
Deal with a god

POV. Varyx

Varyx stayed on one knee as he was been reprimanded by his superiors.

"Admiral Varyx, not only have you lost the newest model of the Coratian mothership, one that contained one of the rare Geocore crystals we obtained. You have also deserted your post as Fleet commander and allowed the loss of 4 other Coratian motherships in an unsupervised mission." the voice remained calm with an underlay of anger.

The Geocore crystals were something the Coratian empire had recently found in the outskirts of their territory. It was found within a planet stripped of all its geothermal energy and left hollow. They weren't sure if it was a natural occuring process, but the geocore crystal was capable of storing an enormous amount of energy without spillage and the material was more durable than anything they had synthesized or discovered.

The voice persisted, "Do you have anything to say for yourself?" It belonged to Grand Imperator Xal'zor, one of the highest-ranking military authorities in the Coratian Empire

Varyx remained kneeling, his head bowed in deference to his superiors. The weight of his failures pressed heavily upon him, but beneath that weight, a fire of determination still burned.

"Grand Imperator, I deeply regret the losses and the consequences of my actions," Varyx began, his voice steady, "I had underestimated the power of the enemy we faced. The intelligence we received failed to capture the true extent of their capabilities."

Grand Imperator Xal'zor's gaze remained fixed on Varyx, unyielding and cold. "Underestimation is not an excuse, Admiral. As a Fleet Commander, it is your duty to adapt and overcome, no matter the circumstances. You have not only failed in your mission but also jeopardized the security of our empire."

Varyx looked up at the Grand Imperator and spoke, "I understand Grand Imperator, but the being in question is closer in power to a god than any foe we've ever met. I believe there's a way to manipulate the situation to our benefit." Varyx continued, his voice steady and confident.

"Enough Varyx. From now on, that solar system will become restricted, we cannot afford to split our resources for a plan that might not succeed. For your efforts throughout the centuries, you will not be executed. But you will be demoted and sent to the frontlines against the Kryllax. " Xal'zor spoke with an unquestionable tone.

The Kryllax were the civilization the Coratian Empire was currently battling against, they also occupied a substantial portion of this part of the galaxy. The battle itself has raged on for thousands of years now before Varyx was even born. 

Varyx clenched his fists, feeling a mixture of relief, anger and frustration. "As you command, Grand Imperator."

" Your demotion will be announced shortly. You are dismissed." 

Varyx stood up and left the room, his mind racing. Unsatisfied with the result of the battle and determined to redeem himself, he began formulating a daring plan. He knew it would be risky and that failure would mean his death, but the reward for success was too enticing.

With determination, Varyx headed for his personalized spaceship and sped to the Science Guild that held the other god seeds that were previously captured. Fortunately it was within the same solar system.

Varyx's ship cut through space, the familiar hum of the engines doing little to calm his racing thoughts. As he approached the Science Guild's facilities, he knew he was about to cross a line from which there would be no return.

Landing his ship with practiced ease, Varyx strode towards the Guild's main building with a pair of his arms behind him and the other pair moving in tandem with his strides . His uniform, still bearing the insignia of his former rank, granted him swift access. He knew he had to act quickly before news of his demotion spread.

Upon reaching the secure vault where the god seeds were kept, Varyx was met by Zyra, the lead researcher on the project.

"Admiral Varyx," she greeted him, surprise evident in her tone. "We weren't expecting you. What brings you to our facility?"

Varyx didn't bother with theatrics and said, "Zyra, I require access to the god seeds immediately. It's a matter of utmost importance for the Empire's security."

Zyra's black beady eyes narrowed with suspicion. "I'm afraid I can't authorize that without proper clearance, Admiral. These creatures are extremely dangerous and-"

" I am not asking Zyra. Hand them over now." Varyx demanded.

Zyra hesitated, her gaze shifting from Varyx to the vault behind her. " Yes, Admiral."

As Zyra input the access codes for the vault, Varyx remained alert, his four arms tensed and ready for action. The vault doors hissed open, revealing the containment units holding the god seeds. They only had four god seeds in possesion, but that will have to do. 

"Zyra, I need you to prepare these seeds for immediate transport," Varyx commanded, his voice steady despite the urgency growing within him.

Zyra moved to comply, her movements swift and precise. She attached the necessary stabilizers to each containment unit, to ensure the god seeds do not awaken.

Varyx swiftly transported the god seeds into his spaceship. With the god seeds securely on board, Varyx initiated the launch sequence and departed the Science Guild's facility. He quickly broke through the atmosphere of the planet and started the space jump sequence.

In the blink of an eye, the familiar constellations of Coratian space vanished. As the space jump completerd, He found himself gazing in a place no Coratian had stepped into for the last millennium- A solar system occupied by a god.

For the past millennium, even if it was considered as part of the territory of the Coratians. No one was allowed to approach this part of space due to the powerful entity that resided there. Varyx wasn't even sure the god would have an interest in the god seeds, in truth this whole endeavor was a gamble.

As he entered the solar system, Varyx ship notified him of the planet that had life within it. He didnt dare to approach. Instead, he maneuvered his vessel towards a dense field of asteroids, seeking temporary shelter and a moment to gather his thoughts.

Varyx rose from his seat and left the cockpit, heading towards the ship's secure chamber where the god seeds were stored. As the chamber door slid open, he froze in his tracks. There, standing before the containment units housing the god seeds, was a figure silently observing them. Varyx couldn't tell who or what it was, but it appeared unaware of his presence. If it had noticed him, it showed no signs of alarm.

Reaching for a nearby weapon Varyx spoke, "Who are you?" he demanded, his voice echoing through the chamber.

The figure didn't reply immediately, standing in contemplative silence. Then, Varyx heard a voice, not with his ears but resonating directly within his mind: "Where did you find these?"

It was a strange and unsettling experience. Regardless, summoning his resolve, Varyx straightened up, his four arms at the ready. "You didn't answer my question. Who are you?"

"I find it hard to believe you entered my domain without knowing who I am," the being said, turning slowly to face Varyx. As it did, its full appearance was revealed: two imposing horns curved out from the sides of its head, its height nearly matching Varyx's, perhaps even slightly taller. Its legs ended in hooves, and its skin was a deep, dark purple. The most striking feature, however, were its eyes—dimly glowing orbs where colors swirled and clashed, each vying for dominance in a mesmerizing, chaotic dance.

"You're one of them, aren't you? A god." Varyx queried

" I suppose. You have yet to answer me Coratian, where did you find these." the being spoke as he gestured to the god seeds.

Varyx responded without hesitation, "One of our commanders discovered them at the edge of our territory. We quietly captured a few, though there were nearly a thousand where they were found."

A small smile appeared on the god's lips. "A thousand, you say."

Varyx noted the god's interest and quickly continued, "Yes," he replied, his tone measured. "I would like to propose a deal to you."

The god's expression shifted to one of curiosity. "A deal, you say? What could a mortal like you possibly offer me?"

Varyx remained resolute. "Among the god seeds, there is a being that coexists with them. Its power far surpasses what the Coratian Empire can contend with. If you promise to procure its blood—or, even better, its corpse—for us, I will reveal the location of the god seeds to you."

The god chuckled, a hint of amusement in its voice. "God seeds? Is that what you call them? It's not entirely inaccurate, I suppose. But your offer is of little value to me. If I desired, I could extract the information I want directly from your mind."

"Even if you were to do that, the being I spoke off won't let you get the god seeds." Varyx argued

The god had a smirk plastered on it's face, " And why should I believe that this being could pose any real threat to me?"

"There are not many beings known to the Coratian empire capable of single-handedly stopping a full-scale fleet invasion. You gods are one of them, and the other is the entity I'm referring to. Whether it can match your power, I can't say for sure—but it won't be defeated easily." Varyx explained.

The god pondered for half a second, having spent the last few thousand years in isolation on that primitive planet. Boredom had long since become his constant companion, and the idea of a challenge intrigued him. 

"Very well, Coratian," the god declared, its voice echoing with an ancient power. "Provide me with the location of the god seeds, and I shall deliver the corpse of this said being to you."

Noticing the Coratian's rising anticipation, the god smirked and added, "All on the condition, that every civilization the Coratian Empire subjugates from this day forward will worship my name, Radae the Benevolent."

Varyx was momentarily taken aback, his thoughts scrambling. "Radae, I don't—"

He faltered under the weight of the god's intense gaze, quickly amending his words. "Radae the Benevolent, I regret to say that I lack the authority to make such promises. However I can promise any planet I personally subjugate onward will worship your name. "

Radae turned his back on Varyx and lifted his hand towards the god seeds. From Radae's perspective, it seemed as if a shard of divine brilliance detached from the body of the god seeds and flowed into his palm. To Varyx, however, it appeared as though the god simply raised his hand and the god seeds began to crumble into dust.

Radae didn't expect much divine energy to come out of planets that he didnt personally oversee. But regardless, the extra supply of divine energy is never not appreciated. He was also curious of why these 'god seeds' were so weak, they had little to no divine energy within them. Regardless the chance of getting a divine shard with such little resistance is too good to pass up.

"Congratulations, Coratian. You've just brokered a deal with a god. Do beware though, the consequences for breaking a promise to a god are most severe. " Radae cautioned.

He continued, " Now, surrender the location of the 'god seeds'. "

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