
Chapter 168: Cauldron Burning

"Don't speak with me; you think I'm in the mood to listen to the nonsense that escapes your mouth?" Said Elif with a frown as he eyed the man before turning around.

"I-I apologize for my ru-" Replied the man apologetically, though Elif wasn't having it as he interrupted the man.

"Did you not just hear me? I said I'm not in the mood to listen to your nonsense; I have things to do. If you wish to be irritating, do it near someone else; let's go, Gu; I don't wish to interact with these alchemists anymore than I have to." Stated Elif in annoyance as he turned back and glanced at the man before ignoring him while signaling to Elder Gu.

While walking away alongside Gu as we continued down the hall, leaving the alchemist back there, I heard the door slam shut, yet I didn't even care enough to turn around and look. Heading toward the next and final door on this floor, which was at the end of the hall, just like before, Elder Gu knocked on the door, and we waited for a little longer than a minute, mainly because this was the last alchemist, yet just when I had given up on acquiring an alchemist, the door opened.

Stopping in my tracks, I turned around and spotted a middle-aged woman with fiery purple hair, causing me to raise an eyebrow since it looked quite lovely.

"Gu, I hope it is something important; I was just in the middle of my studies." Said the middle-aged woman calmly with a frown while eyeing Elder Gu, though her eyes widened slightly when she spotted Elif to the far right.

"Prince Elif?" Muttered the women in shock at such a turn of events.

"Yes, that is I, the most perfect and charming being in all of existence." Remarked Elif with his trademark narcissism as he flicked his streak of purple hair.

"I'm Alchemist Calida, but you can just call me Calida, Prince Elif; seeing as you're here, you must require the expertise of an experienced Alchemist. Is there something I may be able to help with?" Stated Calida with a cordial demeanor and a slight bow, her respectful actions putting her on Elif's good side.

"Yes, actually; though, just so you know, I won't be requesting you to make a pill or anything like that; it's, in fact, rather simple and easy for someone of you're caliber." Replied Elif with a slight nod while glancing at Calida, who was intently listening.

"All I need you to do is heat a cauldron and keep it at two separate temperatures for an entire day; I'm sure such a thing should be incredibly easy for you." Added Elif as he looked at the slightly confused Calid.

"T-That's it, Prince Elif? I don't mean to be rude, but I'm confident any Phoenix is capable of doing what you've just described; you wouldn't need to seek out someone like me specifically." Said Calida with a confused frown, though she still accepted Elif's request since it would've been quite rude to refuse the request of someone of Elif's status.

"I know, but it would just be easier to seek out an alchemist; besides, while my request is rather simple, it has a steep requirement since only someone with the cultivation base of a True God Lord would be eligible. I need to get the cauldron very hot after all." Stated Elif calmly while nodding his head as he, Gu, and Calida, who closed her door, headed back towards the stairs at the other end of the hall.

"I see; if you don't mind me asking, what is this all far, Prince Elif? You've sparked my interest a little." Said Calida with a nod of understanding before glancing at the back of Elif since she was walking behind him.

"Cauldron burning." Replied Elif lightly as he frowned, his words startling Calida while Elder Gu was confused, which is only expected since he's not a high-ranking elder, nor does his job revolve around such actions.

"Cauldron burning? That isn't something I was expecting; punishment perhaps?" Muttered Calida with a thoughtful expression while the three arrived at the stairs and headed down.

"Yes, punishment for my servants, though just know they were the ones who decided such punishments; I don't want rumors going around saying that I severely punish my servants." Declared Elif solemnly, causing the two to nod in understanding.

'Actually, now that I think about it, I've hardly punished them at all.' Pondered Elif with a thoughtful expression.

The walk down the several flights of stairs was quick and uneventful; when we arrived at the bottom, back at the lobby, Calida and I continued walking while Elder returned to his desk, while I would've given him a rejuvenation pill as a token of thanks, I currently don't have my dimension ring on me, so that wasn't an option. Once the two of us exited the alchemist hall, we floated into the sky, quickly flying through the air and above the manor as we headed toward my temporary residence.

A few moments later, as we neared my residence, we descended into the back courtyard where the massive cauldron was, which was filled with yellowish liquid, along with Illumia, Mandy, Marley, and Idonea.

"Is everything prepared, Illumia?" Asked Elif as he gracefully landed on the ground while catching his dimension that was just thrown to him by Illumia.

"Yes, everything is set and ready, your Highness; all that is left now is actually to begin the cauldron burning." Replied Illumia blandly while glancing at Calida, who landed alongside Elif.

Nodding my head, I had Calida wait beside the cauldron as I headed toward the three in the distance who seemed to be fully prepared for the punishment that was about to ensue, though only Mandy here knew how painful cauldron burning is.

"Your Highness." Stated the three simultaneously as they bowed toward Elif, who had summoned his quạt tay.

"I expect you three are ready?" Asked Elif as he approached the porch and sat down in a nearby chair while fanning himself.

"Yes, your Highness; Idonea and I have been mentally preparing ourselves since yesterday." Replied Marley with a determined expression, while Idonea firmly nodded in agreement.

"I've been ready since the moment I requested my punishment." Said Mandy seriously with a hardened gaze as she eyed Elif before looking at the massive cauldron.

Looking at their determined expressions, I sighed again; I never had any intention of changing their punishments, considering they were the ones who had asked for it, but I'd preferred if they hadn't chosen such an extreme punishment given their mistake. However, it was too late now; besides, none of them looked like they regretted their decision.

"Haa, alright then, you foolish three; the time has come." Remarked Elif while eyeing the three, his words signaling the start of the punishment.

With my words, Marley and Idonea started heading toward the cauldron, while Mandy, apparently the only one who knew what to do, took off her clothes and armor, striping down until she was entirely in the nude, though luckily, since I was the only male, she had no reason to be embarrassed, but I'm sure my whistling didn't help as I noticed her face had slightly blushed.

"M-Miss, Mandy, why are you naked?" Asked Marley in confusion as she looked at Mandy; even though she was interested in men, specifically Elif, she couldn't help but appreciate Mandy's beauty.

"It's required for the Cauldron burning." Replied Mandy as she set her dimensions to ring down and approached the cauldron before hopping into it, though Calida hadn't started heating it yet.

"Did neither of you bother doing any research on cauldron burning after picking that as your punishment?" Asked Elif with a sigh of disbelief while eyeing the embarrassed Marley and Idonea.

"I-I was going to Your Highness." Said Marley awkwardly as she made up excuses while Idonea opted to stay silent.

"Well, it doesn't matter now; you heard what Mandy said, strip." Remarked Elif as he dismissively waved his hand.

Once Marley and Idonea were both bare of any clothes, they copied Mandy and also hopped into the massive cauldron; although the three were now inside the cauldron, they were separated. Mandy was on the far right, while Marley and Idonea were on the far left.

"Heh, since we've already got three out of the five women present nude, why not make it all five?" Stated Elif with an amused chuckle, though, since their lack of interaction, Calida wasn't able to discern whether he was joking or serious; however, Illumia could, but that didn't mean she would listen.

"If you so desire, your Highness." Replied Illumia blandly, and before Elif could even stop her, she snapped her fingers, causing her to instantly appear clothless.

"Is this better now, your Highness?" Added Illumia with a teasing smirk while flaunting her voluptuous breasts, causing Elif to feel slight lust at Illumia's beautiful figure.

Although I hate to admit it, Illumina's figure was wonderful, to the point where even I felt slight signs of lust welling up inside me, though such feelings were only present for a few short seconds as I stared at her body, getting used to it, before I eventually calmed down.

"Well, I admit, you've got a spectacular body, Illumia, but that's about it; I'm still not that interested in those slabs of fat you call breasts." Replied Elif with a smirk, his words causing Illumia to click her tongue in annoyance, though she stayed nude.

Shaking my head, I looked over toward Calida, intending to inform her that I was merely joking about my earlier comment, but when I looked at her, to my surprise, she was already naked, causing me to rub my head.

"I-Is this good, Prince Elif?" Asked Calida with a deeply blushed face while glancing at Elif, causing Illumia to snicker quietly.

'Next time, I'll just stay quiet.' Thought Elif while looking at Illumia in annoyance.


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Elven Legacy (Chapter 183: Elaine The Assassin) || Hero of Harmony (Chapter 64: Ring Of Eros(R18)) || One Piece: Chaos Kong (Chapter 103: Abandoned Village) at [patreon.com/Ozonelayer691]

Yolo; how's it going Ya'll?

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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