


"Why aren't you eating?"Dante asked her.Brie looked up from her plate to look at him.It's been days since she's been here and she refuses to eat anything this scum has to offer,she doesn't know if the food is laced with poison or what."You need to eat,you no use to me dead."

Brie scoffed."Death seems more tolerable right now than being here."

She saw his jaw ticked in anger,well she doesn't care.All she cares about is going home....to Giovanni."If you don't eat I'll shove the food down your throat myself.Your choice."

She has no doubt that he would do that,so she picked up the fork and begin to eat...slowly. Yes she's hungry and no she won't eat more than she should,she misses her kids,she misses her family. She misses the guys but she misses Giovanni more especially his teasing smile and seductive voice.

"I wanna go home."She said.

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