

Lugano stood at the edge of the gray-white mist, not daring to take a single step further into the lifeless Trier, that ruined world.

He had always strictly adhered to the instructions of Her Holiness, the Pope.

This was also his heartfelt choice.

As usual, he remained hidden within the gray-white fog, observing the changes in the nightmare with a mix of fear and curiosity.

He didn't know how much time had passed before a figure emerged from behind a collapsed building.

It was a deer, walking lightly on its hooves, happily nibbling at the fresh fruits borne by the green plants.

This seemed quite normal, much like how nature quickly reclaimed towns abandoned by humans.

Yet Lugano saw that as the deer ate, pieces of bloody flesh—not flesh, but raw, blood-covered fawns—fell from its abdomen, freshly born.

The fawns quickly stood up, clustered around their mother, and suckled her milk.

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