
Chapter 40

" I'm not a child! So how about you wait for your little wife to give birth and you can have someone else to control. "

Okay, I normally wasn't the type of person to regret my words, but that might have been the first time I actually did. And the burning look he gave me confirmed that I had taken things a bit too far. 

He wanted to hit me,there was no denying that. But he managed to control himself and stuck to the fierce and intimidating look. 

" What on earth have you turned into?" 

That ticking rage. He wasn't shouting when he asked me that. He kept his tone even, disappointment shining through every syllable he uttered. Then he shook his head and took a step back, his body language implied he didn't want to spend another second near me because he feared he might do something he'd regret. 

" I've changed my mind, " he said afterwards, looking around my room and tucking a hand into his pocket. He didn't want to look me in the eye because his anger would rise once again. And I said nothing because my words often betrayed me and despite my inner regret I would most likely just end up saying something worse. 

" Make it seven, every night starting tomorrow. " 

" You can't do that!" 

" I already have. "

I shook my head and stepped forward forward until we were face to face. My eyes dug into his with the seething rage on clear display. 

" Want me to make it six?" He challenged. He seemed to be enjoying the entire situation and that only made things worse. When he used that tone I forgot that he was my father and all the respect I had for him disappeared. I wondered when we'd be able to make it through a week without arguing. It would probably never happen, especially now that he was trying to imprison me in his pretty wife's stupid mansion. 

" Oh, you think you can just tell me what to do and I'll do it?" I chuckled humorlessly and hang my head. " Let's see how that goes. " I added before walking around him with the intention of leaving. It was my life's goal to defy him. But that was only because he always found ways to make my life a lot harder and there was no way I'd put up with any of it. 

" Forgetting something?" He suddenly asked when I got to the door. I stopped, then I glanced at him over my shoulder and found him holding up my bike keys in his hand. I immediately let go of the knob and turned around. That was taking things too far. He knew how attached I was to that bike and if he dared to take it away then I wasn't going to be in control of how I chose to react. 

" Give those back. " My tone was low, my eyes were fixed on the keys. He gave me a look before he put them in his pocket and crossed his arms. 

" I'll give them back tomorrow, you'll go to school, then you'll come back here immediately after and do your homework--"

" Give them-"I cut in but he put his finger up and shushed me, shaking his head in a silent warning. 

" Come back later than seven and the bike is gone. And don't think I won't find out simply because I won't be around. "

When he said that I thought about Khloe. And the hate for her which had died down rose back to life. She would certainly be the one to tell on me, because who else was there? 

" Now study, your grades are bad enough as they are!" 

" I don't care about the stupid grades! " I shouted when he attempted to walk out. That conversation wasn't going to end there. 

" You'd better start then. If you fail your next test you'll have to survive without your phone. "

" What the actual fuck is wrong with you?!"

I must have been such a temperamental son throughout the years because none of what I said seemed to faze him much anymore. He'd act a bit shocked but there was no other reaction. He was used to it, and he was trying to get out of there as fast as he could because he knew better than anyone that staying was only going to make the situation much worse. I was starting to turn hostile, it was wrong but that dark voice in my head was asking me why I was still standing there instead of storming out and leaving. Or I could just let the situation turn physical. 

So What if he was my dad? 

He didn't act like he was. 

" Just grow up already Austin, I don't have the time to argue with a spoilt teenager. "

" Give me back my keys and you won't have to worry about that!"

He neither did nor said anything. He just walked over to the door, opened it, then he asked me to get to my books before he walked out. 

That entire argument had been baseless. There were a thousand different ways he could have told me all those things without having to turk it into an a fight. But he seemed to enjoy bickering with me too much. 

I knew he wasn't joking about anything he said. And even though part of me still wanted to leave the house, I couldn't. And I wouldn't be able to go meet up with Miles because he had my bike keys and wouldn't be giving them back until the following day. The rebellious part of me usually won and took over in suck situations. A month earlier I wouldn't have been standing there after what had just gone down. But this time I felt as if I had someone to think of. I wasn't going to either study or do my homework, but for one night I decided to not act out. I took off the shoes I had just put on. Then I did the same with my jacket before I threw myself face first onto the bed. I stalled for a while before texting Miles and telling him I wouldn't be able to make it. I didn't give him any other details because it wasn't my obligation to do so. Closing my eyes, I wondered what I would do. 

That was the only day I was going to do as he wanted. From the following day he'd have to get used to both yelling and feeling disappointed because those were the two emotions I excelled in making people feel most of the time.

I also knew that if I stayed up thinking about that entire situation I'd not get any sleep and I'd only end up angrier than I current was. 

That wasn't going to be fun for anyone.

It was still pretty early, and despite how hard I tried I couldn't make the anger simmer down even a bit. So I decided to just go to sleep and handle everything the following day. I wasn't myself when angry. 


I angrily parked my bike and stalled before getting off. Letting the helmet stay on because it had always provided me with a unique sort of safety. Knowing I could look at people but they couldn't do the same with me was the best feeling. But that morning I couldn't enjoy it. 

My father had apparently not been satisfied with our little quarrel the previous night because he had started it up that morning as well. What had he been thinking, storming into my room at six to wake me up for school. Ensuring I left early and that reminding me of our previous discussion over and over.

I had snapped. 

It had been inevitable and even he had seen it coming. I may or may not have called him a controlling and selfish bastard. Something instill didn't regret. And in return he had tried to take my bike away with zero success. And I had rode off, hearing him yell over and over. Saying that we weren't done talking and that I was going to have to learn how to act like a sane human being. 

I was almost positive he'd be waiting for me when I got back home. 

Fuck his seven o'clock curfew! I'd be going back when I felt like it. 

I finally got off the bike, and after securing it in place I looked around in hopes of spotting Miles. But then I realized I wasn't in the mood to talk to anyone so I stopped and just started heading for the bleachers. I wanted to be alone so that I could cool off before the lessons began. Otherwise I'd be in that mood throughout the day and it wasn't going to he any fun. 

" Whoa! Slow down there. " Kyle's voice suddenly said. I stopped immediately, turning towards the source. Then I found him standing a few feet away. Talking to that boy he was always with, his arms crossed and a hoody covering his head. Plus he wasn't even carrying his bag so unless you knew for certain it was him, it would have been difficult to figure out from a distance.

I sighed. 

Deep down I knew that if we need up talking, I'd definitely do or say something I'd regret. I knew what I was doing and why I was searching for a quiet place to blow off some steam. 

" Morning, " I greeted him briefly, not looking him in the eye because they were like magnets, always trying to pull me in. And before I felt guilty and changed my mind, I kept on walking with the bleachers in mind. 

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