
Chapter 58

Night falls.

  Piles of bonfires lit up on the beach by the sea, and the aroma of barbecue permeated the air, along with bursts of laughter.

  In order to welcome the Lord's return, Eagle Island held a grand bonfire dinner.

  Of course, there is not so much etiquette to talk about when the sky is sitting on the ground. Everyone is very casual, eating meat, drinking wine, and listening to the guards who followed the lord to tell what they have seen and heard along the way.

  Samwell and Petyr Baelish walked side by side on the beach chatting.

  "It's very similar to my territory, all by the sea and rocky."

"However, the Narrow Sea is not as gentle as the Summer Sea."

" I've never seen the Narrow Sea, and I really want to see it someday ."

  "I'm afraid you will regret after seeing it."

Petyr laughed, "In the depths of the Narrow Sea, it is said that there are countless ice giants living to this day . They danced on the beach, setting off terrible winds and waves, enough to swallow any ship."

  "Ice giants? I remember seeing ice dragons from a book."

  "Maybe both." Petyr shrugged , suddenly changed the subject, "Sam, do you know why I came to Eagle Island in person?"

  Here it comes!

  Samwell's heart tightened, knowing that the real drama was coming.

  Petyr Baelish, the biggest conspirator in Game of Thrones, would definitely not come to such a remote place as the Red Mountains just to see a silver mine.

  He must be up to something.

  However, Samwell was not too nervous.

After all, he knew the true face and rules of conduct of this charismatic-looking Treasurer of the Kingdom.

  This person wholeheartedly wants to disrupt the Westeros continent, so that a small nobleman like him with a humble background can have a chance to climb up.

  Moreover, Petyr, as a high-end player in the game of power, is best at hiding his purpose. For this reason, he will even do things that seem to be of no benefit to him, so that no one will cast suspicious eyes on him.

  He can also calmly hide in the dark corner, use lies and tactics to manipulate the "protagonists" in the center of the stage to fight and bleed.

  "To be honest, Lord Baelish, I am also surprised that you came in person." Samwell said honestly.

  Petyr stopped and looked sideways at Samwell:

  "I actually wanted to see you in person, Sir Caesar."

  "To see me?"

  "Yes. I see myself in you when I was young."

Petyr's eyes did not hide his appreciation, "Although your background is better than mine but you are not loved by your father.

Everything in Horn Hill has nothing to do with you. So, you are the same as I was when I was young. You have almost nothing, and despised by everyone.

  But like me, you are not willing to succumb to fate.

  I asked the Duke Arryn to be the tax collector of GullTown, and within three years, the town Taxes was increased tenfold. And you got a development order from the Duke Mace , opened up new territory in the depths of the Red Mountains, and won the loyalty of tens of thousands of savages. So, i don't look down at you even if the castle hasn't been built yet, but I believe that one day, you will surprise the whole of Westeros."

  It has to be said that Petyr's words are extremely provocative, coupled with his cadenced tone, it can make anyone's blood boils when they hear it.

  Not to mention, this person is still a big man in a high position.

Faced with such admiration, no young man can hold back.

  It's a pity that this "Mockingbird" met Samwell, and even though he sang beautifully, in Samwell's ears, there were whispers of the devil.

  What are the consequences of listening to Petyr Baelish?

  Just look at what happened to Eddard Stark, Duke of the North.

  "You really think too highly of me, Lord Baelish." Samwell put on an expression of being very excited, trying to maintain a humble expression.

  "My eyes have never misread anyone." Petyr said with a smile, "Besides, I have always been willing to help the young heroes of the kingdom as much as I can, so as to accelerate their growth.

  " A generous noble !" Samwell offered flattery, and at the same time wondered what the other party's so-called help would be.

  Petyr took a step closer, put his hand on Samwell's shoulder, lowered his voice, and said,

  "I know it's difficult to develop in a barren land like the Red Mountains, and you have so many people to support now, surely money is urgently needed..."

  Hearing this, Samwell suddenly became suspicious—could the Iron Throne pay to sponsor the pioneering lord?

  There is such a good thing?

  But what Petyr said next explained his doubts and shocked him.

  "This silver mine is actually dispensable to the kingdom, but it is very important to you. That's why I came here in person, and I will leave a trustworthy person in Eagle island to cooperate with you as to Supervise the casting of the silver stag."

  At this point, Samwell would be stupid if he can't understand the hidden meaning of Petyr's words.

  This guy actually hinted that he could make fake accounts!

  As long as he keeps a part of the silver deer privately, correspondingly, the taxes and fees he needs to pay to the royal family will also be greatly reduced.

  Seeing Samwell's astonished expression, Petyr knew that the other party understood what he meant, so he smiled again and said:

  "I know this matter may not be so glorious, but believe me, doing so will not damage the kingdom benefits, on the contrary, might be enhancement. Our Majesty the King is not a thrifty family man, so, instead of letting the money be handed over and squandered by him, it is better to leave it for you to expand the territory of the kingdom."

  Really a high-sounding reason.

  Samwell lowered his head, as if caught in a fierce ideological struggle.

  But in fact, he was thinking about Petyr Baelish's real purpose.

This guy can't wait for the kingdom to be in chaos . why would he care about Kingdom expansion ?

  Petyr probably saw the real reason why Madam Olenna sent him to Eagle Island to develop, so he decided to add fuel to the fire.

  The better the development ofEagle island , the greater the probability that reach will attack Dorne.

  As long as the two sides fight, it will give a schemer like Petyr a chance to take advantage of the fire.

  This should be his real purpose.

  Although he saw through Petyr's real motives, Samwell found that he had no reason to refuse.

  Wouldn't it be beneficial for him to retain some of the silver deer?

  Although Petyr's move has evil intentions, the benefits are indeed real.

  As for whether this move would hasten the war between Reach and Dorne, he felt that there was no need to worry at all.

  After all, he knows that it won't be long before the situation in King's Landing will deteriorate first, and King Robert will also die. At that time, Westeros will be in a situation where all the heroes compete for the throne. Who will pay attention to a pioneer knight in the corner of the Red Mountains?

  Of course, to be on the safe side, Samwell knew that he couldn't keep the concealed money alone.

  Otherwise, what if "Littlefinger" takes this matter as a trick to manipulate him in the future?

  So, after a "difficult" struggle, Samwell said:

  "Master Baelish, what you said is reasonable. In addition, I would like to give you a part of the silver deer, after all, you are so dedicated to the country.A big man will definitely need money."

  Petyr took a deep look at Samwell and showed a satisfied smile, as if his purpose of doing this was to get this benefit:



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