
Immortal World: Elizabeth Silvermoon Part 1

Pov Illios:

When I woke up, I couldn't think of anything, literally any idea I had, no matter how small, disappeared. This scared me a lot.

[Star Demon has detected serious damage to the body's integrity]

[Star Demon uses emergency cosmic energy to heal...]

[You will not be able to use body features for 30 days, 10 hours, 30 seconds]

When I couldn't think of anything, I suddenly felt a very dominant energy, incomparable to the spiritual energy of the immortal world. This energy poured into every part of my body and finally into my head, and I could finally see and feel my body. It was painful, but after half an hour, I could feel that my body had healed.

I could tell obviously that the drink Elena had given me was to blame for this, which made me fearful and suspicious of her. How the hell did she get something so powerful? Was it the system? And in what world did they sell something so macabre? What else would she have done without my knowing? I decided that I had to be more careful in the future and not trust her completely.

"This thing almost made me half-idiot," Illios sat down and thought about what exactly Elena had gotten and where she had gotten it.


Time before...

After what had happened with the drink, Elena woke up in a bed next to Illios', hours before he did. Like him, she too had the after-effects of the drink and felt a little dizzy. She looked around and wondered what day it was today, as she didn't remember going to bed the night before. Then, she remembered her mission and wondered if she had succeeded.

"It seems like everything went according to plan," she thought to herself. "Illios is out of commission for a while, I have to set up the scene."

However, despite everything going well, Elena felt a little uneasy about the way she had manipulated Illios to achieve her goals. She knew he didn't deserve to be treated that way, but she also knew she had to do whatever was necessary to reach her goals and not be eliminated.

Elena slowly got up from the bed, feeling a strong migraine and nausea. She tried to remember what had happened the night before, but everything was blurry in her mind. Had she succeeded in getting Illios to impregnate her?

[Star Demon (Degraded) has detected serious damage to the body's integrity]

[Star Demon (Degraded) uses emergency cosmic energy to heal...]

[You won't be able to use body characteristics for 91 days]

"It seems being a woman saved me again," Elena thought, but then changed her mind and regretted having drunk the tea too.

[Star Demon (Degraded) upgrading progress from (Degraded) to (Complete): 0%]

"Damn it! I have to start over," she complained, remembering that since she had discovered how to upgrade her body 11 years ago, she had only managed to accumulate a percentage of 5%.

"But there's no point in regretting, this had to happen," Elena consoled herself.

She looked around and realized she was in Illios' room, on Illios' bed. She got up carefully, trying not to make any noise, and started looking for her clothes. Finally, she found them in a corner of the room and quickly got dressed.

As she put on her shoes, she looked at Illios sleeping. He seemed calm and at peace, which made her feel a little guilty about what she had done. But she knew she couldn't afford to feel remorse, she had a goal to achieve and would do whatever it takes to accomplish it.

Without making any noise, she left the room and closed the door behind her. She stopped in the hallway, trying to remember where she was and how she had gotten there. She touched her head, feeling a sharp pain in her temple.


Illios' POV:

After a few minutes of silence, I finally mustered the courage to ask Elena what had happened.

"What the hell was that drink you gave me?" I asked angrily.

Elena didn't respond immediately. She looked down, avoiding my gaze. I knew she knew what the drink was, but she didn't want to tell me. I got even angrier and started shouting at her, demanding that she tell me the truth.

Finally, she began to sob and fake cry. I was confused at first, but then I realized she was trying to manipulate me. Although I was angry, I felt sad seeing her cry, but I didn't let her fake tears sway me.

"Stop pretending," I said firmly. "I want the truth. What was that drink?"

Elena sighed and stopped crying. She looked me straight in the eyes and said, "I got it from the system, but I didn't know it was that strong. I'm so sorry, Illios."

I was perplexed for a moment. The system? Could this system give her a drink that would cause me to be as stiff as a vegetable?

"Why did you do this, Elena? Why did you give me that drink?"

She explained that it was an exclusive mission from the system for her to give birth to my firstborn or the celestial dao of this world could expel her. She said it was for us to be together. I knew what she was doing was dangerous, but she had to fulfill her mission.

As she talked about her mission, I could see in her eyes that she was considering whether or not to tell me the truth. I knew her calculating personality and that she always weighed the pros and cons of each situation before making a decision. Finally, she decided that telling me the truth was the best course of action.

"I can't tell you more, Illios. You'll know later," she finally said.

I was silent for a moment, processing everything she had just told me. I knew I had to continue investigating the system and its true nature. But for now, I had to deal with Elena and how it would affect our relationship in the future.


Elena, with her calculating personality, decides to show Illios her status window to better explain the situation and change the subject before it's too late.

[Status Window (Immortal World)]

[Name: Elena]

[Age: 16 years old]

[Cultivation: Stellar Sage (medium)]

[Body: Star Demon (Degraded) (Female)]

[Bloodline: Absolute Dragon (noble) +5]

[Constitution: N/A]

[Talent: N/A]

[Abnormal State: Pregnant (1 week)]

After a few minutes of silence, Elena decided to talk to Illios about her pregnancy. "Illios, we need to talk about the baby's well-being," she said with a serious voice.

Illios looked at her skeptically. "What's going on, Elena?" he asked.

"What happened with the drink I gave you was a mistake and it won't happen again," Elena began. "But I can't deny that the effects it had on my body worry me. I don't want that to affect the baby's development."

Illios frowned, not understanding where all of this was going. "What do you suggest, Elena?"

"Look at tab #645 of the various store in the universal system," said Elena.

When he opened the system tab, this appeared:



[Zombie Virus (controllable, includes remote control)]

[Super Advanced Maternal Doll (Imperial Princess Perfect Collection)]

[Translational Capsule for Gestation (Imperial Princess Perfect Collection)]

[Super Time Room (Imperial Princess Perfect Collection)]

"I think we should use the maternal doll and the capsule," said Elena. "The maternal doll will take care of the baby and ensure that it has an optimal environment for growth. And the capsule will accelerate the birth process, which will reduce the time of pregnancy and the possibility of something going wrong."

Illios still wasn't convinced. "Elena, I can't allow you to shirk responsibility for the drink and giving birth," he said firmly.

"But Illios, do you really think I'll be a good mother?" Elena asked, sadness in her voice. "With all the mistakes I've made, I'm not sure I can take good care of the baby."

Illios pondered over Elena's words and realized that maybe she had a point. He had seen her impulsive and calculative behavior, and he wasn't sure if that was best for a child.

Finally, Illios reluctantly nodded. "Okay, we'll use the doll and the egg. But promise me you'll be there for the baby when it's born, Elena."

Elena nodded with tears in her eyes. "I promise, Illios. I'll do everything I can to be a good mother to our child."

After,Illios simply walked away.


So, after convincing Illios, Elena feels a little relieved that he agreed to buy the artifacts she recommended. She knows that her calculating personality can sometimes be overwhelming for Illios, but she also knows that it's best for their baby.

For a moment, Elena feels strange thinking of herself as a mother. She had never imagined herself as a mother, but now that she's pregnant, she knows she has to do what's best for her child. Plus, she hopes that this fact can bind Illios even more to her.

But she also knows that she must be careful not to be too calculating in her relationship with Illios. Sometimes, her playful personality can be the key to keeping Illios interested in her. So, she promises herself to stop calculating so much and let things flow naturally between them for a while.

With these thoughts in her head, Elena patiently waits for Illios to buy the artifacts she recommended to take care of their baby in the best possible way.


When Illios returned to his room, he lay down on his bed and sighed.

"The pregnancy gave her the appropriate topic to change the crazy drink," he said to himself. In the end, it was also his responsibility, knowing that it was an aphrodisiac, but he never imagined it would be so potent.

"Knowing the pregnancy, I really don't have the energy to argue about that shit," he thought.

And finally, he saw the description of the items she mentioned.

[Super Advanced Maternal Doll (Perfect Imperial Princess Collection): 10,000,000]

Description: In a certain world, in an ancient empire, there was an emperor who was too busy and powerful. To share her responsibility and have time for herself, she decided it was a good idea to have a daughter. However, there was a problem: she didn't have time to raise her.

So, she decided to go to the most renowned scientists in the empire to make her a doll to take care of her daughter for her. This way, she could save time in parenting and have enough knowledge to educate her, thus killing two birds with one stone. The scientists got to work and the result was this doll.

Functions: Simulation of the mother's aura, biomechanical features (android), functional uterus (a fertilized egg is required to function), 2.0 update, practical knowledge of parenting for humanoid creatures, basic fighting skills.]

"I have to admit, it's quite comprehensive," Illios was impressed by the doll's functions.

"Now let's see the other one."

[Gestational Transfer Capsule (Perfect Imperial Princess Collection):

Description: When the Empress of a certain empire realized that her pregnancy presented difficulties for her functions, she decided to turn to her scientists to present a solution. So they got to work and the result was this capsule.

But there was a problem, of the 500 most powerful and beautiful women who could carry her important imperial princess, none were compatible, so her scientists suggested upgrading the maternal doll and giving her biological functions, resulting in the 2.0 update.

Functions: Able to transfer pregnancy from one person to another, provides nutrients and oxygen to the developing fetus, more optimal and faster development for the fetus.]

"It's useful, especially now that Elena's Star Demon body has flaws due to her shitty drink," remembering that event once again, Illios got angry. Although it was pleasurable at first, it was a real hell afterwards, something that should never happen again.

I'm sorry if my English is not well understood or there are inconsistencies, since I rely on the translator to make it as understandable as possible, but I will improve my English progressively. thank you

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