillon!" Jay jumped up saying.

It means Loyal, which I am hoping you will be.

As Jay and Clara marveled at the evolution of the cuckoo wasp they had named Dillon, the air seemed to buzz with newfound energy and anticipation. Dillon's transformation was nothing short of astonishing, its form shifting and its features growing more intricate.

"Dillon it is, and I shall serve you with everything I've got," the newly evolved creature proclaimed, its voice resonating within Jay's mind.


Jay and Clara remained almost shocked, the wasp was capable of communicating.

Though it wasn't something weird or out of the ordinary they hadn't seen before especially for the Entity.

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