

3 hours earlier Sasha was with Madi inside the treatment ward different beds. The night was very quiet. Madi saw Sasha getting up on her bed.

"Hey, where are you going? You are supposed to be in bed"

"Iv'e had my morphines Madi, I have to take care of some business first"

"Sasha you are crazy, If the doctor finds out you are gone.."

"Relax Madi, the doctor won't be here the rest of the night"

"Do you really have to do this Sasha?"

"Relax Madi take some rest, you need your stregnth"

"I am almost healed Sasha, you were just brough in here yesterday and now you want to get up your bed?"

"Relax friend, Medicines works very fast on animals like us" Sasha opened the window and jumped through it outside. She weared a black hood on and walked away slowly. Madi was surprised.

"I am dead" Lugaina was on her way going inside the main building she bugged into Gia.

"Gia what are you doing here?"

"Doing my rounds, what about you Lugaia where are you heading?"

"Main building as you can see, I need to return the book in the library"

"Okay then I guess I will meet you later"

"Okay" Lugiana walked inside the main building all alone she walked inside the library and switched on the lights, she slowly started walking to put the book back few minutes later the lights were switched off.

"What the hell is this?" (Footsteps approaching)

"Who's there? Show your self"

"If I show my self, you will be shocked who gets to meet your eyes"

"Well Try me?" Sasha walked infront of her and took off the hood she light up a lighter Lugaina saw her.


"Yes me, shocked to see a woman supposed to be in ward standing before you?"

"Huh… you are crazy infact you cannot do anything to me here, there are cameras everywhere you will be caught you bitch"

"Well atleast I have someone inside the control room who's gotta turn them off for a while till I have my fun" Sasha snapped her fingers at the camera Lugaina saw the Camera turning off. She started laughing.

"Well what did you offer in return? Your body for this?"

"I am not a prostitutor like you, I don't just have sex with anyone while a camera is filming"

"You won't get away with this beleive me"

"You seem shocked, are you affraid Lugaina?"

"Who are you to be affraid of"

"You used to be in packs, where is your lack you lone wolf? Good things about tigers is that they hunts alone, and bad thing about tiger? Don't show up to wounded tiger" Sasha dropped a shelf of books at Lugaina she fell down. Sasha took a bat beside and started hitting her head and body. She hit her very badly as she started bleeing from her mouth and nose. She wanted to get up Sasha hit her on her knees and broke her left leg.

"I guess you will be in treatment ward for almost two weeks you bitch, this is for Madi" She wanted to hit her again but Liam showed up and held her.

"Hey hey hey enough, she had enough one more and she will die, go now, you have to go before they realise you are out of your bed" Sasha spit at Lugaina's face and ran off. Sancho was with his team all of them were there except for Lugaina she didn't showed up.

"Where the hell is Lugaina? She should be here by now"

"Last time I checked her she was going to the main compass but she will be here don't worry"

"We dodn't have time to waste, we have to start right away" Suddenly the door was opened Lugaina walked inside she was very badly hurt she had bruises on her face and wounds from both of her feets and hands nails she was bleeding and fell from Sancho's hands she fainted. They carried her and rushed her to the treatment ward but the ward was closed, One of them had to run to call tge emergency doctor, Two minutes later the dotcor showed up and opened the ward they went to put her inside and receive treatment, Sancho and the others were told to wait outside. While he was walking outside he stares at Sasha he saw her up staring at him with a smile on her face. He was shocked.

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