
Way of Overlord

Penulis: Keikokumars
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James who transmigrated into a chaotic world is only a small figure in the world. Leading a small tribe through the Northern Pass, he knew of what will happen in advance The Empire will fracture, the princes will rebel, and the world will be in chaos! And his tribe will be annihilated and his people will be killed and enslaved! This is not a good era to live. In this chaotic era, the only way to survive is to fight! In blood and fire, he will be baptized into an Overlord that would shake the world! [ The character also has a system that will help him to navigate this new world. Enjoy as he begun building a new kingdom in a chaotic world]

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Chapter 1A New World

Aeryon got up from the bed slowly. And then he slowly opens his eyes. He looks around and he could only see this impoverished home.

It is more of a thatched hut then a home.

'This is really not a dream' he thought to himself. He really entered that book. Aeryon real name is James Connor.

He was reading a book when suddenly he died. Before he died, all he could remember was a bright flash of light.

And now he believes that he enters that book.

He has a bit of memory of this body.

So, he knows where he is right now. He is now in a forest near a small village near Northmound city

The village is Northshire. Though Aeryon and his tribe is only resting around the forest area and did not enter the village.

They did not want to be accused as a raiding party

There is the prefect of Northmound who have great ability and because of that although Northshire is not a rich village, it could survive and the people could eat and drink.

Aeryon could only sigh.

This village however has decline year after year. If the harvest of this year is not good, it will be difficult to survive in the coming years.

And if you have illness, it would make things worse.

Aeryon is like that.

There are many memories in his mind right now and many of them is confusing him.

Maybe, if he explores this world, he would get more familiar with it.

He walks out of the hut and goes to water cauldron outside his house. He uses the water to wash his face and he could see his own reflection in the water cauldron.

He has grey hair; his eyebrows are thin and he has long wavy hair.

He sighed and then he looks at his body.

He is around five feet six

'Is this considered tall in this world?' he thought to himself. His face is also quite handsome even though there are signs of weathering on his face.

A young face but his eyes show maturity unlike that of a young man.

Then a sound startles him. he runs around and he saw someone is almost a foot taller than him enter his room.

The face is rough, the body is full of muscle, his hair is tied in an elflock

the face is square but has a certain charisma. He tries to think in his mid, who is this person.

'Belarion?' this name comes out of his mouth and the moment he said it, he became instantly familiar with this name like he has speak this name for a long time.

He thought again who this Belarion really is. Then the memory came rushing and he finally knows who this person is. He thought that this person is his brother but it turns out this person is his cousin.

Vague memory enters his mind, there is memories of him fighting against each other and fight with each other.

Riding the horse, travelling through the grasslands, hunting eagles and condors, a moving tent and a blood oath

These images seem to flash through his mind

'Sworn brother Belarion!' Aeryon shouted. Hearing this Belarion rushed forward as he saw that Aeryon is about to fall down. He managed to prop him up, so Aeryon did not fall down to the ground

'My illness made my head hurts'

'Do not move too much, Aeryon' Belarion bring him back into the hut and put him down on the bed.

Aeryon sighed. He now remembers a bit about this sworn brother of him. This is a courageous child. possessing the courage of a tiger and a temper to match

There was an incident where a tribe attack their tribe. This was just a few years ago. Belarion heard that one of his friends was hurt by the Wusun tribe.

At that time, they were both fifteen years old. But Belarion come to his tent and ask him to follow him to raid the Wusun tribe.

Aeryon agreed, they jumped onto their horse and they ride to the Wusun tribe, with sword and axes, they fought the people of that tribe fair and square.

Belarion is blessed with mighty innate physical power since he was a child, none of his peer could compete with Belarion in terms of physical prowess.

At that time, Aeryon father is the tribe leader. And the elders of the tribe very much value this cousin of his.

Aeryon is calmer and more of a tactical fighting, playing to the people weakness and using one owns strength against them

But Belarion is a reckless man who will do anything when he is angry. The Divines Above is fair, they gifted Belarion with the gift of strength but not of the mind.

He has a temper like the Mount of Fire in the Sutur Mountain Range, impulsive like the God of Wind. When he feels he is being underestimated or being taken advantage upon, he would fight at every turn

So even though the tribesman admires his fighting skill they also fear him and some hated him. Aeryon and Belarion are cousin but also sworn brothers.

And among the many people in the tribe, they are the most famous. And it was at this time, that he had more memories of himself and his tribe

He come from a tribe called the Brolgadhr.

However, once they cross over the Northern Pass, their tribe did not speak of the name of their tribe. Their tribe are small and the ruling power of this land is not of their people.

His full name is Aeryon the Son of Rakarys. Rakarys is the Son of Dramirnova, a great chieftain of the Marynku in the past.

Marynku boys often formed close friendships with other boys their age. Finding blood brothers, a tradition called Andawan, is a very important tradition for the Marynku people.

It sealed lifelong relationships and often determined relations between tribes.

It is said that Andawan promised their friendship by drinking each other's blood so that their bond would be even stronger than real brothers of the same blood.

Aeryon did not remember how he sealed their brotherhood but now is not the time to worry about this. Aeryon smiles and then said

'It is fine, Belarion. Let me rest for a while' Belarion nodded.

'I will call aunt here'

Aeryon shook his head and spoke

'There is no need. After I am healthy, I will meet with her myself'

Belarion frowned but he nodded.

'I will bring you a few of the mutton meat later' Aeryon smiles and nodded and Belarion quickly went out of Aeryon home.

The moment Belarion went out of his home Aeryon face no longer shows any sign of exhaustion and fatigue. Instead, he sighs, long and hard.

Even though he tries not to think too much about it, he also panicked when he sees that he is in this world.

This kind of thing is absurd but now it happens to him, even he doesn't know how to explain this. He could only accept it.

But the moment he accepted it; he also knows that this is not exactly a good person that he had inhabit. What he means by that is that he is a Marynku.

It is fine if he becomes the kings and heroes of the world but he is a Marynku.

This is the Northern Lands and also called the Northern Region.

And this is the Yan Empire.

Aeryon had read the story.

The Yan people treats people of the tribes like slaves. They slaughtered tribes after tribes whether innocent or not and kills all of them

Aeryon does read the story until the end.

And he also knows that Marynku and the other tribes also would rise up later because of this. But the story was about the Yan Empire division, the disintegration of the Empire, the fight between the princes.

The people of the tribes were mostly relegated in the story as some kind of punching bag.

There is the Wusun on the North, killed by the General of the North.

Then it would be other princes that wanted to gain reputation who killed people and tribes.

It does not matter whether these tribes are really innocent of the matter, whether they are related to the raiding or not.

What these princes care is their reputation.

The Yan people thought of themselves as cultured, read books yet kills people, enslaved and humiliated other people yet when the same thing is done to them, they said it is the tribe that is barbaric.

Aeryon also knows that till the end of the story, the Marynku did not even feature that heavily but he knows who would rise up and who would become king and prince's

And he also knows that there is a prince that would later massacre people of the tribes.

In the story it is said because the reason for such massacre is because barbarian which is them, is raiding the north, so, he executed these people and win the approval of the world.

Yet, in that small sentence of that part of the story, where is justice and where is benevolence? Yan people think like some party who think his race is superior than others.

All men bleed red and all humans have feeling and emotions, different thoughts and different desire. To group one race into one simple word is simply absurd.

There is a reason why Aeryon feel so mad and anxious.

Because right now he is Marynku people.

And why he is so anxious?

Because he knows what will happen

And it is not good

'Hah' his sighed seem drawn out and long.

Outside the wind blows and the bird's chirp. But this world does not know it yet.

That a wind of change is blowing and no one knows whether this wind will fizzle or turn into a storm.


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