
Chapter 134

Chapter 134 Encounter

  "I'm going to kill him! I'm going to kill him!"

  Prince Oberyn roared ferociously, holding a spear in his hand.

  "Don't be impulsive! Oberyn!" Ellaria Sand hugged Prince Oberyn's waist tightly, trying to comfort her lover, "If you rush to kill Petyr Baelish now, then Isn't your patience all in vain? This not only fails to clear your grievances, but adds new crimes. At that time, the Martell family will really become the public enemy of the whole kingdom! Have you forgotten the death's in Starfall City?"

  Perhaps the lover's last words had an effect, Prince Oberyn gasped heavily, forcing himself to calm down.

  But there was still a cold glint in his eyes.

  "Then what should I do?" he asked through gritted teeth.

  Ellaria breathed a sigh of relief, but still hugged her lover:

  "We should try to find evidence first."

  "How to find such evidence?" Prince Oberyn shouted angrily, "Since Petyr dares to do this , no trace will be left!"

  "Lysa Tully," Ellaria said, "That is a weak woman, we can lay hands on her!"

  "Lysa Tully, Lysa Tully She..." Prince Oberyn gritted his teeth, "How do I do it? She will never admit to such a thing."

  "Believe me, Oberyn, I know how to deal with this kind of woman. Besides, she has a son?" Ellaria showed a cold smile.

  "But I don't think you can succeed."

  "At least let me try!" Ellaria persuaded, "Anyway, the trial will not be held for a while, we still have time. Your impulsiveness will only ruin everything."

  "I can make this suspicion public!" Prince Oberyn calmed down, and gradually came to an idea, "Yes, as long as I make this suspicion public, I can let Petyr stand trial with me! when..."

  "Don't be stupid, Oberyn. Lysa Tully is the widow of Duke Jon. If you make such an accusation so rashly, no one will believe it. They will only think it's you. Give me one Opportunity, let me go to the Eyrie to investigate, maybe I can find clues!"

  "Okay." Prince Oberyn finally put down his spear, "What is your reason for going?"

  "Of course it is sincerely apologise to Lady Lysa and ask for her forgiveness for what you have done ."

  "Aren't you admitting that I killed Jon Arryn?"

  "I'm just your lover, not your wife." Ellaria said bitterly , "What qualifications do I have to plead guilty on your behalf? I am just finding an excuse to get close to that woman."

"Okay, then you go as soon as possible." Prince Oberyn nodded, pretending not to hear other meanings in the woman's tone .

  Then he remembered something, and warned: "By the way, don't tell anyone about this, including Arianne, she can't hide anything."

  "I understand." Ellaria tiptoed and kissed Prince Oberyn, then floated away.

  After his lover left, Prince Oberyn sat alone in the room without moving for a while.

  He suddenly thought of a question—did Samwell Caesar deliberately lead himself to doubt Petyr Baelish and Lysa Tully?

  But that kid can even confuse Lysa Tully and Catelyn Tully, can he see through Littlefinger's plan?

  However, regarding the rumor that Samwell said...

  Prince Oberyn suddenly got up, went out to find his attendant, and ordered:

  "Go to the flea nest and find out if there is any news about Petyr Baelish and Lady Lysa Tully's gossip."

  "Yes, my lord."



  Hand of the King, Duke Eddard was about to go to sleep when he heard a knock at the door.

  "My lord, it's Lord Varys."

  Although wondering why the "Spider " was looking for him at such a late hour, Duke Eddard got up, put on his clothes, and opened the door.

  "Sorry, Lord Ned, to disturb you at such a late hour."

  "What's the matter?"

  Varys took a few steps closer and lowered his voice,

  "Your wife, Lady Caitlin, has arrived in King's Landing."

  "Catelyn? She's in King's Landing now?" Duke Ed was stunned, "Why didn't I know?"

  "She came quietly. However, my little bird saw her..."

  "Where is she?"

  "I saw her with Lord Petyr."

  "Petyr Baelish? Why him?"

  Varys spread his hands a little aggrieved: "My lord, your wife doesn't want to attract attention, so of course he can't bring her here in the Red Keep, besides you, she is the closest to Lord Petyr in this city."

  A trace of anger flashed in Duke Eddard's eyes, but finally he said:

  "Okay, take me there!"

  —— ———————

  "How long until Ned arrives?"

  Caitlin asked in a cold tone.

  Petyr Baelish looked at the woman with complicated eyes: "Catelyn , I haven't seen you for so many years, you have nothing to say to me..."

"You should call me Lady Catelyn ." She corrected.

  "Okay, Lady Catelyn ." Petyr sighed, the woman's deliberate alienation seemed to make him very sad, "Why did you sneak to King's Landing this time?" "

  "As a wife, I miss my husband, can't I come and see him? "

  Petyr laughed: "Then do you need to make it look like a sneaky lover meeting?"

  Catelyn glared at the man beside her, but said nothing.

  Petyr sighed again, with a hurt expression on his face: "Catelyn, are you unwilling to tell me anything now? In Riverrun, we were like brother and sister."

Caitlyn looked at the man With those gray-green eyes, memories of her childhood flooded into her heart, making her feel sad for a while.

  As the adopted son of Lord Tully, Petyr had grown up with her at Riverrun, and had indeed been like brother and sister.

  But when the news of her engagement to the eldest son of the Stark family came, this "brother" suddenly wooed her like crazy, and even had a duel with her fiancé. If she hadn't interceded, he might have lost his life .

  Catelyn may never forget that day, when this "brother" who was always clever and smart swung his sword like a fool and rushed towards an opponent he could never defeat.

  Thinking of this, she still softened her heart: "Petyr, I have always regarded you as a younger brother."

  "In this case, my good sister, why did you come here?" Petyr said sincerely, "Tell me, Maybe I can help."

  "Okay." Caitlin finally said what her second son Bran Stark said after he fell from the tower, fell into a coma, woke up, and her own conjecture.

  After Petyr listened quietly, his gray-green pupils shimmered in the night. After a long while, he spoke again: "Do you think it was Queen Cersei who pushed your son down the tower?"

  "I am also doubtful about this.." Caitlin didn't dare to finish her sentence, "However, I can't figure out why the queen would do this."

  "I think of a possibility." Petyr's mouth curled up.


  "Your son may have accidentally seen something he shouldn't." Petyr played with the quill in his hand, "For example, the queen and her brother..."

"The queen and the kingslayer?" Catelyn froze for a moment before realizing, "You don't mean to say..."

  Petyr shrugged: "I just heard some rumors. Our Majesty often goes out for a change of taste, so it's not unbelievable for the Queen to steal some desserts occasionally, right."

"But they are brothers and sisters "

  "It's not that this kind of thing has never happened before. Aegon Targaryen married his own sister."

There was still shock in Catelyn's eyes, but after thinking about it carefully, she felt that what Petyr said has some truth.

  At this moment, there was a sudden knock on the door.

  "Oh, my dear brother-in-law is here." Petyr whistled, and went to open the door, and sure enough, he saw Duke Eddard and Varys standing at the door.

  Duke Ned ignored Petyr, broke into the door directly, and hugged his wife.

  Catelyn poked her head out of her husband's arms, and said to Petyr, "Can you give us some space?"

  "Okay. This room is yours for the time being. But don't do anything bad, this is my study. "

After finishing speaking, he closed the door.

  "Lord Varys." Petyr looked at the eunuch outside the door with a smile, and lowered his voice, "Thank you so much this time!"

  "You're welcome." Varys said in a soft and greasy tone, "We are old friends, and we should help each other."


  "Oh yes, there is another piece of news that you might be interested in."

  "What news?"

  Varys smiled mysteriously, and said softly, "Prince Oberyn lover suddenly left King's Landing yesterday."

  "Ellaria Sand? Where did she go?"

  "It looks like it should be the Eagle's Nest City."

  "The Eagle's Nest City?" Petyr's pupil suddenly shrank , he immediately asked, "Who has seen the Red Viper recently?"

  Varys turned sideways, facing the darkness and whispered: "The three brothers and sisters of the Tyrell family recently went to the Great Sept of Baelor to give alms."

  "Tyrell!" Petyr gritted his teeth.

  A secret smile appeared on the corner of Varys's mouth, and he left immediately:

  "Okay, it's getting late, I'll go back to rest first, good night, Lord Petyr."

  Petyr watched Varys take a few steps, suddenly he opened his mouth and asked,

  "Why did you help me this time?"

  Varys turned his head, somewhat sighing, "Oh, maybe it's because I'm getting older and becoming more and more nostalgic, so I really don't want to see the familiar face just disappear ."

  After speaking, he turned and left without waiting for Petyr's response.

  In the room, after listening to his wife's narration, Duke Ned's expression changed again and again.

  "Queen?" Duke Ned frowned, "but why she tried to kill Bran?"

  "I suspect that Bran may have accidentally seen the queen's secret while climbing!"

  "What secret?

  " I don't know, but just now, Petyr told me that the queen is likely to have an affair with his own brother!"

  Duke Ned was shocked by the news, and he couldn't help but think of the time when the queen forced him to kill wolves by the Trident River with a ferocious face,

  it's no wonder that the queen is so hostile to him. It turns out that the real reason lies in this!

  Duke Ned got angrier as he thought about it, and said, "I'm going to find the king now!"

  "No, Ned!" Catelyn stopped her husband, "We don't have any evidence now."

  Duke Ned calmed down, he pondered for a while and said to his wife:

  "I will collect the evidence of the queen's infidelity, and then give it to Robert. In this way, I will avenge Bran."

"Okay, you must be careful." Catelyn reminded, "Even with the evidence, you should also pay attention, I am afraid that Lannister will not give up easily."

  Hearing this, Duke Ned was startled.

  He couldn't help but think of the expressionless face of Duke Tywin Lannister, and a widely circulated saying -

  A Lannister Always Pays His Debts


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