
Interlude: A Day In The Life of St. Peter

St. Peter POV:

Zeus is here again for the second time no matter how many time we throw him out he still comes back acting like he owns heaven. The souls behind him looked at Zeus with a mix of fear and awe and eventually I said "Zeus you aren't allowed to be here so would you please leave you are holding up the line". Zeus's eyes sparked the air smelled of ozone burning "I AM THE KING OF THE GODS THERE IS NOWHERE I CAN"T GO AND I DEMAND AN EXPLANATION ON WHY HEAVEN IS INTERFERING WITH OLYMPIAN MATTERS!" he screamed. I sighed "Zeus please leave I don't want to call Gabriel and interfere with their duties". "IM NOT LEAVING UNTIL I GET ANSWERS" he yelled like a spoiled child not getting what they want on their birthday.

I open a small drawer in my desk and pull out a rotary phone. It is crafted from gold and silver with intricate engravings depicting the seven archangels and located on the front is a logo for Seraphic Devices written in Enochian. I turn the dial 7 times and behind me I hear the sounds of a brass orchestra ring out which quickly shifts into the sounds of rushing rapids and I know the Messenger of the Lord is coming to sort out the issue.

Then a flash of harsh light appears and a vaguely humanoid shape formed of constantly shimmering light. The sky once filled with clouds made of Zeus's wrath disperse and Gabriel unfurls his 600 wings that are so large they cover most of the sky. I close my eyes tightly as to not witness the majesty of Gabriel's true and divine form but I still hear their conversation. "How many times do we have to teach you this lesson old man, the only reason you Olympians aren't ground up into a fine powder is because God hasn't told us to now leave the premises peacefully or we will use force" Gabriel says with an authoritative tone. "LEAVE PEACEFULLY YOU HAVE FORGOTTEN YOUR PLACE CHICKLING I AM ZEUS KING OF THE GODS I WON'T LET YOU TELL ME WHAT TO DO". I hear the sounds of clapping hands and then 100, 200, 300 and increasing amount of wings flapping and I know the Ophanim and Cherubim are arriving.

I get up out of my chair and step through the gates of heaven as they close behind me. I sigh knowing the paperwork this will generate will be awful. As I walk I pass by Hadraniel standing at only 500 million miles tall today he must be in a mood probably reprimanded by Raphael again. "Hows it goin up there" I yell he responds "not good I have apparently been too scary again." "Well I'm sorry to hear that" I say leaving him. I still do not know why Jesus has given me the keys to his future kingdom but I will not disappoint him.

Thanks for reading as always. Also geniune question what do power stones even do and why do authors want them?

IDontCarecreators' thoughts
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