
Chapter 78

I didn't know why but I felt as if I was getting lazier with each day that passed. Before, waking up early had never really been an issue, but lately I'd snooze the alarm thrice before dragging myself forcibly out of bed. I suppose those late nights spent studying and working were starting to take their toll on me. That Tuesday morning I did everything in an exceedingly slow pace. By the time Austin got there, I was making my mom some coffee as well as some food for later on. I had made her shift to the bedroom because I feared she'd get a neck cramp from sleeping on the couch too much. 

" Just come up, " I told him when he informed me he was there. Not long after, I heard a knock and I went over to open the door for him. My eyes slightly widened but I immediately got rid of the reaction. Ever since he moved there, I had only seen him wearing darker shades of clothing, so it was only natural for me to be shocked by seeing him in a navy blue jacket and a t-shirt in a lighter shade. Not exactly skyblue but something almost similar. 

He looked good too, maybe a little too good. 

" The hell? Why aren't you dressed yet?" He asked and I lazily shrugged and headed back to the little kitchen. He followed closely behind me and leaned against the counter right next to me. I poured some of the coffee into a flask so that it would stay warm, then I slid it to the edge of the counter where my mom would be able to easily spot it when she woke up. 

" I woke up late... sorry, " I finally explained, then I went to run a hand through my hair but he caught it before I could carry through with it and used the grip to pull me to him. I went willingly, tucking my hand into his neck and taking in the deepest breath. Absorbing him into my lungs before I kissed his skin. 

" Are you sick or something?" he asked, his tone nothing but worry, he then began checking my temperature but I shook my head and assured him I was okay. All those years and for the first time I understood why people actually missed classes. 

" What time did you sleep last night?" He asked, and before I could even respond, he went ahead and added, " You should sleep immediately after you get home! You stay up late enough as it is, "

" Mrs. Fisher gave us four entire chapters--"

" To hell with Mrs.Fishers!" he cut in, then he asked me how on earth I would concentrate in class when I was so exhausted. I personally believed it was more of boredom than anything else. Just knowing that there was a bed not too far away was tempting me to go back and dive into my sheets. 

" What's the time?" I asked, my hand rubbing up and down the smooth skin of his back. Being that close to him when I was in such a state wasn't the wisest of choices. He was like a type of compelling anaesthetic drug, I breathed him in...looked at him, and suddenly I wanted to just close my eyes and let sleep overcome me completely. 

" Six fourty, you still have some time to get ready. "

" I don't feel like it, "

" Want me to help? "

" I really wanna sleep," 

He laughed this soft laugh, it was sweet, a sound you wouldn't expect him to make but one that made me feel all soft and light inside. 

" Have you washed your face yet? I'm sure some cold water will do the trick. "

" I wanna sleep, " I repeated, much more clearer for him to hear. My hands digging into his skin, then I slowly leaned back and looked up at him, my eyes digging into his. I didn't want to say anything else, and luckily for me, we had the sort of bond that oftentimes didn't require words. Just one gaze would do. He held the eye contact, then he slowly nodded and kissed my forehead. 

" School sucks anyways, " he muttered afterwards, his voice a shallow whisper. 

" You done here?" he asked, gesturing to the kitchen, and after I nodded, he held my hand and led me to my room. 

I went straight to my bed, the drowsiness taking over almost entirely. I knew that the second I closed my eyes I'd be off. I laid on my back and watched as Austin took off his jacket, then he kicked off his shoes. 

" Sure you wanna stay?"

" I'm gonna pretend you didn't just ask me that, come on, move over, " 

I rolled over slightly, he got onto the bed next to me and brought the covers over before wrapping his legs and arms around me with the type of strength that I loved. When he held me like that I was always convinced that he was never going to let go, and that feeling was the best. 

" I should probably text Kira, she can say I'm sick or something, " 

" Later, for now let's just stay here like this."

The lights were on, my mom was around, his fingers were playing with the drawstrings of my sweats...but yet I still found the courage to seek his lips and kiss him. Actually, it had nothing to do with finding courage, I just felt like doing it and I did. The first time him and I had cuddled, we had been friends for about four months. He had stayed up late watching some wrestling themed movie and the notion of it must have still been stuck in his head because the following day he'd just do some weird things. It had been a weekend and I had gone over at around noon. He'd mimick the commentators, wrestle almost anything and everything that came to sight, body slam the cushions and such things. Then he had suggested we go to his room so that I could help him tidy it up and I had led the way. It has truly been a mess, he asked me to go and help him make his bed but the second I got to it, he basically pounced on me from behind. 

I fell onto the bed with him still on top of me, and I recall scolding him as I tried to get him to let go. But then he simply held on much tighter, then he asked me to just calm down for a bit while he got some rest. I didn't know why but that's exactly what I had done. It had been a little new and strange, yet I still liked how comforting it felt and in the end I held him back. We had stayed in that same position until we both fell asleep, and afterwards I had known deep within me that it was something I'd want to do again. Over and over again.

" Austin?" 

" Mmmh?" 

I kissed him again in all my drowsiness. The sleep in my eyes making everything feel all the more sensual. And without saying a word, I tugged as his shirt, my eyes still closed because sleep was wearing me down. He let go of me, and I felt him as he sat up and took off his shirt. I did the same, but we had done the exact same thing last time and that yearning for more had still been there. It truly was frustrating. It's how you'd feel when you got thirsty and drank water but it didn't really help you out. If anything the thirst doubled in on itself until you felt as if you'd pass out. That 'something more' I wanted with him always made my skin burn. And it made me feel as if him touching me wad the only cure, but when he did the sweet burning sensation only increased. But I couldn't ask him to stop because in my conscience I knew that his touch was also the cure. He went to lie back down but I placed my hand on his back and gazed at him from underneath his lashes. Had we never been friends in the first place I was certain we would have never talked. There was no way I would have ever approached someone like him. Our differences outshine our similarities. He would have been the daring kid who I secretly thought was attractive but didn't really want much to do with. But now that we were as close as we actually were, just picturing myself without him was impossible. I let my eyes fall to his chest, to that tattoo that only made me love him more. I reached out and traced my fingers lightly over the words. 

' What's unseen isn't non-existent..' I read the words over in my head, then I looked at him an sighed. 

" I miss her, " I confessed. When we left, I had felt as if I was leaving behind the two most important individuals in my life. For months after, every little things would remind me of them. And the fact that my mom was so different from his only made matters worse. There were no more fun outings with his parents, no more home cooked meals made exclusively for me. Basically no more love.  

I had had to adapt and fit into this new world that was just blank and devoid of any sort of parental affection. 

" She was something else, " he stated in a low voice, his eyes betraying his pain. I nodded and said that she was, then I chose to change the topic because I wasn't in the mood to feel all sad, I just wanted to feel him against me, with as much skin contact as possible. 

I placed my hand on his thigh, his eyes following the movement with keenness and in-depth feeling. I didn't know how to ask him to take the jeans off without using words, so I just moved a bit closer and sat back on my heels next to him before I gently pulled the zipper down.

" Kyle?" His brows shot up, assumptions of what I possibly wanted to do running through his mind. 

" I just need it to be enough for once. "

" And how are you suggesting we achieve that?" 

I was about to tell him that all I needed was for him to hold me the same way he would. Then he sat up on his knees and locked his fingers together behind my neck, I felt them as they slightly dug into my hair. With that one simple look he was managing to chase away my sleep, but I wanted to retain it. That way I'd be able to rest for a while and exhaustion wouldn't be a problem anymore. But then.....it was Austin. 

That one phrase would be my justification for a lot of things. If I reminded myself of that simple fact, everything else seemed to make perfect sense. He let his eyes fall down and pulled my drawstrings teasingly, but my body didn't take well to such jokes, I tensed, in a good way though. 

It was the kind of tension that I liked, it was a little thrilling and dangerous. It made me anticipate anything and prepare myself. 

He kissed my neck, then the sensitive part where it connected to my shoulder. I watched him, how he kept his eyes on mine as he traced kisses down my chest. And when he sucked my nipple into his mouth I knew I wanted more. I also knew there would be no denying him. 

" On a scale of one to ten, how sleepy are you?" 

He used a gentle hand to push me back against onto the mattress, then he leveled himself above me. A sly look in his face which made it clear he had been thinking of such a scenario a number of times and now that he had it there was no way he was going to let it go. 

" Do I look sleepy to you?" I shot back. I did actually, I was pretty sure my eyes were red and I looked as if I was about to doze off. But if I were asked to pick between sleep and Austin then I was going to condemn sleep to hell. He smiled his signature wicked smile, that little tilt of his lips accompanied by that dark glint in his eyes. He seemed like a deadly and gorgeous villain and I was that one character that was undeniably swayed by his charm and aura. 

" Does this make you nervous?" He asked. I could tell it was a genuine question which demanded a genuine response. And so I took a moment to think about it, and I was able to realize that although that odd feeling of it being something new was present, I wasn't really nervous. It was more of curiosity... eagerness. So I shook my head, his response was his hand on my length, his eyes fixed on mine. I flattered lashes closed and parted my lips, feeling my arousal as it rose to new heights. 

" Open your eyes Kyle," 

His voice was soft, just as affection as his hand. I did as asked, but then he began that leisurely stroking and I was unable to do as asked. I closed my eyes again, feeling him. My hands on his shoulder, my mind wondering why he was still half dressed. Then as if he could hear my thoughts, he got off the bed and took off whatever remained of his clothes. It didn't matter whether I told myself not to look, the compulsion was too great for me to fight. In the past, there had been moments where I had wondered about such things. How he'd look like when we removed the constraints and obstructions termed as clothing. Those had been the random thoughts that had left me wondering what was wrong with me and why I was thinking of such things. But now it seemed fine, I could think about them, I could answer those questions because he was currently standing in front of me completely bare for my eyes to take in. And Austin's confidence might have just been the most attractive thing about him. 

I knew I was staring, at his face, that dangerous grey of his eyes, at his chest, his shoulders....him. 

That most intimate part of him which made my insides flare up in uncontrollable heat. I fisted my hands into the covers, then I looked away and licked my lips. I felt him as he got onto the bed once more, then he hooked his fingers into my own clothes and slid them off in one swift move. 

" You can always ask me to stop, you know that right?" 

I nodded. Hoping that I wouldn't have a reason to do that. And for the first time I wished that my mom would sleep till noon.

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