
Source of Life

After a few seconds, Lugano stuttered, "Can you actually eat that?"

What happens if you do eat it? What are the changes?

Does it cause the Child of God to be born?

Lumian glanced at Lugano's arm and said, "What can't be eaten?"

Lugano suddenly felt a sharp phantom pain and shook his head vigorously. "No, never mind!"

He wanted to get away from Ludwig and Lumian but couldn't think of an excuse on the spot.

After Ludwig swallowed a mouthful of cheese bread, he spoke slowly,

"Top-tier ingredients don't need much accompaniment or seasoning. We just need to give it a symbol. That includes nine main staple ingredients: wheat, oats, rye, rice, potatoes, sweet potatoes, corn, cassava, and any other kind of bean. Cook them with the umbilical remains in cow's or sheep's milk for half an hour, and it's ready to eat. This dish is called 'Source of Life.'"

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