
Epilogue (Volume 2) ─ Princess

I was just waking up when I suddenly felt a soft, wet sensation in my mouth.

I opened my eyes and was pleasantly surprised.

Mary was giving me our usual good morning kiss.

Noticing me open my eyes, she withdrew her tongue.

"Good morning."

"Good morning, are you feeling better now?"

"I'm fully recovered, look!"

We stayed at Count Hamilton's mansion until fully recovered.

The city is back to normal, soon the stores and businesses will reopen.

We will return to town later today afternoon to see to our things and for Shannon to receive the money for her property.

I hugged Mary and wanted to kiss her again, she put her fingers in my mouth to avoid kissing her.

"No, no. We're not doing anything fun until we get back home... well, our new home."

"Hey, wait, should I hold out until then?"

"What if it takes weeks or days to find our new home?"

"You'll wait it out. It's your punishment for causing me so much suffering because of you."

She got up and left the room with a smirk.

"See you at breakfast~."

"Wait, Mary! You can't leave me like this!"

I ran after her to beg her to at least use her hand.

After breakfast, the count told us the time when we will leave.

Many more people will go with us, of course, not to our village, but we will go by carriage from the city where we will embark and then home.

After breakfast, I said I would go for a ride, but that was a lie.

I just looked for an opportunity to go to the forest.

Today was my farewell with the girls.

So, I had to talk to them about what happened with Alzel.

I arrived at Luvia's house, for some reason there were suitcases outside, including several huge and small boxes.

Lidvia was carrying some of them, she saw me and came to greet me.

She had to stay with Luvia for reasons of suspicion, now she can go to the city since there is no danger, but she says she is afraid of humans.

She hugged me tightly and when I was about to ask her why there were so many boxes.

A loud sound of something breaking was heard inside the tree house.

I rushed inside and saw if nothing had happened, but what I saw puzzled me.

"I told you that you can't carry this, it's too big. Besides, you have some very dangerous things in here."

"B-But I don't want to leave anything behind! I have no idea if I'll ever come back."

"This place is my kingdom. Of course I'll come back sooner or later, just leave it here."

"You sound like a crybaby."

"But I don't want to leave it."

Luvia was on the floor hugging strange toy-like objects that are tools.

While Alice was lecturing her.

Luvia's snot was running down her nose as she begged to take them.

Take them where?

Are they going on a trip?

Luvia noticed my presence and went straight to me.

"Uwaah! Reguluuuuus!"

She clung to my leg like a dog.

"What's wrong with you?"

"Alice-sama is so mean! She wants me to leave all my memories!"

Alice came straight to Luvia and pulled her to let go of me.

"I'm telling you we're not leaving forever. Besides, I have space-time magic so we can come back here whenever we want."

According to Alice, space-time magic allows you to create a portal to a place its user has been to before and remembers it perfectly every detail.

It is very tricky to use as your memory is paramount to avoid ending up embedded in a wall.

I asked them about what they said.

"Luvia said she doesn't want to leave anything, are you going somewhere?"

I was about to ask them to accompany me home, for tourism, since they have been cooped up here for so long.

They both looked at me funny, Lidvia walked in when Alice answered.

"What are you talking about? It's obvious we're going with you to your house."

"Oh, I see."

"... Really!"

(I was about to propose, but they beat me to it.)

Alice came over and put her big breasts against me after intertwining her arms around my neck.

Our noses touched.

"Besides I can't leave my husband alone."


Lidvia and Luvia said.

As soon as I...


"When are we getting married?"

Alice was still hugging me, but she put all her weight on my neck, so I had to take a seat.

Now she sat on my lap.

"It's only natural for you to be my husband, after all, you met the requirements to be my husband."

"You not only saved me from that prison."

"You also protected my home, my life, and above all, you defeated the descendant of the enemy who destroyed my kingdom."

"And as the cherry on top of the cake, you showed a dignified strength that no man in my country had ever shown."

"All that makes you the only man I call husband. Which makes you the second king of the Levin Kingdom."

"Congratulations, all of this is yours now."

She brought her lips closer and stuck out her tongue.

I was in need of attention, so I didn't hesitate to kiss her.

Our tongues touched placidly and we enjoyed every wet touch of our mouths.

We withdrew our tongues when we couldn't breathe.

I told her how I felt.

"I had no idea I accomplished all that unintentionally, but. Are you sure I'm the one for it?"

"You are. Like I said, you met every requirement to be my husband. Strength, leadership and above all courage."

"It is true that you are human, but in our laws it was never said that a human could not become king."


She brought her hands to her belly, touching it gently.

"The restoration of a fallen kingdom is not simple. It takes many children to do so, therefore, I decided to take them as concubines to bring back the Levin dynasty."

Alice pointed to the other two people here.

Luvia blushed and hid her face with her hands, Lidvia smiled and bowed her head.

"I am Master's slave, I consider it too much for me to be treated as a concubine, but I don't mind being one. I only wish to serve Master and if my womb is of any use to Alice-sama, I would be pleased to have my children bear her surname."

She said that and then moved closer to me.

She took my face and our lips touched.

Unlike the pleasurable and lascivious kiss with Alice, the kiss with Lidvia was a short one full of respect and consideration.

"That was my first kiss, Master, please take all my first times."

"Mine the same, husband. I gave you my first kiss, but there is a first time that is necessary to take when you are willing."

"By the way, what are you doing there?"

Alice said pointing to Luvia.

She shouted with embarrassment her honesty.

"I want to be Regulus' wife too! He's my first friend and also the first person to support me!"

"I've never had that and I don't want to lose it! But kissing is so embarrassing!"

Alice snapped her fingers, and Lidvia grabbed her arms.

"Huh? What are you doing?"

"You're really annoying. And so you want to be my concubine?"

"If you're embarrassed by a kiss, the actual act of procreation will kill you then."

Alice moved closer to Luvia, she took her chin and forced her tongue in.

Their tongues intertwined, Alice flicked her tongue in Luvia's mouth wildly.

She withdrew it, leaving a bridge of saliva dangling.

"Just so you know, between women, kissing doesn't count. I did it to take away your silly shame."

"Husband, now give her a real first kiss."

(I don't think that's the way it works...).

I went straight to Luvia and took her gently, she looked very confused.

I kissed her in a tender way, like when I kiss Mary before bed.

Luvia's tongue moved in response, we stayed for a long time kissing.

When I withdrew my tongue, Luvia hugged me.

"I love you. I'm afraid to leave this place, I've lived here for so many years that I have no idea what the outside holds."

"You mustn't worry. Both you and Lidvia and Alice are now my women."

"I will protect you. My desire is to become a Sword God, so taking care of my girls is important during the process."

As I said girls, I remembered something very important.

"It's true, Mary!"

Mary was my girlfriend.

But now Alice was my "wife" and I had two concubines.

What are concubines?

Mary's angry face was more important now.

Alice furrowed her eyebrows at the sound of Mary's name.

"That's right. That Maria woman is here."

"It's Mary. And she's my girlfriend, my first woman to be exact."

Alice, in a bored manner moved her hair with her hand.

"So what of it?"

"She's still just a mere human, and besides she's just a mistress."

"I can deal with that little girl."

"Now that it's all settled, Luvia, Lidvia, get everything ready."



Despite saying that, I was worried about Mary.

How will she take this?

"Hoh? Can you repeat what you said?"

"I'll say it as many times as you want girl. You're the mistress and I'm the wife, everything has a hierarchy."

After returning to town we went straight to the port where the ship was loading passengers.

There, Mary and the others were waiting for me.

As we approached, Mary's smile slowly faded and a vacant expression formed in her eyes.

"Hey, Regu-chan, who are they?"

Mary said, coming closer to my face showing her beautiful empty blue eyes full of darkness.

It scared me to see myself reflected in them.

"Y-You see Mary, these are the girls I told you about."

"The dark elf is Lidvia."

Lidvia introduced herself.

"Nice to meet you, I became the Master's servant after he saved me."

"This is Luvia, a captured dryad."

"M-Much how do you do. I-I'm Luvia."

Despite introducing herself, Luvia was inside a box.

I had to carry her around since we entered the city.

Apparently she has social anxiety and is afraid of seeing people.

"A talking box?"

"It's a box."

Said Julie who tried to open the box, but Luvia made a strange sound as she kept them from opening it.

As for Mary, her eyes returned to normal.

It seems that telling her that all three are my wives is a bit of a problem, so I'd better skip it for now.

When I turned to Alice, she approached and as if she were a predator.

She looked over Mary and firmly lifted her chest as she uttered the following.

"I am Aliceliese, a former princess of a destroyed country. For reasons I refrain from recounting as irrelevant, it only matters to say that I am the wife of Regulus. A pleasure, little mistress."

There was an awkward silence in the place.

The others, including Shannon who glared at me before coming upstairs, fled.

Mary's eyebrows rose and she approached Alice.

Alice was taller than her, but Mary didn't mind.

As if marking ground, Mary's breasts pressed against Alice's breasts.

Mary's breasts were trying to push Alice off the spot, who used her large chest to resist and push Mary off.

"Could you say that again, pale girl?"

"Gladly. I'm the wife and you're the mistress."

"Is there anything else to add?"

"According to whom are you his wife?"

"I am his proclaimed wife."

"Then there's no legal agreement, fine. You're just some tramp making use of her body to steal another woman's man."

The foreheads of both marked their veins about to explode.

Every time one pushed the other, the one who seemed to be losing would tilt her breasts to gain ground.

"Why should the legal wife listen to a mere mistress?"

"I'm his girlfriend. Here the only mistress is you."

"Excuse me? Do you even understand anything about hierarchy?"

"My lineage is purer than yours, I am the worthiest to be his wife, you are nothing but a mere commoner. You should learn your place."

"You are royalty? So what of that!"

"If you're not royalty in this country, I don't give a damn about your opinion. You better go get some medicine so your skin stops being sick."


That was the straw that broke the camel's back.

"This little brat... making fun of me..."

Alice's anger was marked in her bloodshot eyes, Mary was the same way.

She bared her teeth in disgust at Alice.

This was not as I expected, it's even more dangerous.

(I have to get this over with.)

"G-Girls calm down, I..."

"Stay out of this husband!"

"Later I will talk to you about being unfaithful, stay out of this fight!"

They both yelled at me.

They were so intimidating that my legs lost strength.

(Women are terrifying.)

After boarding in the town near the village, we went by carriage to the village.

Upon arrival, we were amazed to see the scenery that awaited us.

People were filing out while a group of men with hammers and other tools were in a circle with one man arguing.

In the distance were huge earth golems, apparently they would destroy the houses with it.

Mary and her mother went to get the money for their house, I was going to accompany them when I ran into an acquaintance.


Jessica was with her bags next to a group of girls, she turned to see me.

"Regulus-kun, it's good to see you."

"You're leaving already?"

"Yes. Myself and several companions were selected to go to the capital, the others will be going to other guilds."

"I see. Then it's not goodbye."

"You're going to the capital?"

"Yes. We'll go to get a new house."

She was glad to say that.

"I'm glad. I guess we'll meet again soon."

"We'll go by boat to go to the city where the train is that will take us to the capital."

"The train?"

What's a train?

"Yes. It's an amazing thing, wait till you see it."

"Jessica, hurry up."

The coworkers called out to her, Jessica bowed her head.

"Well, we'll see you in the capital, bye."

"Likewise, bye."

She gave me a kiss on the cheek and ran off.

After watching her go, a sound of something falling I heard.

I turned around and saw how a house was being destroyed by a golem.

The demolition had begun.

I went straight to where the girls were and found Shannon and Mary holding hands tightly.

Tears were streaming down Mary's face with her head bowed, Shannon on the other hand avoided crying.

I watched as a golem approached the inn.

The place I came to half a year ago after waking up in this world.

The golem raised its huge arm and with a single motion destroyed the place where my room was.

There were things that couldn't be taken out, but the envelope Shannon has indicated that he was paid for every single thing he had there.

Little by little the golem was destroying the inn.

I felt something wet on my cheek.

I was crying.

I was crying because of a wooden house.

No, I was crying because that wooden house falling apart was the place where I lived with them, drank myself to sleep and played cards.

I finally understood Mary's sentiment.

What mattered was not the house, it was the feelings and the good times we had there.

All my memories that I spent with them came to my mind.

Mary hugged her mother and burst into tears.


"It's okay. We accepted it, we knew this would happen, just let it out."

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! My house! My room! The walls I messed up and you cleaned!"

"My whole world is falling apart!"

"Don't worry. We'll go to a place where all that can be built back up and this time we won't lose it."

I decided to leave them alone because I was starting to cry intensely too.

Russell who was looking at the situation without changing his expression said to me.

"Where are you going?"

"I've got some crap in my eye, I'm going for a walk."

"Don't be long, we'll be leaving soon."

"I know."

The others stared at the demolition, the count was even crying without this place having anything to do with him.

I turned away from everyone so they wouldn't see my tears.

Without realizing it, I walked far away from the place.

I even came to a cliff.

I almost fell off.

I sat down and let out a scream.

"Damn it aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaall!"

The scream was to calm my heart.

"I've been through so much here. The time has come to say goodbye."

"I'll start a new journey soon."

I have to improve my mood, the girls will be sad if they see that I am.

"Well, let's go back to the others."

"Please help meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!"

Someone shouted.


Somebody yelled?


I heard a sound equal to swords clashing.

I looked down and saw how a group of people were below the cliff.

I could visualize a group of bandits attacking a carriage.

"You've got to be kidding me."

I thought about leaving them alone but my sadness wouldn't go away.

"I guess I can eliminate my sadness by cutting these idiots off, as a parting gift to this place."

I slid down carefully so as not to plummet.

Being close to the ground, I saw how a bandit was licking a girl's cheek.

I fell to the ground with no fractures.

"Hey, what the fuck do you think you're doing?"

"Didn't they teach you not to touch a girl without her permission? Besides, you stink of excrement, take a bath, or better, a blood bath."

I cut the guy's face.

Then I went after the others.

The guys who aren't bandits seem to be knight escorts.

Which means this girl must be a noblewoman.

I think I can ask her for a reward, even if my mood won't allow it.

Anyway, I concentrated on eliminating all the bandits without letting a single one escape.

I whistled in relaxation.

"That was easy."

"You guys, you can leave quietly, there's no danger anymore─"

I was suddenly embraced by this girl.

She was a beautiful blonde-haired girl with side pigtails.

(What the hell is wrong with you?)

(Is this an ambush?)

"So it was you! I knew it!"

She said suddenly.

"This is the fate's work. Fate really wanted us to meet again."

I didn't understand what this girl was saying.

"Hah? Who are you?"

I asked intrigued because I don't remember her at all.

She introduced herself with a cheek to cheek smile.

"I'm Lilynette. You can call me Lilly, and you, you're my destined person!"

Upon hearing her call me her destined person "What the hell is going on here!" I exclaimed because I didn't understand this random flow of events.


In the sacred palace of the theocracy, an emergency meeting was taking place.

The eleven adepts were upset by the news of what had happened.

"Riefenstein was eliminated!!!?"

"It was not only Testament, but also Judgment?"

"Zald even died!"

The news of the sudden deaths of their two strongest military groups left them in disbelief.

Even if they were the weakest compared to the other squads, they were not weak as far as the word was known.

They were strong, stronger than many of their soldiers.

Each of them voiced his opinion.

"This had to be the work of the demon king, there is no other explanation."

"We must demand from the kingdom an investigation into what happened."

"Our intelligence members gathered all the information that was told."

"The other frightening thing is the appearance of strange demons there. Surely this is proof that God knows something bad is about to happen in this world!"

A man stood up, walked out of the place without saying a word.

He was the regent of the theocracy, an old man by the name of "Ossias".

Ossias walked all the way out of the sacred palace and went straight down a path that led to a subway route that connected to the nearby mountain.

There he was met by a group of men dressed in black with their faces covered by a rabbit mask with one eye.

"Open the door."

They opened the door after they gave the order.

The place was ancient, so much so, it could easily be a millennium old or more.

There were ancient portraits telling different stories.

They were so large that they were over ten meters long.

Ossias reached the center of the place, it looked like a chapel, in fact, this place was known as a basilica.

The holiest place of all, for here, is where the man who can hear God, the holy king, rests.

"I'm afraid I have bad news for you, Your Majesty."

He said after bowing.

"... Problem?"

"What do you mean by 'problem'?"

"We are the theocracy, there should be no problem here. We are God's representatives on earth!"

A loud and powerful male voice rocked the place.

His tone of voice was that of an old man combined with the vigor of a young man.

"... I understand that it bothers you to say that your nation is in trouble, but it is really serious."

Ossias commented without looking up.

Since, in the center of the place.

A huge space about twenty meters in circumference surrounded him.

A huge tail was wagging in protest, huge wings were shaking firmly.

A breath of sulfur was emanating from a colossal being formally known as...

"I'm sorry to trouble you with problems, but this is important to us, Your Majesty, the Holy King, Loki-sama."

Ancient Dragon Lord, a massive silver-colored dragon lay on the place known as the Holy King's "throne".

"It had better not be for pleasure to have awakened me, Ossias."

The world was beginning to spin into an uncertain future, and the gears began to be set.


Current Status:

Sword God: Level 1(100).


Mary (concubine/lover).

Shannon (mistress).

Alice (wife).

Luvia (concubine).

Lidvia (concubine).


King of Levin.

Ninth rank (Lifetime of service).

Eighth rank (Inheritance).


The ambition of the Sword God: Volume 2, completed.

Darkness Forest Raid Arc, completed.


The fanservice this time was going to be Princess Lilly, but I have an internal problem with her design, there are 3 girls that serve as perfect candidates, but I can't choose one.

So let's go with a spoiler, a new girl from the next volume, Mary's first friend and also part of her harem Yuri.


My dear readers, we have finally reached the end of the arc, but not of the volume.

This volume lasted a long time for a few chapters compared to the previous volume.

There is a lot to say, but as I will always say in my notes, look forward to the curiosities.

Also, due to the delay (health problems more than anything else) I had. take a long time to upload it.

But in compensation I will give you a marathon of chapters since I have all the remaining ones ready.

Enjoy it and as always, I'm waiting for your reviews or opinions at the end.

Siegburncreators' thoughts
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