
Fire Fate Pome

Following the revelatory news, it was so quiet that if a pin dropped, it would be deafening. Bahlol peered at the man his father called captain, feeling chaotic emotions surging throughout his body. The man he was looking at was once hailed as a hero by everyone in the world, idolized by many including himself thanks to the legendary tales everyone knew.

After a brief period of silence, he opened his mouth, asking straightforwardly. "Will you revive the Midnight Suns?"

"No." Was Tufail's swift answer and Bahlol's eyes widened while Maron simply remained quiet as if he already knew what the answer would be. But still, he looked at Tufail Tigor with a side-eye, in the hopes of a positive answer or some deliberation.

"But you heard my father. He said that that thing is alive." Bahlol tried to argue.

But the once hailed hero stood fast. "Whether it's alive or dead, it's not my problem anymore." He uttered before standing up.

Bahlol's pulse raced. "My father respected you, I admired you. An unknown terror is lurking somewhere and you're turning your back on everyone, on the world!?"

Tufail was about to leave the bar, but before taking the final step, he halted and spoke. "The world turned its back on me and my party long ago, leaving us to die. Would it have changed its mind had I whined like you?"

The commander was taken off guard, he was rather ignorant of the true events of the past beyond the stories as his father didn't want to reveal any of it to him.

"I, indeed, was a fool once. One who answered everyone's cry for help, who sacrificed anything it took to save everyone else.

Haha, I even tried to justify it all with phrases like 'for the greater good', 'for a greater cause'. Hah! No one appreciated my or my party's efforts. The world enjoyed the fruits of our labour and then shunned us, threw us out like yesterday's garbage never to be heard from again. I've no interest in breaking my back for such ungrateful swine again. " Tufail finished before looking at Maron. "Give him the Fire Fate Pome, Maron."

Maron tried to retort "Cap, why don't you ju-."

"No, Maron... Don't..." But Tufail put a stop to it instantly as a brief silence returned once again. Maron then moved upstairs before coming back after some time, holding a yellowish-orange pome, glowing with dim fire embers.

"Here... this was your father's Fire Fate Pome." Said Maron as he held it out. Bahlol's eyes glittered, eyes reflecting the pome as his heart skipped a beat. But his eyes soon returned to Maron.

"You... really are... Golden Limbs Maron! And he..." His eyes landed on the departing back of Tufail as he mumbled. "He is the real... Blood Drunk Halberd!"

He finally understood everything. Despite the characteristic differences which caused him to doubt the duo multiple times, they were, in fact, the real heroes of legend. This Fire Fate Pome was the most authentic proof he could find to prove it.

"Sir Maron... please, talk to him." He pleaded, however, Maron merely shook his head, with a pained grimace. "It's of no use… Take care." Then he went upstairs, leaving Bahlol alone in the main hall.

He gazed at the Fire Fate Pome and got lost in his thoughts wondering. After quite a while, he came back to his senses and instructed his soldiers. "Let's go, and make sure to cover the bar owner for the damages, double it even."

Bahlol briefly looked around but the one he wanted to see had already left…

~2 Weeks Later~

The Soul Bar was rustling and bustling as always, as a lone drunk sat on a wooden table with his foot under his bottom. "*hiicc* Ladies and Gentlemen... as I've told you. That mature vixen *hiicc* was the embodiment of the word perfection! That ass, oh baby *hicc*, hypnotising…

An-an-and them titties, woohoo. Have you ever seen *hiicc* such Melons? Wait no- not melons, they were *hiicc* smaller, like umm..." He gestured their size and curvature with his hands. "This big."

The masses of drunks squinted their eyes to share their wildest guesses until a middle-aged man said "Pomelo size?"

"Yeah, haha, exactly." Tufail affirmed while the drunks murmured as they further discussed this most crucial topic.

"However!" He cried all of a sudden, grabbing their attention back. "Do you guys *hiicc* know what's the real deal when you have the urge to merge?" He asked.

"Oh no, tell us sire." They questioned with utmost curiosity and concentration before Tufail leaned in and said in a low-pitched voice. "A lip kiss!"

Everyone gasped and Tufail continued. "Every breathing soul must feel and relish the revered lip kiss!"

"If that's how you put it *cough* I shall kiss my wife today." Said a hoary balding man as he grinned ear to ear. Half of his teeth were missing and the remaining half were orange. He stuck out his tongue through those teeth and licked his lips as he surfed in the waves of imagination.

Tufail looked at this before letting out an unintentionally dry heave while making a disgusted face. "My seasoned, drunken friend... you are an exception."

The entire Soul Bar cackled as they looked at the old man before suddenly, the door of the bar was slammed open. A soldier in a bloodied uniform came in, panting. He looked at the mass of drunk men and shouted. "Please... save commander Bahlol!"

Tufail's eyes twitched as he quickly looked at the 2nd floor where an old man was standing there looking at the soldier from the top. Many people rushed to help him, but he refused and pleaded. "Please, call him."

"Stay there, soldier. Who do you want us to call?" Asked another man as he opened the soldier's shirt to see his wounds. "Please call... Blood Drunk Halberd!" He uttered before passing out.

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