
Chapter 16:Bad luck try again tomorrow

When morning came a ray of sun fell directly on Adryan's face through the window which caused him to wake up.

'Fuck you, Sun' thought the redhead.

Being a 'hunter' his body had become stronger so despite yesterday's activity Adryan woke up full of energy but this didn't mean he didn't like sleeping.

Dressing in a white shirt and a gray vest and placing the revolver under his left armpit as always, Adrian headed to the club.

After entering and greeting Robert who was still reading the book, he headed to the second floor.

Charles, Isaac, and Viktor were playing cards at one of the tables in the back while they drank some wine.

When they saw him, they greeted him and invited him to play with them, so Adryan accepted.

While they were playing, Adryan took advantage and tried to bring up topics of conversation.

"So tell me how things went for you yesterday?"

"They have gone relatively well, my wife continues to ask for strange foods but I always try to satisfy her taste. Once a few weeks ago she asked me for ice cream mixed with steak and fruit salad on a plate."

"It's fascinating how pregnancy affects a woman's brain, causing her to have such curious cravings, this should be studied more."

was Charles's response before he began to babble about different studies that could be done related to pregnancy.

Seeing that Charles was lost in his own world, Adryan looked at Isaac and Viktor seeing what things they had to tell.

"Honestly my older children could not make me more proud they are studying at a University in Tingen and it is almost certain that they will be able to get a well-paying job when they finish their studies and my daughter is still in school although she will soon be graduate. She is obsessed with mechanics and I hope she can develop that talent when she grows up."

Was Isaac's response before returning his attention to the game.

"I don't know how you can deal with such weird women, women should stay home and take care of the children instead of thinking about things they don't understand"

It was a comment from Viktor showing that he was undoubtedly a true believer in the Lord of Storms.

After many games in which Charles always won, if they had played for money, Charles would have taken every penny, which shows his IQ, a worthy believer in the God of Knowledge and Wisdom.

When 12:50 arrived, Adryan said goodbye to the men who were preparing to leave somewhere.

Going down to the firing range Adryan saw Grievius who was shooting at the targets quite easily.

"It seems that age has not yet fully reached you, Mr. Grievius"

"Brat shut up and get ready to practice show me if you remember what I taught you yesterday"

"With pleasure"

After an hour of practice, Grievius made Adrian take a break.

"Not bad brat this time you fired 15 shots in a row on target now we can try a more distant target"

"Thank you for the compliment Mr. Grievius"

"It was not a compliment and now get your butt up and the break is over"

This time the target was 25 meters away and Adrian only managed to hit 29 of 40 shots...

"I'm done with class, I'll see you tomorrow and you better do better than today's disaster"

Nodding, Adryan left the shooting range and saying goodbye to Robert who was still reading the book, he headed to Bravehearts Bar.

Entering the bar, which was somewhat quiet for 4:00 p.m., Adryan went and sat at a table prepared in the far right corner of the bar to wait for the Sheriff.

But as time passed, no one with Xio's characteristics entered the door, but this did not bother Adryan, after all, a hunter had to be patient above all things...

11:00 p.m. arrived and no one managed to bring Xio and Adryan left the bar and headed home.

Entering the kitchen he cooks the deer that he hunted yesterday and accompanies it with a glass of water.

It must be because he was the one who hunted the deer but this food tasted especially delicious.

After eating everything and washing the silverware, Adryan took a bath and went to sleep.

On the morning of Wednesday the 7th, Adryan woke up and, getting ready, returned to the club.

Greeting Robert who was still reading the book that was making Adryan want to read it to see what it was all about.

When he went up, he saw that apparently, no one was there...

Going down and heading towards Robert, he asked him where they were.

"Oh they must have forgotten to tell you but they have issues with their jobs so they won't be able to attend the club for a few days."

"And what about Mr. Grievius? Is he available in the morning?"

"I'm sorry Mr. Adryan but Mr. Grievius is not available today either, he will just be back tomorrow"

'That old man told me to come and in the end, it turns out that it is his day off'

"Then I'm going out again Mr. Robert I'll see you again tomorrow"

Nodding to Adryan's words, Robert returned to his reading....

Seeing that it was barely 7:00 am and that he only had to be at the Bravehearts Bar at 4:00 pm, Adryan quickly went to the bar to let them know that today he would be at the bar at 8:00 pm regarding the commission.

After that Adryan quickly went home and grabbed his hunting gear to go back to the forest.

It was 8:30 in the morning when Adryan arrived at the forest..

This time Adryan was planning to do one more hunt before going to Mr. Eye of Wisdom's party.

So going deeper than last time Adryan after spending an hour analyzing the terrain and finding the trail of two large animals.....

After identifying the tracks of one of the animals, an extremely crazy idea came to his head.

The first thing he did before starting it up was to see the tools he had with him and see that everything was in order, he also checked his revolver and made sure it was loaded...

Quickly following the trail of the animal, Adryan managed to find it...

This one was trying to catch fish in a small lake in the woods.

This was a large animal covered in black fur and Adryan's current prey...

Adryan was planning to hunt a bear.

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