
Mecha acquired

After having breakfast, I went to the world of Code Geass once again. Asuna also came with me, as I didn't want her to go to Terraria alone, and she didn't want to stay alone in the shop.

There Lelouch was already present, who gave us masks to hide our face and then guided us outside. With the Sunglasses we two were already wearing, combined with the face mask, it would be hard to identify us.

Once outside, we saw a car already waiting for us, with CC as the driver. CC then took us to a warehouse in the Ghetto area, where all the Japanese, or Elevens, as they are called here, live.

After the car stopped, Lelouch, or more appropriately, Zero got out of the car. He got dressed in his Zero costume on the way here. He then led us inside.

Once Inside, I could see the few Knightmare Frames that Black Knights had. It was only 5 Sutherlands, which was pretty disappointing sight to look at.

But it's just the start of the series. They will soon have tons of better mechs, and I am gonna get a duplicate of every Knighmare I like. Infact, I am gonna create a Mech Room in my shop, and it's gonna be pretty amazing.

I can already envision the glorious future where there's a room in my shop full of hundreds of Mechs, from every Mecha anime ever. Not only anime, any movie or TV where there are giant robots. It's gonna be glorious. But for now, these ones will do just fine.

Seeing Zero, everyone inside stopped what they were doing and gathered in front of him. Zero talked to them about something, which I wouldn't have heard normally, but after Cultivation, even my hearing has been enhanced, along with everything else.

My vision increased from like 720p to 1080p. It's been a pretty big upgrade. Though it will probably become even better, 4k, 8k, 16k. I don't know how I will see everything in the near future.

My hearing range has increased and so I could hear Zero talking about how I am a new Member of Black Knights and I need a Sutherland for some experiments. A pretty decent excuse, but he could have done better. Maybe being too happy slows down the brain?

His excuse would have been fine with anyone else. Most people wouldn't even question it, as they got the Knightmares because of him in the first place. But not Tamaki. That dude has to pick a fight with everything. He will fight a bird in a gladiator arena because it shat on top his head. Dude isn't mentally stable.

"Why do you need to give him a Knightmare? We only have 5! If he wants to do any weird experiments, he can do it here." Shouted Tamaki.

"I said he needs one, and that's final. We will get more Knightmares in the future. There already has been a few messages of support, 2 of which even want to offer a Knightmare. Losing one right now isn't of much significance." Zero tried to convince the dude, but he obviously won't accept it so easily. Annoying bastard.

"But what has this Bastard done that he gets a Knightmare? And on top of that, they are covering their faces. How can we trust them? What have they done? If they want something, they have to show their faces. Otherwise how would we know if they aren't some Britannian bastards?" Screamed Tamaki.

The argument of those two was attracting everyone's attention, and now everyone was talking about why an unknown new member should get to take away a Knightmare.

In response, I decided to do something reckless, but fun. I walked towards one of the Knightmares, and punched it in its legs with very little force, which made the Metal Armour of the leg bend inside. It left a print of my fist in the metal.

The punch created a loud sound, which was enough to stop everyone from talking anymore, and gawk at the sight. It also made Tamaki stop screaming, which finally brought some peace to the warehouse.

"Now that I have all of your attention, I will kindly request you all to shut the fuck up. And no need to make shitty excuses, Zero. I am a travelling merchant from India. I sold to zero something that he has wanted for most of his life, and the Knightmare is just a part of my payment." Saying that I took off my mask to show them my face. A merchant is a better excuse than a member, and it's not even a lie.

"But is this really fair? How can Zero just give away Knightmares when we are already so low on them? Shouldn't he first ask the other members?" Asked a new voice. A voice of a very annoying person, whom I have wanted to slap to death ever since I completed watching Code Geass. Kaname Ohgi.

"You all got these Knightmares because of Zero in the first place." I retorted. "He has every right to trade these Knightmares for something else he wants. Without him, all you had was a useless Glassgow Knightmare."

"But we...." Ohgi was trying to say something, but I cut him off loudly.

"And really, what kind of opinion would you give? I honestly wouldn't ever trust your opinion. It was your Idea that lead to the Massacre of the Innocent people in the Shinjuku Ghetto. It was Clovis' fault for giving the order, the soldiers fault for carrying out the Massacre, and your fault for leading to such a situation. If you hadn't had the bright idea of stealing a top secret container from the military, maybe the innocent people of the Shinjuku Ghetto would have been alive." I lashed out at Ohgi venomously. Hearing me Ohgi flinched back. The others were also shocked at my words.

I might have forgotten a lot of the story since it's been a long time, but I haven't forgotten my hatred for this badtard. I hate him the most out of all the characters of Code Geass. He even is in my list of the top 100 worst characters in existence.

"We didn't know what the container had. And we also didn't expect Prince Clovis to do such a thing..." Ohgi tried to reason.

"Oh? And didn't you already know that the container was something important to Clovis? You stole it because it was supposed to be something important, despite having weaker fighting power. Only a single Glassgow. And so what did you do? Hide in the Ghetto when they were chasing you. You made the Ghetto people your meat shield, willingly."

Everyone looked taken back at my words. "That's not what we wanted to do, you Bastard!" Screamed Tamaki once again, unable to shut up for long. He tried to run at me to attack me, forgetting so quickly what I did to thick metal armour of a Knightmare just a few minutes before. But Ohgi held him back. "Believe me, that wasn't our intention. We never thought they would go that far." Ohgi said.

"Your intention doesn't matter. What matters is the result. And the results isn't something pretty to look at. Now could you load a Knightmare in a truck or something? I don't have much time to spend here ." I requested politely after insulting him soo much.

I don't have any good opinion about Ohgi. He acted kind for most of the series, only to be the most eager to betray his leader. He betrayed his leader, who led them to multiple victories, because of Britannian booty and a simple promise from another Britannian prince.

He was so willing to believe every word coming out of A Britannian prince, One known as Cold Blooded Strategist, Schneizel El Britannia . I couldn't believe myself watching that episode. How could Ohgi be so dumb? How could all of Black Knights be so dumb, that they are more willing to believe the words of A Britannian Prince and another Britannian soldier, over their leader.

A Britannia prince who has slaughtered countless people without any regret. And Ohgi's Crush, Villetta Nu, a Britannian soldier that was willingly killing Japanese civilians at Prince Colvis' order at the start of the series. She never showed any regret about that.

And then they have the guts to think that they are the one doing justice. I honestly hated these kinds of Hypocrites the most.

"Asuna, let's go." I called out to Asuna after they were done loading the Knightmare in a truck. I honestly didn't expect things to go this way.

I guess my grudge against a fictional character was so strong that I couldn't hold myself back after seeing them after soo long. I am a pretty weird dude.

While getting in the Car, I heard a loud shout from behind. "Holy shit! That punch of his left a print of his hand in the metal. What kind of thing was that Bastard? That's not something a human can do." Well fuck you too, Tamaki. I am a human.

We four got back in the car while a Black Knight member drove the truck behind us. "Wasn't that a bit too much? Do you have a personal grudge against him or something?" Asked Lelouch when we exited the warehouse.

"I guess I did." I said. "Anyways, do you want the rest of the CDs?"

"I want them. I just didn't ask since I haven't even payed fully for the healing of my Sister." Lelouch replied.

"You can pay for them in the future, I will keep it in tab. A Knightmare for every CD. Try to not include more than two of the same type of Knighmare. I am gonna create a Room for Mechs only, and it needs variety. If you include any 7th Gen, it would count as 10 CD. And here are the CDs." Saying that I bought out the CDs from the OTC inventory and gave it to him. "That's 42 CDs right here. So 21 Different kinds of Knightmares. Be as fast as possible. I can't wait to see them all standing menacingly in my new Mech room."

"I will do it as soon as possible." Lelouch nodded at me.

"And what do I owe you? I forgot to ask about it yesterday since I was a little bit too emotional." CC asked suddenly.

"As I said yesterday, the deal was as beneficial to me as it was to you. There are a lot of worlds out there where beings can destroy the Strongest Knightmares with a fart. Your ability would help me survive encounters with these beings." I replied.

"Really? Isn't it a bit too much to say something like that?" Asked Lelouch.

Hearing that made me shake my head. "Destroying Knightmares is nothing special. There are so many people capable of destroying planets out there that it's scary to even think about. My third Customer is in fact a Planet Buster herself. She could destroy a Planet as big as Earth without much problem. And she doesn't even come close to the strongest beings in the multiverse. There are beings able to create and destroy Universes at will. It's a scary world put there."

"You are joking, right?" CC asked while sweating nervously.

"No. It's not a joke at all. The one who gave me the shop confirmed that every piece of fiction that I have read about is infact real. And I have read about a lot of Overpowered Godly Beings. Like I explained to Lelouch before, It's not that the fiction has become reality. Infact, it's that someone's story was soo great, it became a work of fiction in other worlds. So all the things you have read about are all real." I explained.

"Let's not talk about scary Universe destroying beings anymore." Asuna said softly, which made me nod at her.

"Anyways, even though my power might be of help to you, you still fulfilled my greatest wish. I cannot live peacefully without paying you back. Ask for whatever you want, and I will happily give it to you." CC said making my mind go straight to gutter.

A beauty like her saying something like that. It was a little too much for my over imaginative brain. I already had a few very lewd thoughts running inside my mind. CC lying down under me, fully naked, as she moa...

CC seemed to have sensed my thoughts as she looked at me through the rear view mirror while smiling, "What are you smiling about. Did you just imagine something lewd?"

The question made Lelouch suddenly interested in the view outside the car while Asuna gained a small blush as she got lost in her own world of imagination.

I could only cough in embarrassment as a result. "Nothing of that sort. I was just thinking about something else. Anyway, If you want to pay me back, you can just help Mr. Lulu here to gather the Knightmares that I need."

"That's it? Isn't that too little? Ask for something more. Or do you think my hundreds of years old wish is just worth a few walking tin cans?" CC asked me sharply, making me nervous.

"Ughh, I can't think of something else right now. I will tell you in the future if I ever need any help."

"Can't think of something? You looked like you were thinking about a lot of things just now." CC said with a knowing smile, making me embarrassed once again. I didn't say anything else, not willing to embarrass myself any further.

After that we kept going silently until we reached a warehouse near the school. After parking the truck inside, the Black Knight Member went back.

I bought out a key and opened a Door to my shop near the truck. After the door was created, I got back my Shop Powers, which allowed me to easily expand the door Size and bring out the Knightmare from the truck and bring it inside the shop.

After bidding them farewell, Asuna and I came back to the store once again. "Sorry that the trip was soo boring. Next time we can go on a tour throughout the city." I felt bad that Asuna only got to see me get angry and nothing else, when we went to a new world for the first time.

"It's not a problem at all. I just didn't want to stay in the shop or go kill mobs all alone. I am happy to be just with you." Asuna replied with a smile, which made my heart beat faster.

Did a cute girl just say she's happy to just be with me? My heart can't take such an attack.

"Then let's go test put the Mecha in your world." I changed the subject to calm down my heart. There's no need to be happy hearing that from a girl that got traumatized by multiple deaths. She's only thankful that I saved her. She wouldn't have said that if we met normally.

And on the subject of trauma, I was starting to get more and more worried about Asuna's mental state. She has been smiling more and more dangerously while killing mobs.

Should I buy some skill to reduce her trauma? But I don't trust mental skills that much. It might have a negative effect on her. What should I do?

"Karna, how do I get Inside this thing?" Came Asuna's voice, which brought me out of my thoughts. I will think about this later. Now it's time to Ride a Mecha.

"I also don't know how to use that thing. Let me buy a Guide for it." Saying that I ran towards her.

I bought a guide that transferred the information directly to our brains. And now we had the best theoretical knowledge about riding a Knightmare Frame. We just need to practice for some time, and we would become one of the best Knightmare pilots ever. Afterall, We both have enhanced speed and senses, which will help us in using the Knightmares more efficiently than normal humans.

I decided to be the first one to pilot the Knightmare, while Asuna watched from behind me. As soon as I started it up, I accidentally used too much force and broke the controller.....

I guess using a little bit too much strength would be a problem for both of us, but it shouldn't be that hard.

So now it's time to pay money to repair it... Ahh, I truly hate spending money.


After around twenty-five repairs done to the Knightmare, we were finally able to use it without breaking it. It was easy to not break anything at the start, but when we engaged in combat, we started breaking the control again and again.

But after a few hours, I had fully gained enough control to not break it again. I should try practicing strength control with even weaker items, it would help a lot.

Asuna also gained good enough control, but hers wasn't as good as mine, as she still lost control sometimes during battle. BLANK helped me gain control faster. But she was good enough.

Anyways, we fought as many enemies we could with the Knightmare, and we had a pretty fun time. Killing enemies with a hail of bullets, as well as kicking them like a football was amazing.

Though the decision to fight the Eye of Cthulhu with the Knightmare was pretty bad. As soon as the Eyeball started its second phase, it became too fast for the Big Robot to dodge in time, and it lost one of its hands.

When that happened, I jumped out the Knightmare and started throwing everything at the Eyeball to attract it's attention. Thankfully it worked and Asuna could take away the Knightmare to a safe distance.

The repair cost hurt my heart. My bank balance was dwindling everyday. The big fortune I gained because of that adorable Dragon loli was half gone. It's painful to see my balance decrease everyday. When will a Big customer like her come again? I need another fortune.

The only good thing that happened was that I gained the confirmation that the Eye of Cthulhu, and hopefully every other boss, can be summoned multiple times. So I started a killing spree against it, to gain a little bit of money from it's loot bags.

Asuna and I also started going after the other bosses.

We killed the Eater of Worlds, and it was a hilariously easy fight. Unlike the Game, here we have a way bigger area to dodge to, so the Useless worm couldn't even touch Us.

The loot I got from it was what made my day a thousand times better. The 'Worm Scarf' that I got from the loot was a C ranked Item. This item reduced damage recieved from any C rank and below Attack by 17 percentage. It doesn't calculate the Defence of Armour like in game, and just straight up reduces the damage by 17 percentage.

Seeing how good that accessory was, I went on a crazy hunt to Kill the Worm again and again. My day was getting better everytime I got the scarf.

Then we went after the King Slime, and my day got ruined. We weren't as prepared for the actual first Boss of the game as we thought. While fighting the slimy bastard, it suddenly teleported towards her and she couldn't fully dodge in time. I had told her about the Teleportation ability, but knowledge about it wasn't enough, as she physically wasn't fast enough to dodge. The King slime teleported way faster than the game.

She lost an arm because of that. When I heard her scream in pain, my heart stopped beating for a moment.

I ran towards her as fast as I could, picked her up and continued running. While running, I fed her a Healing Potion, which eased her pain as it calmed her down. By the time we reached a safe distance, she was unconscious.

This was basically enough to convince me to buy a new power for her. A power that will deal with her trauma as well as stop her from ever feeling so much pain.

I decided to buy a Gamer System for her. A pretty basic one, as the good ones are way too expensive.

The one I bought for her had the basic experience gain and Stat distribution. And it also had the two famous skills, Gamers Mind and Gamers Body. Though these were a little bit different from the super famous ones from Gamer.

Gamers Mind : Suppresses The Negative Emotions like Fear, Anxiety and Depression. Also suppresses past trauma.

Gamers Body : Turns the User into a Gane character. Damage recieved only reduces HP instead of causing damage on the body. Reduces Pain recieved from attacks. Turns the body into ash after death.

These two skills were perfect for her. I specifically searched through the whole OTC for an hour to find these skills. There were just too many mental skills and Gamer systems in the OTC.

Hopefully the mental skill doesn't effect her negatively. It says suppress, which shouldn't be as bad as just stopping any negative emotions from appearing.

Let's see how it goes. If it has any bad effects, I can remove it and undo any damage, with the power of Money. Afterall, I can even buy happiness with money.


AN : Reason of the late update is my sudden illness.

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