
Some Innocent Fun and New Teacher(Edited)

When Mark and Runeas entered the Bronx Zoo, Mark learned that she absolutely loved animals. He also liked them, but he preferred predatory animals and the like as they reminded him of himself. She loved camels and other types of herbivores. One thing that Mark noticed is that every time he passed by reptiles they lowered their heads to him.

[It's their natural instinct to submit to a dragon. The kings of all reptiles.]

'I see, but you just called yourself a reptile.'

[We are reptiles. We lay eggs and everything, just don't accept being called a lizard.]


Runeas also noticed this and from the look of it, she thought it was interesting.

"Hey, if you could get a familiar, what would you get?"

Mark thought about it as he had an idea.

"Can a dragon be a familiar?"

[Yes they can. Though you would need to try with a low-tier dragon as all the big famous dragons are either dead, sealed, or missing. Look what happened with me and Albion.]

Runeas sighed.

"It's not much better for us Devils. After all the wars our population is not even 1/5 of what we had before the Great War. And for what, World Domination? Even if one of the three factions won, what was the point? We still have other pantheons to deal with. Just the Greek Gods are a big threat to us."

Mark began to laugh at how feeble Devils seemed. Hearing his laugh made Runeas frown.

"What is so funny?"

"Sorry, it just seems that the three factions fought for nothing. In the end, most of your leaders, most of your populations, and most powerful champions ended up dead. And what did you get out of it? Nothing. Nothing at all. Same for us humans though."

"It's not funny Mark. We all thought we were doing what we had to."

Mark shrugged.

"It is what it is. War is never a useful thing, but if one wants to get anywhere one should be ready for war. What was that old saying, I pray for peace, but I am ready for war."

Runeas stopped and looked up at him.

"That is a nice saying. Well, we should have fun. I can feel camels here. Come on."

She grabbed his hand and dragged him toward the Camels. Mark followed her to the camel rides. When they arrived at the Camel rides, Mark could swear that every camel rushed over to Runeas. Runeas was the first Gremory and the one who gave the clans association with them.

Seeing her smile as she pet every Camel even made even his smile. He allowed himself to simply enjoy a calm day without forcing himself to control his emotions like he was used to. He did not have a lot of happy memories after his recruitment as an assassin. Members were discouraged from having families. Even though he had only known Runeas for a couple of hours she was nice to be around.

After paying to have several camel rides, both of them got to enjoy riding a camel. Runeas loved all camels, but she had a soft spot for 4 humped camels. An endangered Underworld native species. Apparently, she owned several, but they were currently left to her descendants.

After they left the Bronx Zoo, when they were driving around in his pick up he asked her something.

"If you are the first Gremory and the progenitor of the whole line, who is your husband if you ever had one."

She smiled as she sat back holding a camel plushie.

"He died a really long time ago. The Great War lasted several millennia and he was one of the deaths in the very first battle. At that time my son was only 10 years old and I could do nothing as he was struck down by God. Nothing was left of him."

"Do you hate God?"

She shook her head.

"No, I really don't. He was doing what he had to in that war as we all did."

Mark looked over and grabbed her hand. He had seen his mom lose his brothers and her husband and it killed her. Though he had done the same to Issei's parents, he did not really care. Probably showed how messed up he was.

"So, what about your son?"

Runeas squeezed his hand a little tighter as she said the truth.

"He is dead. He also died as a casualty of the Great War as well. I almost died as well to Azazel in one of the biggest battles for the Underworld. Azazel's holy spear pierced my gut as I had just killed Ezekeel, one of his Cadres. And I almost lost my life for it.

It did allow me to fake my death, but I was hurt for a long time. I don't blame Azazel either as he was avenging his friend. We all took someone from others. It's why I treat my descendants so well as they are my last connection to both of them."

"I see. So, after living so long one is bound to lose people."

She nodded.

"I sometimes envy you, humans. Your lives are short, but you accomplish so much in so little time."

"Well, I don't plan to die as a human. I am the only true heir to Ddraig meaning I have to surpass him and become the true Red Dragon Emperor. One way or another."

Hearing his plan made her feel he had great ambition.

"Once you reach that level what then?"

"I got to keep getting stronger and prove to myself that even a human like me can evolve to become a true dragon."

[And this is why you are the best host I have had. I think even Belzard would think that. He was the strongest Red Dragon Emperor ever as he defeated two White Dragon Emperor Hosts in his lifetime.]

Mark just grinned.

"Is his mind also among the former predecessors?"

[No, he and another are more powerful than the others. Their consciousness are somewhere in the Boosted Gear, but I am not sure where. Though you can leave them be as they are not among the ones whose consciousness taints the Boosted Gear with their negative emotions.]

Hearing what he was saying made even Runeas shiver.

"Ddraig, you are trying to get Mark to use the Juggernaut Drive of all things?"

[I am not. I want him to get rid of the Negative Emotions of his predecessors so he can use power like it without risk to his Life Span. He has the talent for it and he might be the first as not even Belzard or Elsha came close to something like that.]

Runeas thought about it before she smiled.

"Mark, do you want me to be your contracted Devil?"

[Partner, I say you accept. Runeas is of the first generation of Devils that were created by Lucifer. You would be like Johann Georg Faust. He made a pact with the Devil Mephisto Pheles]

"I was going to accept even if you said nothing Ddraig, but thanks. So, what will you be doing Runeas? Go back to your family?"

She shook her head.

"As I said, I think I will be staying in the human world for a long time. I find you interesting and I want to see how you develop. I also don't want you to become the enemy of the Devils."

"I will certainly try."

"That is fine with me."


When Mark and Runeas returned to his stolen home, Runeas went back to watching TV. As for Mark he sat down on the bed and sat cross-legged on it. He sent his consciousness down into the Boosted Gear once more appearing in the colosseum of former Red Dragon Emperors.

Mark stared at the men and women around him who vacantly stared out into open space.

"So, how am I supposed to deal with these? Just fight them?"

[Do what you think is right, partner?]

Mark walked toward a young teenage boy with black hair. He looked thin and very scrawny.

"So who was this?"

[He was the most talented Red Dragon Emperor before you. He even managed to get the Juggernaut Drive early on, but he was consumed by it and died. I do not want the same fate for you.]

Mark backed away as he started out at many of his predecessors.

"I, who shall awaken. I am the Heavenly Dragon that stole the principle of Domination from god. I laugh at the Infinite and fret over the Dream. I shall become the Red Dragon of Domination. And I shall drown you in the depths of Crimson Purgatory."

He did not complete the chant as that would make him go Juggernaut Drive. He had not even mastered the Balance Breaker, what hope did he have at mastering that?

"I get the overall meaning of the chant, but I have no idea how to get them out. Might as well try something."

Mark walked toward the young teenage boy that Ddraig spoke about. He raised his fist with the intent of punching him, but a hand grabbed his arm.

"I would not do that."

He looked behind him and saw a blonde woman.

"I take you are Elsha."

She just smiled.

[Elsha, I thought you and Belzard would never appear.]

"Ah, don't say it like that. Well, I saw what you were going to do and I can tell you it won't work. You can beat them until your knuckles are bloody and it won't do a thing. If you want to get them out, you will just have to seal them or face their emotions head-on."

Mark thought about it as he looked at the blonde woman.

"So much trouble for a bunch of dead ghosts. No offense."

Elsha just laughed.

"None taken. Now, I got to say, you truly are impressive. So, what is it like eating a soul."

Mark shrugged.

"I have no idea. The only thing I know is I died, then I am flung into this new younger body. As for eating Issei, I have no idea how that happened at all. I am as lost as you or Ddraig are. But now that I am in this body, I have my goal and I cannot be held back by these slackers."

"So, you are choosing the hard way to deal with them. Facing them head-on and sealing them away. If only me and Belzard had as much drive as you do, Mark was it. For the foreseeable future, I think I will teach you more about the Boosted Gear until you reach the point you want. Maybe even that grouch Belzard will do the same. Ddraig, you will let me talk to him right?"

[Yeah, yeah.]

Elsha smiled as Mark was about to leave. He thanked her as he left.

"I thank you Elsha."

She just smiled as she waved him off.

"It's only fair as you are taking the Boosted Gear in a new direction."

Mark then appeared back in his body as he started off into the distance.

'Elsha and Belzard. Two people I have to overcome.'

[You better work hard. They were not the two strongest for nothing.]

Mark stood up and saw that Runeas was now watching Scooby Doo. When she noticed he was back she smiled.

"Hey, how did it go?"

Mark thought about it.

"I would say well. I found a former wielder of the Boosted Gear who is willing to help me out. I still have a long way to go before I can safely use power like the Juggernaut Drive. For it, I need to master the Balance Breaker and then make a Subspecies of it."

Runeas hopped on the bed and sat in front of Mark. She reached out and took his hands into hers.

"Well then, we better first start our pact."

He nodded.

"How do I do this?"

She just smiled.

"It's nothing hard. We just make a pact on an exchange. You continue to keep me entertained and I will keep helping you train in your powers. Deal?"

Mark nodded.

"That is fair. Besides, why would I give up the company of a beautiful girl like you."

Her face got a bit red as she pushed his face away.

"Sweet talk won't get you anywhere. Besides, I have given birth before. Don't most men like virgins? I am not one so maybe one of my descendants your age would be better."

Mark decided to do something forward. He leaned forward and rested his head on her lap.

"I don't really care. It gives you the air of a milf."

She looked away from him as she pulled his cheek.

"I don't know what that is, but I bet it is perverted. And I am not that easy you know."

He suddenly sat up and hugged her before laying down on the bed with her.

"If you were, I would not be so pushy."

"You fiend. You better not try anything or I will kick you in the nuts."

He just smirked as he cuddled with her in his arms. She was not pulling away so she did not hate this. Besides, dragon hosts were super attractive to women from other races. Ddraig pulled his consciousness back into the Boosted Gear to give his host some privacy.

As for why he was pushy with her, well he might as well try to not be alone in this world like he was in the past. And he would get benefits for being involved with the progenitor of a Devil Clan.

Runeas will be the first member of his harem. Should I add Rias or not? I think one Gremory is fine, but what do you all think?

God_Of_Wolvescreators' thoughts
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