
Bitter Truths

"There have already been twenty servants and six knights caught so far. Do you think there are more spies?" Ana shook her head as she checked the details of the caught servants. 

"There may be more but not every of them is working for the royal palace. We need to find their reason and see who can help us in our task." Cent's eyes hardened at the thought.

"I do not think it is a good idea, Ana. infiltrating the palace could be dangerous. If you want, I will do it for you." Ana paused, worried. Cent had already done a lot for her. She did not want to put him in trouble but the man only laughed.

"Since you know I have announced my marriage. It is only right for me to pay his majesty a visit and ask for his blessings in private." her lips smacked into a thin line.

"You will not get a chance to go underground. It is impossible." she shook her head but he only laughed as if it was obvious.

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