

The view entranced Ewelina… delighted to hear the man say how much trouble the desire of her flesh invoked… and so… mischievous and hopeful in her desire, her hands stroked the man. Going back up to passionately pull him by the thick of his neck, whispering temptation as she wanted to resume more of their intense kisses.

"Aslak… take me to our chambers… or here... I might as well let you take me, my dear…"

An already anticipating leg raised underneath a long skirt, supporting its foot on the wall behind her. While the woman fought its naughty wish to surround the man's leg to bring him even closer.

Aslak's surprise at the brazen enticement solely allowed him to immerse further in the kiss she commenced. Looming over the woman unconsciously… letting both slide down the wall as he wanted to enjoy the sweetness of a lustful Ewelina.

"huff… mh woman… right here?"

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