
468 Professor Wolfe

Stephanie wasn't joking. As soon as she finished speaking, she began to shrink, turning back into the small black cat that everyone knew her as. Then she climbed up onto Wolfe's shoulder and nuzzled her face against Sophie's.


"I think that I need a minute to take that all in. I mean, my parents were horrible, but what you went through..." Sophie began.


"Stop right there. It isn't a contest. You both came from bad places, and now you're both here, and you both understand what it's like to come from a home like that and into somewhere that you feel cared about. 


The only difference is that Stephanie has been here longer, and she's been able to hide herself behind the fur of a kitten while she got up the courage to speak to others."


Stephanie gave Wolfe a dirty look for calling her out, which made Sophie giggle a little before settling back into Wolfe's arms.


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