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In St. Millom of the Feysac Empire, on the coast of Midseashire, Snarner Einhorn, with His flamboyant golden earrings and deep red hair, was originally toying with some jewelry when He suddenly raised His head and looked towards the southern sky.

He was first surprised, then a look of confusion crossed His face, and He remained in the room, doing nothing.

Far in the distance, in the coastal regions of the Feynapotter Kingdom, the deep violet light was flying faster and faster, already having escaped the encompassing hurricane, leaving behind horrifying rumbles.

In a certain location in the Intis Republic, the grizzled, blue-uniformed leader of the Iron and Blood Cross Order, Diest, with His neatly combed deep red hair, black iron eyes, and prominent wrinkles, withdrew His gaze from a brass chess set and looked up towards the sky.

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