
The Lies And Deceit Brought Doom To Their Lives

The scorching heat of the summer sun cooled under the abundance of leaves hanging above Liliana and Lucas. The soft streaks of light fell upon them.

Lucas and Liliana sat on a bench tens of meters away from the center of the playground. In the short distance, they saw a happy bunch of children playing with their friends.

Their joyful laughter reverberated in the air, followed by the echo of their footsteps.

"This neighborhood is really nice. No wonder you chose to move in here."

Lucas' words brought Liliana's eyes to him. The image of his side profile was caught by her gaze, embedded into her mind.

"I used to live here with my mom before," Liliana retracted her eyes from Lucas' face, now looking at the little turnip heads having fun in front of them, "Thankfully there's a good sanatorium for her here."

Liliana's mind wandered to the day she had a conversation with Dr. Andrew Fang, the one who was responsible for her mother.

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