
A Thousand Hours.

Some voted that love changes people while some voted that it destroys people and leaves them broken but whichever way or changes it brings, it doesn't change the fact that you won't become the same person you once were while in love. 

A lot of things about you would change even if it's minor and drastic and if it should be true love, you see yourself working hard every day to become a better version of yourself for that person. 

And that was the case with Nicklaus. From all the years he has spent on Earth, he has never cared about people's opinion of him but now he does. 

Surprisingly, he was standing, staring at the mirror for a moment now. He has always looked his best without trying because he was born handsome. He doesn't even need to try but right now, he wants to appear his best before Arissa tonight which was his reason for adding all the effort he could channel into everything he prepared for tonight. 

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