
ch 1 death

On a hot summer day I, Savarod, a boy 17 years of age, was laying down in my room playing terraria. I was a few hits away from beating day time Empress of light in my summoner play-through when out of nowhere I hear a banging at the door. I pause my game to see who it is but before I could get there my 11 year old sister rushes to the door thinking that it's my mother."Ask who it is first" I say to deaf ears as she foolishly opens the door without confirming who the other party is.

It was my mother, but I was still annoyed as I have told her time and time again not to just open the door without asking who it is first. My mother asked for me to help her carry some things upstairs for her, so I go down to do so and as I'm walking to the car, I hear a loud bang, and then everything goes black. I "wake up" to a completely white space floating aimlessly with nothing in sight, I look around, or at least, I think I do and try to figure out what's going on. 'Ok, so I'm either on drugs, have gone crazy, or am dead. I don't do drugs, nor do I know where to find any, so that's definitely not it. I have been in my head a lot recently, but not to the point of appearing somewhere else to this realistic of an affect, so being insane isn't it either. As for death. I did hear that loud bang before appearing here didn't I. Was I shot? and it was an instant death too?'

'How?! I've seen plenty of people get shot in the head before, and a few of them survived, and even the ones that didn't at least died in an ambulance how did I die right away?! Where is my body, and why am I not freaking out as much as I should be, is it because of this white room? You know what, I'm rolling with that, now lets see if I can't find some kind of exit.'

After a while of nothing, He instead decides to see what he's able to do with this new "body" of his. 'I can look all around myself like I'm looking at myself through some kind of camera on me which is neat. Wait, am I a soul? like in those reincarnation novels? If so then maybe I'm reincarnating too, cool! I hope it's a fantasy world, it would suck to be smacked into a zombie apocalypse or a kingdom building world, I'm too stupid to be able to survive in those. Wait if its a fantasy world, then a big part of the late game for those is almost always the soul, like strengthening or attacking it if so then maybe I can do that too and do it here, but how?

He tries to get a feeling of his body and move, but is unsuccessful in doing so. So he then tries to think of his body moving, to no results once again, after an unknown, but long amount of time he manages to get a small part of him to bulge out just a little. 'Hey it worked, huh? what the, is this, fatigue? I didn't even think that I could feel that without a body. I'll just wait a bit before continuing.

An unknown amount of time later, we can see a small flame with multiple dents and bulges, it will sometimes cave in one protrusion and poke out another. After some more time, still unknown but definitely much longer than the others, we see the flame has grown in size a bit and is constantly changing in size and shape. Sometimes its sharp, sometimes round, sometimes fire like, sometimes water like, sometimes one, sometimes many. 'Sigh, this is fun and all but with this being my only source of entertainment it's gotten pretty bland.'

Just as he had that thought, he felt a suction force and was suddenly dragged into and unknown space, instead of pure white it was instead pitch black. BEEP BEEP BEEP ' ugh, turn that alarm off. Hold on, I don't have an alarm, wait an alarm?

He jolts awake, only to find that he was in a completely different room that what he's used to. He was in a room painted red, he hated red. He then decides to get out of his bed, only to realize how much harder it is to do so than normal, 'huh?' curious he runs to the mirror in the corner of his room and sees that he looks just like he did when he was about 9-10 years old.

'Huh, that's ne-' "OW" suddenly, a flood of new memories pours into his brain, causing a massive headache. He sees that he was born in a planet also called earth but with a major difference, that being that children on the last day of 5th grade get to awaken their beast taming space and ability, which will aid them in beast taming and fighting. Along with the opportunity to pick out their first beast egg which for some, aids them for the rest of their lives, no matter how short or long that life may be. And for Savarod here, the end of fifth grade, is today.

First time trying to write a novel to completion, I've tried to write one casually once but stopped after the first chapter. I'm not asking you to be kind but do want you to send actual criticism and tips instead of just insulting the novel. Thanks for reading.

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