
Chapter 139 - Tell It Like It Is

"So you are coming to my parents house next week?"

During our lunch hour, Celeste was catching me up on the latest news going on in her life. Apparently my mom invited her as well other women to some book club event she was hosting.

"Yeah we will be discussing the first couple of chapters we read of our selected book and some other stuff." She seemed very excited and it was nice to see my mom and Celeste get along well. Of course Celeste has always been my moms favorite but nonetheless considering our family history it would have been easy for them to treat her coldly. 

"Oh thats cool. I didn't know she was running that, its good that she is building more hobbies."

Now that I am doing a big bulk of the work, she is now home more often. So to help keep her active my father has been on encouraging her to work on the stuff she is interested in. I did notice her using the chess set we got her a while back but I was not aware of any other hobbies she was working on.

"Will you be there? Or do you think your mom will kick you and your dad out for a little while?" Celeste was wearing her glasses so using her the side of her pointer finger she gave a small push to put them back up higher on her nose bridge.

Lately she has been letting small walls down around me. I can see her trust in me increasing with those small actions. Normally she wears her contacts religiously but now during lunch she has been taking them out to get a break using her glasses.

Her hair has also grown out, she normally keeps it cropped short but she has not gone in to chop it back to its usual length in a while. The only thing I see her keeping up with is the length of her bangs. 

Overall while she has always been beautiful, these small changes have made her even more so.

"Haaa knowing my mom she will probably be having us stay somewhere out of sight for the duration of the meeting. I might go but she might suspect something so I will see what I can do. However, on the note of the wedding, besides going to France, what will your plans be for Christmas?"

As much as I wanted to tag along with her to France, I did not want to impose on her trip. I considered Christmas to be the one time we could spend a holiday together as I was going to Spain during Thanksgiving as my family was hosting a reunion. 

"Usually we spend it on one grandparents place and last year we spent it with my Dads side of the family so now this year we will be going with my mom. So after my trip as soon as I get back from France we will be flying out to the mountainous range that is my grandparents home."

Damn. "Oh, ok then I guess I will see you again during the new year?" I tried to not let my irritation show. Mainly because it was not her fault, they probably had this planned for a while and we only recently started dating.

"Why don't you come on my trip with me? I do want to spend some type of holiday with you. I would have suggested Thanksgiving but your mom mentioned going ack to see your family. Even though it is for work, I am meeting with my friend Fleur only one day and the rest of the time is leisure. It would not be a burden or anything."

I guess my face gave away that I was surprised because she giggled. "Oh Dean you are so readable. But like I said, I do genuinely want you to come if you can. As much as I have enjoyed our quiet dates. I want to try more 'loud' ones you know. Like going to a restaurant, or going to an amusement park or something."

I immediately ran to my living room to grab my laptop. "Let me start buying the tickets now. Are you staying at your friends place or did you get a hotel?" Her laughter filled the room at my apparent enthusiasm. "I am staying at the Shangri-La Hotel in Paris. I can add you as a guest to my room so no worries. As for the flight I am taking my jet, so again pretty easy for you to join in."

I did not miss the fact that we would be sharing a room. This was probably the best thing that could happen and now I needed to make sure I also gave her everything ten fold. 

I started to plan out the best surprises I could do for her in Paris that she would like.

"Perfect! I am so glad that you are this excited about going, I was worried that maybe you would be busy. So I will send you what time we are leaving and everything. My parents will be sending me off so I might either have you come earlier or after they drop me off so that way we can fly with no questions asked."

It was her nature. She thought everything through and made sure every detail was covered. Unlike myself who is more impulsive. 

"Yeah of course. This will be way better than the wedding thats for sure. My parents said they won't be sending a gift or anything, what about yours?" She snorted before pushing her lenses back up. "That is the first thing they said they will not do. Though I am curious of Toni will try to pull what she did to your mom with mine."

Neither of our mothers were people you could easily mess with. But especially Celestes mom, she doesn't like to dance around subjects, she will flat out tell it like it is. 

new chapter! i want to give a big thank you to those who have been keeping up with my story! it means a lot. <3

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