
Chapter 139

Chapter 139

  There was a sudden exclamation from the audience.

  Samwell narrowed his eyes too.

  Is this the fault of the king's pot belly?

  Or was it deliberately arranged by someone?

  Soon, he learned the answer.

  Just when Robert himself was in a daze, several people around him suddenly exerted their strength at the same time and rushed forward.

  "Hahaha, want to take advantage? Delusion!"

  Robert was not afraid at all, holding the hammer with both hands and swiping violently, blood and flesh flew all over the place, bones shattered and skulls split.

  However, such a terrifying and bloody blow not only did not scare everyone away, but more people rushed towards the king at the same time.

  Seeing this scene, Samwell finally became convinced that this was deliberately arranged!

  This is a planned murder!

  "Stop! Stop! Stop! The game is over!" Barristan Selmy, the captain of the Kingsguard, rushed into the field first, trying to stop the game.

  "Protect the king!" Queen Cersei screamed.

  Gregor Clegane, the loyal dog of the Lannister family "The Mountain", was moved by the sound, and rushed into the arena holding a great sword.

  But at this time, it was too late.

 Audience saw Robert swung his warhammer again. Although he knocked over a mercenary who was rushing up, he was still stabbed by another man in his unarmored belly.

  The severe pain caused the king to let out a roar, and he swung his war hammer to smash the man's brains.

  But in the blink of an eye, another person quietly appeared on his right side, with a scimitar in his hand cutting a long, narrow and hideous bloody incision on the king's belly—crash !

  The fat intestines gushed out mixed with blood, like a bloody slaughter scene.

  The screams, shouts, and howls reached their peak in an instant, and the entire venue was in chaos.

  "No!" Barristan let out a desperate and angry roar, rushing towards the king like a mad white bear, knocking away the murderer who had cut open the king's stomach, then drew his sword and looked around, shouting , "Stand back! All back!"

  The murderer just got up, as if he wanted to escape, but saw Gregor "The mountain" had already rushed to him, and swung the huge sword in his hand suddenly— — Swish!

He cut the man in half.

  This horrific scene frightened the rest of the contestants, and then they scattered.

  And "The Mountain" seemed to have become berserk , and chased after others with a blood-stained giant sword. Although he was not fast due to his huge size, the guards around the field had already surrounded and blocked the way of the contestants.

  Then, this mad dog raised by the Lannister family started to kill.

  All of a sudden, blood flowed across the arena, body parts flew around, and the scene was extremely terrifying.

  Natalie was so frightened that she got into Samwell's arms. While comforting the little girl, he watched everything in the field coldly.

  Unexpectedly, the king did not die in the hands of wild boars as in the original book, but died in the tournament.

  But he can be sure that this is definitely not an accident, but a murder against the king!

  He has even guessed the real culprit behind all of this.

  There is no doubt that it is the Lannister family!

  What Gregor Clegane, "The Mountain" is doing now seems to be avenging the king, but in fact he is trying to silence them.

  As for the person who let King Robert step into this elaborate murder, there is no doubt that it is Queen Cersei Lannister.

  Yes, although the queen has been trying to prevent the king from participating in the group competition, it was her blocking that pushed the king into the competition field step by step.

  This woman knew her husband too well, and she knew that the king liked to oppose her most.

  So her sentence "You are not allowed to participate in group competitions" is more effective than thousands of words of encouragement.

  What's even better is that she can also clear herself of suspicion after doing this -

  she has clearly tried her best to dissuade the king, but he himself refused to listen.

  And the broken breastplate of the king, was it really an accident? Is it really the king's pot belly to blame?

  Obviously not.

  Who put the armor on the king?

  It was the king's squire, Lancel Lannister!

  Yes, another Lannister.

  He is also the cousin of Queen Cersei.

  In the end, there was the loyal dog of Lannister family is killing and destroying all evidence.

  On the field, the killing machine of the western region, "The Mountain" Gregor Clegane, continued to kill, and even the guards on the field were assisting him to block the way of the contestants.

  Intending to murder the king is indeed enough to sentence these contestants to death, but such a hasty killing without trial is not revenge.

  At the critical moment, the arena was in chaos, everyone was busy calling for the maesu to rescue the king, and no one cared about the "The Mountain" that was about to finish.

  Samwell watched all this silently, and suddenly began to suspect that was this carefully planned murder really the work of Queen Cersei?

  Although this woman indeed have good looks and a good figure, but in terms of brains...

  It can't be said that she doesn't have any at all. She is still a little smart, maybe it's more appropriate to call it cunning.

  But she has no sense of the big picture at all, and she doesn't understand the profound schemes, and can only turn the tables.

  But relying on the identity of the queen and the support of the Lannister family, Cersei really has the ability to turn the table.

  She couldn't understand this Game of Thrones, and she didn't want to understand it. Anyway, if something went wrong, she would directly overturn the table and force everyone to play rock-paper-scissor with her.

  This murder against the king was indeed in line with Cersei's personality, and it was something she could do, but the specific planning and design were extremely delicate, and it was not like something this woman could think of.

  Therefore, there should be someone behind her...

  Samwell felt that Petyr Baelish, "Littlefinger", should be the most suspected one.

  This guy should be aware of the rumor, so in order to divert everyone's attention, he planned the murder to create more chaos.

  Samwell couldn't help feeling secretly that "Littlefinger" is indeed a master in terms of intrigue, and he is indeed far behind.

  But unfortunately, this guy probably doesn't know that Samwell has already revealed this rumor to those who really need it.

  Littlefinger wants to use chaos to cover up the rumors, but he doesn't know that in the chaos, the poisonous snake will become more deadly!


  "How is His Majesty?"

  "We are trying our best.." Grand Maester Pycelle's hands were covered with blood, and his forehead was covered with sweat. "Please give us a little time, a little..."

  "The King must not die!! Do you hear that, Pycelle!" Queen Cersei shrieked, tears streaming down her face.

  "I will try my best, I will try my best..." As if he couldn't bear the gazes of the others, Pycelle hurriedly turned and entered the room.

  Outside the door, the atmosphere was oppressive and dignified, only the sobbing of the two young princes and princesses remained.

  Queen Cersei turned around, as if holding back her grief; "Joffrey, take your younger siblings back to rest."

  "Yes, mother."

  At this time Petyr also thoughtfully persuaded: "Queen Cersie , please go back to rest. We will be guarding here, and if there is any news, I will send someone to notify you immediately."

  The queen hesitated for a while, and finally left under the escort of her younger brother Jaime.

  When the two returned to the queen's bedroom and closed the door, Cersei couldn't hold back the ecstasy in her heart anymore, and burst out laughing.

  Jaiy looked at his sister and said speechlessly,

  "Cersei, he is your husband after all, even if you are not sad, there is no need to laugh like this."

  "Why can't i laugh? Hahaha, that fat pig is finally dead . I finally killed him!"

  "You?" James was stunned, "Is this everything you planned?"

  "Otherwise." Cersei picked up the wine jug on the table and poured herself a glass, " Oh, my dear brother, revenge tastes so good, so good! I regret putting up with that fat pig so long! I should have done it sooner!"

"Revenge? He's your husband! What kind of enmity you have ?"

  "What enmity?" Cersei's voice suddenly sharpened, "So many years of humiliation! So many years of indifference! You ask me what enmity I have! On the first night of marrying him, I devoted myself to him, but he actually called the name of that bitch Lyanna Stark! At that time, I wanted to kill him! Kill him!"

"But after all, he is your husband and your king ..."

  "King shit!" Cersei looked at her younger brother, feeling a little unhappy, "What's going on? Jaime? You're still blaming me? Kingslayer, have you forgotten that you killed one yourself too?"

  Jaime was at a loss for words, but he still said, "You should have at least discussed it with me first."

"Discuss with you?" Cersei held a goblet and looked at her younger brother as if she was invincible "Your head is on the hand with the sword, what's the use of telling you. Do you know that woman Catelyn Tully came to King's Landing, and Eddard Stark is probably already aware that we pushed his son off the tower!"

  "Catelyn Tully came to King's Landing?" James was stunned, "Why didn't I know?"

  "By the time you knew this, Eddard Stark would've already told Robert our secret!" Cersei glanced at her brother disdainfully, "The gods are so blind that they gave you dick and power to make you crush on the battlefield but gave me only periods and swollen nipples, so I can only cry in pain on the delivery bed, giving birth to you stupid men! Now that fool

Robert is dying, wait for little Joffrey, then it will be my turn to rule this country! I will prove you that if I hadn't been born with the wrong gender, I would be the wisest king! and my father would be proud of me! "

With that said, Cersei came to her younger brother, teasing his chin, and said,

  "Come on, let's celebrate."


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