
Chapter 110

" What? You're not gonna talk to me now?" 

I knew I wasn't in a position to be asking him that, I was the one at fault, but so was he. What had he been thinking just texting that guy like that? The only reason I had done what I did was because I considered our relationship precious and I wasn't going to stand by and let some conniving blonde haired stranger attempt to snatch Kyle from me. Even if I knew he was never going to succeed. Kyle leaned back against the car seat and covered his face with both hands. I heard him exhale deeply, then he uncovered his face and turned to me. His expression made it clear that he really was tired of that specific argument and he wanted it to end completely. 

" What you did was unnecessary, "

" I beg to differ. "

" Jesus! You know what? Keep the fucking phone. Jonathan from my Physics class was borrowing a textbook, pretty sure that's suspicious!" He said before attempting to get out of the car. I grabbed his hood and pulled him back, keeping him in place because there was no way I was going to let him get mad at me over something like that. He was somewhere on a bridge between getting mad and just not caring anymore. Like when I used to mess with him too much, and he'd give up trying to get me to stop. He'd get frustrated and want to shout at me but his other side just felt like letting me do whatever the hell I wanted. I didn't like any of those sides of him to be honest. 

" What did you expect me to do?" I asked in a failed attempt to defend myself. He turned to me and frowned, looking completely speechless. 

" You stole my phone and went through it....deleted stuff without my permission. Austin, that's just messed up!"

" I know it is, but I couldn't help it. I just really don't want you talking to that guy. "

" We've been over this--"

" But you still went ahead and talked to him. It might sound silly but things like that bother me, I just can't get them out of here!" I tapped my temple to indicate my head. And it was nothing but true, that's just how my mind worked. I wouldn't have been at ease until I made sure all ties with that guy were cut off. And even after deleting everything about him, I still didn't feel satisfied enough. He still knew where Kyle worked and would most likely go over there even though I had warned him against doing so. 

" But I'm sorry about the phone, that wasn't cool, " I apologized. Realizing I had actually gone a bit too far with that. I still didn't regret it though, I was just feeling awful for making Kyle upset. He had freely given me his password like two days before without any reservations. But that's just because I had wanted to check something on the internet and my phone had died, but I suppose I had taken advantage of his kindness in a way. 

He scooted closer, lazily wrapped both arms around me and rested his head on my shoulder. 

" Why do you make me go through all these things?" He asked. 

I didn't reply because it sounded like a rhetorical question. He then huffed out a breath and sat up. 

" Okay, I forgive you. But you can never do something like that again, "

" I love you, "

" Nope, promise me first!" 

He knew me too well. That was going to be hard, but I still promised him because it was the only way to get him to stop being so upset. He took his phone from me, gave me a quick but affectionate kiss and asked if he could finally get out of the vehicle. Reminding me that I still had to do a few practice rounds. 

Miles was coming back down when we got out, he asked me whether I was good to get started and I told him I was. He told me everything he had gathered while walking around, the areas that were more steep and the ones that required me to take fast sharp corners. 

" And there are a lot of rocks over there so be careful, " he cautioned while pointing out the spot. I preserved all the information in my head and walked towards the bike. 

" Thought you said something about safety gear, " Kyle casually pointed out before I made it there. I really never liked wearing those things and had only brought them along because of him. I tried to reason out that it was only a practice round, but the look he gave me had me walking over to the truck and retrieving the gear without another complaint. I wore some knee and elbow pads, it was the best he was going to get, and after putting on my helmet, I got on the bike and waited for Mile's cue. 

It was definitely different from what I was used to. The first round wasn't at all satisfactory and I actually began to fear that I wouldn't perform as well as I was used to. But then a few rounds later I got better. I kept on practicing until an entire hour passed and another truck appeared. 

Two bikes were on the back. I recognized it instantly. It was Trick's. He had come along with another racer called Brian, as well as his girlfriend Rachel. June was with them as well. 

" You sneaky little bastard! Don't tell me you guys camped here, " Trick joked when they got to where the three of us were standing. I was still on my bike, my arm wrapped around Kyle's waist because I knew keeping him close would enable him to see that I was okay, he really didn't like the idea of me going up that mountain against nine other people. 

" Hey guys! " June excitedly greeted us. Wearing a short tennis skirt and a pink t-shirt which she had tied up into a crop top. Everyone said hi to each other and she, as usual, went straight to Miles and gave him a really big hug. Like they hadn't see each other in ages when they'd just been together a few days ago. 

" Oh, I like this!" Miles commented, complementing the pigtails on June's head, he grabbed both with each hand and gently used them to pull her to him. 

" Really?" She asked, her tone seeking validation. 

" Yeah, you look cute, "

I could tell Miles was just being Miles, but June got all flushed and slightly hung her head, then she looked up and kissed him. She had to get on her tippy toes for once.

" No heels today?" I asked her afterwards. It was literally the first time I had seen her in anything but high heels. She shrugged and looked down at her feet. 

" I'm not breaking my legs on a fucking mountain for the sake of some additional inches. "

" Don't let her fool you, she has like two pairs in the truck, " Rachel told me and I chuckled and shook my head, not even surprised. 

" Heard you took it home last week, ready to lose today?" Brian challenged. He was one of those people who were obsessed with working out, so he looked like he was around twenty five when in real sense he was only nineteen. But he was pretty good competition. 

" I suppose we just have to wait and see, don't we?"

He laughed, then his eyes fell to Kyle, and to the arm I had around him. His eyes narrowed and he turned to me with a curious look. But I just plainly stared back, and when I didn't say anything to satisfy his curiosity, he smiled to himself and crossed his arms. 

" He's quite an eye piece, what's he doing with a loser like you?" He joked. Kyle moved closer, placing his hand on my shoulder and feeling a little uncomfortable because he did not like to be the topic of conversation. He never had. 

" Keep staring at him like that and I'll gorge your eyes out, " I told Brian. It was a joke...kind of. I mean, he was as straight as a straight person could be, but I hated it even when people joked about such things and involved Kyle in it. That's just how protective of him I was and I couldn't handle it. 

Everyone else began making a huge and exaggerated deal of my comment, trying to tease me about it and all, but I wasn't affected because I knew there were actual chances of me doing something unthought of just to keep ahold of Kyle. 

Brian and Trick eventually began doing some rounds as well, and as the time passed, more people arrived. Like, a lot more. 

I hadn't expected such a huge crowd to show up,but there were people literally building tents at the foot of the mountain, and others were pulling out chairs from vehicles and setting up some outdoor grills. It was starting to feel like some sort of festival. I noted that all seven of the remaining participants had arrived. Kyle wouldn't leave my side and I was quite happy about that. 

" I hope it's not too much, if you feel overwhelmed just tell me, " I said to him because I knew him better than anyone. He assured me it was okay, but it was really sunny and hot out there and he was clearly not comfortable. 

" Come on, Miles has sunscreen in the truck, I'll apply some on you. " 

I held his hand and began leading him to the parked car. Only to be stopped by one of the racers. The one I had been planning on avoiding entirely. I suppose he was to me what that little girl at school was to Kyle. 

A complete bother! 

" Chase, " I acknowledged him when he stepped in our way. 

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